Ron Hunter said:
Am am NOT the one who is nighr-blind driving on an unlit road at night,
YOU are. Now who is a stupid ass?
Did it ever occur to you that you might be the one I run into? -And so the
problem is yours as well as mine? Why do you think I bothered to introduce
this whole topic on this forum, anyway? Certainly not to get a ration of
shit from people like you who don't seem to want to bother with it. The
problem will come home to you when someone like me crosses over the double
yellow line and kills you or someone you know. Then it will be too
late.....For you, anyway......In the meantime, I will continue to write my
letters to government trying to get them to fix the problem.......I have
made two very good suggestions. But you haven't heard either of them. All
you can continue to do is berate me for trying to transport myself where I
have to go whenever I have to go there. Do you really think I am the only
geezer who has to drive at night with inadequate vision? I'm here to tell
you that the roads are full of them. And we aren't all old, either....There
are a number of 20 year olds who can't see adequately at night, either. But
you could care less about that, couldn't you? All you can do is continue to
tell me that I should hang it up and become a vegetable.....And that is why
YOU are the one who is the stupid ass.....At least, I know that there is a
problem, and that it is bigger than I am, and that something should be done
about it.