Maximum Returned by 1Pc in One Day

V_R said:
No, sorry i forgot all about it. I was kinda drunk when i did it! :)

Would it be worth re-running them?
Not really now, its only of benefit if you know what the un-enhanced benchmark was:)
sorry to be the party pooper but the other day i returned over 5000 points wiht my x2 3800+ so pass the trophy back ove here!:D
Adywebb said:
Not really now, its only of benefit if you know what the un-enhanced benchmark was:)
Ha ha, yeah good point! :o

sorry to be the party pooper but the other day i returned over 5000 points wiht my x2 3800+ so pass the trophy back ove here
Good job! :)
chelseafc2005 said:
sorry to be the party pooper but the other day i returned over 5000 points wiht my x2 3800+ so pass the trophy back ove here!:D
Ok then chelsea, here you are -


ps. how many points exactly for future reference?
chelseafc2005 said:
5276 in one day:D this computer keeps surprising me:D
So close, and yet so far ....

Just turned in 5271. Can you believe it, just 0.1% out ! Suppose I should have stopped messing round this evening and just let the beast crunch :p

Oh well, there's always tomorrow :thumb:
CITech said:
So close, and yet so far ....

Just turned in 5271. Can you believe it, just 0.1% out ! Suppose I should have stopped messing round this evening and just let the beast crunch :p

Oh well, there's always tomorrow :thumb:

o no it looks like i might lose my trophy soon
Looks like the Trophy is back with me (temporarily) - yesterday I returned 6,438 points with 13 results on my X2 machine.

I will hold the trophy until CI woops it with his X2 4800 :D

Looks like Chelsea may have got the trophy back - he got 6,470 points last night - and if thats on 1 PC, then its a new record :thumb:

Adywebb said:
Looks like the Trophy is back with me (temporarily) - yesterday I returned 6,438 points with 13 results on my X2 machine.

I will hold the trophy until CI woops it with his X2 4800 :D

I thought I might have been in with a chance yesterday, but it looks like I have got a stack of jobs awaiting validation, so I guess I don't get the ponts until they are confirmed.

Oh well, there's always tomorrow ..... :D
Back to me again.....

Sorry Chelsea :o - I'm afraid the Trophy is back with me again - yesterday my X2 machine returned 7,581 points with 13 results!

(NB. For the benefit of those who aren't familiar with the way Boinc works, and find these returns almost unbelievable - I will briefly explain:

When the WCG UD Agent completes a result, you get the points immediately - therefore what your machine produces during a particular day is immediately reflected in the Stats, and your daily totals are very similar.

With Boinc, the results require validation before points are calculated and applied to your daily points total - in some cases this can take several days.
Therefore if all these results awaiting validation get validated and the points allocated on the same day, then your points total for that particular day is going to be exaggerated - hence these big scores above.
This is why your daily totals vary significantly - some days your points total is lower than normal, then the next alot higher.

So to get a huge total you just need loads of pending results to get validated on the same day - easy eh?:D )
Cheers for the explanation Ady, that might explain the huge drop in my figures last week. I guess I was just stocking up jobs which are now beginning to go thru' the validation process.

Are the jobs validated by other BOINC users? If so, I hope you get my jobs (and vice-versa) otherwise we will never clear the backlog :rolleyes:
Jobs are validated in a Quorum of four. :)
CITech said:
Cheers for the explanation Ady, that might explain the huge drop in my figures last week. I guess I was just stocking up jobs which are now beginning to go thru' the validation process.

Are the jobs validated by other BOINC users? If so, I hope you get my jobs (and vice-versa) otherwise we will never clear the backlog :rolleyes:
The jobs are validated once 3 others have also submitted the result - they then discard the top and bottom score and you get an average of the middle two.

Therefore you are reliant on the time the 3 others take to submit the result - if they use slow machines, or pre-stack jobs ('WU Hogs') - then it can take a few days or even longer :rolleyes:

If you have a look at the new 'Results Status' page under Device Manager at your WCG page, then it tells you all boinc jobs currently working/pending validation/Validated etc ...;)

For instance I still have a job awaiting validation since 27 Jan :eek: - what I am unsure about is if the 3 other results fail to be submitted, whether its just tough luck and you don't get the points - I will endevour to find out :thumb: