microland technology - rubbish

Dear King David

Congrautulations! At least you got your money back, where it came from? - does it really matter? MT didn't refund me, the bank did - still a good result in my books!! Well done you I say!!

Chill out, have a beer etc... etc.... and put the whole thing down to experience and if u, I and others can inpart some advice to others in the same situation - go for it I say! I know I would have been extremely grateful for a symathetic ear when the bank manager was looming large!!

Take care

Gabriella x
Dear Cazy

Email me at: (e-mail address removed) and I will send u through the names of company directors (obtained via Companies House) - all quite above board and legal I assure you!

Gabriella x
thx gabriella i will but my mail acounts havent worked for last 2 days, as soon as they do i will mail you. im just hoping my credit company can now sort this out asap. as for experience you are right, and will now check a company before buying again, but it would be nice to see these people suffer like they make there customers do.
Dear Cazy

It's a difficult world out there, I thought I'd really done my homework and I was bitten. That is gonna happen in life from time to time, so don't beat yourself up about it.

When you email me, I will send the details through to you.

Just make sure you record everything meticulously, keep your c/c informed and try not to worry too much.

Gabriella x
If I see one more post from you alledging that there is some illicit conspiracy between our magazine and Microland I shall immediately ban you from further access to our forum. Your allegation is outrageous, and completely unfounded, and if you had been around our forum over the past three and a half years you would know that we have a reputation for absolute impartiality where manufacturers are concerned. I will not tolerate any further posts from you in which you encourage other forum users to boycott a manufacturer - it's for each perrson tyo make up his/her mind as to which company to use .

this is an email i recieved from PC ADVIORS'S forum editor today, it seems we can not voice an opinion when a company wants to rip us off. how can the consumer make his/her mind up when we cant speak of our expierence with rogue companys???. i saw microland in a magazine with great product reveiws, so i decided to buy from them "MISTAKE". forums are here to help us, if i had used my brain and checked this company out first all would be ok. this is how people make there own minds up!!! they see a reveiw, then they listen to us "THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE HAD THE MISFORTUNE TO DEAL WITH MICROLAND" then weigh up the pros and cons for themselfs
Dear Cazy

I too have been 'warned' (and I use that term extremely generously) by the PC Advisor FE in a private email tonight. I am extremely concerned about this. Like you, what are 'joe bloggs' supposed to do in a situation like this? I also am extremely conerned about the tone of some other contributor's postings in recent days on PC Advisor site. It feels like bully boys to me. I went ahead with a purchase because of their excellent reviews. If we cannot trust their 'expert advice' (quote) what can we do?

I wonder whether the threads on PC Advisor will 'disappear' in the days to come?

I will continue to post accurate, truthful and absolutely compliant legal information about this company. PC Advisor need to be aware that I am 100% clued into what can and cannot be written/said in terms of libel etc.......

Gabriella x
dear gabriella

i emailed the FE back and in terms called him a joke, his email was uncalled for. these people should be protecting us from places like microland, i just posted my first post in romulus2 forum tonite, this email will not discourage me in the fight against microland i will continue to post in PC ADVISOR untill something is done, why wont they listen to us?? we are not the criminals here, we are the victims, tz tz tz PC ADVISOR. try proctecting your readers for a change
Dear Cazy

I don't know about u but it feels a bi 'threatening' to me. I am also concerned that they let some males on their site (PC Advisor) get away with the most outrageous comments and do nothing. I emailed the FE at PCA a few days ago about a post I had got in response to a separate issue and he said that I didn't understand the contributor's acerbic sense of humour. I am SO NOT IMPRESSED.

PC Advisor may try to 'warn me off' but they better believe that I know 100% about libel and what you can and cannot say on a public site and I will continue to say what is truthful and within UK law.

As for RC Review, these guys are gr8!

Good luck girl and if I can help email me privatley at PC Review.

Gabriella x
already pc advisor a taken away some of my posts that i have posted tonite, shame on them, they are no better than microland
Dear Cazy

I have sent you a private message 2nite on this site, if you can't access, email me at: (e-mail address removed).

I am shocked and absoultely gobsmacked (not with these guys here cos they are gr8 but with the other site).

