Windows XP Memory Error codes and Data exection

Thanks for the reply.

Feedback time.

I've updated the BIOS the problem is still the same so the next step is to try other memory to see if it does it with that. This error seems to mainy happen now when I close internet explorer. I have done a complete rinstall again and within minutes of doing so I go another error message come up. None of this happend on the old motherboard that I was using with the hardware thats in there at the moment. So this points me back to the motherboard.

Any ideas most welcome.

Many Thanks,

Advice Please


I've been on google today looking at the error messages that i'm getting at the moment


I have had other problems form the start with this motherboard and these errors coming up, does this mean that the motherboard is faulty or not I only have until May for its warrantry to end?

Can you please advise,



I've reinstlled IE7 about a week ago and I have not had any erorrs scince this time, is it still worth sending the motherboard back even if it might not be a motherboard fault and get them to send a replacement out??

Can you please advise,

Many Thanks,