Take good care

Gabriella x
dear gabriella

i cant access private messages untill i have posted 10 times, i have emailed you, i hope you get it as my mail accounts are playing up. you could also contact me with yahoo messenger. my screen name is carolyne_edwards. PC ADVISOR have stopped me posting although i can still read posts, looks like microland have them on there side. the poor consumer has nothing
some good news today, i recieved a phone call from trading standards at stockport, and have approached MT, they are also now aware of these forums and have looked through them. lets hope they can do something on other peoples behalf too, a big THUMBS UP to trading standards
That's brilliant news Cazy, Trading Standards are pretty good and if they get several complaints about the same issue/company, they do have a closer look which is really what the likes of you and I have been asking for here. Do keep your c/c people closely informed and record everyting extremely carefully in case you need to make a chronology of events etc......

Gabriella x
I got a letter yesterday from the credit card company, which says that they have refunded the disputed amount to my card. Which looks like then that MT never did make the refund that they were obliged to do so by law.
Which is a BIG warning against others who may be considering purchasing from MT -- Don't do it.
And, in general, use your credit card (assuming you have a company that has good customer service, such as Egg) and then you can get the money back from the card. By law you are allowed to sue the card company for a refund, but in my case the company decided to be on my side and take action before the case dragged on too long.
Dear King David

You got exactly the same result as myself which is a bit of a coincidence don't you think? In my case I had a written promise from them that they would refund to me.

It sounds like Trading Standards are having a look-see which is also good for other buyers/potential buyers.

Gabriella x
every case ive come across now concerning microland are more or less the same, this is a big coincidence, i posted a reply in romulus2 and blow me i schroll down and theres a guy with exactly the same situation as me, just different dates. people who praise this company all i can say is you have been damn lucky. but prey you never have to say these words to MT. "MY GOODS ARE FAULTY" "I WANT A REFUND" "I WANT TO CANCEL MY ORDER" because believe me after you say any of these you may as well kiss your money goodbye, unless you payed by c/c, wich like david says, i advise you do, but even then its a long long long process to get your money back, im nearly on 5 weeks, i expect a refund by my c/c any day now
Some news just in!!

PC Advisor have contacted MT - their senior manager is away on leave but will be approached to see if she/he will contribute to their forum.

See PC Advisor forum for details.

I am sure that many of us will await developments with the greatest of interest.

Gabriella x
this is good news, i am most intrested what they have to say for themselfs, and to the FE of PCA, yes i do know you look at these forums too, just because im a woman dont think i dont know these things ive been dealing with forums for years, yes maybe some posts are a little over the top, but this is how furious MT have made me (and others) i have apologised to you in a private mail and in your forum. these forums are here to help others also, if 1 person can see how mad MT have made me and aviods them i class this as a result. we thank you for contacting MT because we dont have any luck when we do.
gabriella said:
Some news just in!!

PC Advisor have contacted MT - their senior manager is away on leave but will be approached to see if she/he will contribute to their forum.

See PC Advisor forum for details.

I am sure that many of us will await developments with the greatest of interest.

Gabriella x
Been away for a while and thought maybe the MT saga had died down. Clearly not

Given that they seem unable to answer any other form of correspondence I will be interested to see if anyone bothers to contribute to the forum and, if they do, what sort of bu****it they can come up with to fob us off this time.

Is it really just a manager PC Advisor are waiting for. I feel that the state the company is in it should be the MD himself that personally grovels to each and every one of us for forgiveness. (Though it will be a waste of time as I shall never forgive them for what they put me through)

They have failed to respond to my written requests so have decided to run with the Court action. I am getting together the evidence of the phone calls (I have all my bills itemised) and other costs it took me to deal with these muppets. I now realise just what a costly experience this has been!

Does anyone know if MT have filed their y/e 31/12/03 accounts yet? These are due for filing by 31/7/04. I would like to get these from Companies House before putting my case to Court

Glad to see TS have got involved at last as my letter was just "placed on file for future reference"
Dear Octimon

As far as I can see they haven't filed their y/e accounts. PC Advisor are giving myself and another female contributor a very hard time of late. Despite them not responding to my request for them to assist in the MT saga (see their forum early June 2004) last week they sprang into action with some havy stuff on their thread and soem equally unpleasant stuff to me privately. As we speak PC Advisor continue to 'review' their machines and give them rave reviews. Keep your eye on the PC Advisor site to see what developments unfold. Like you, I will never ever forgive them for the hell they put me through. A small apology would have been nice, but, no, nothing. They lied to me for weeks and even when they promised me my money back, they never did refund it. These complete numpties do not deserve to be in business and I fully support all of your queations for MT.

Keep us posted with your situation.

Gabriella x