Linux Mint 8 "Helena"

Sounds like a lot of farting around to me :p

Me if I wanted Scribus would just go to me Software Management program and install in a couple of clicks.

An if our expert bucket dwelling gnome says K3b is good then it must be

Leprechauns gnomes same thing ain't they just different nationalities. One lives in bogs and one lives in buckets. Both very odd folk


  • scribus.webp
    40.9 KB · Views: 258
Yeah... lazyman's penguin tip #1: check the repos first.


Bogs & Buckets B&B... hmmm... a call to Holiday Inn's marketing dept, maybe?

Urmas said:

Scribus is in repos as well.

(For future reference.)

Well bloody hell.... :lol:

I've just checked out the templates available and no CD or DVD outer covers available so I guess I'll have to make me own.

I can remember first doing that in MS Publisher and it was quite time consuming. However, I was a little green behind the gills back then.

And I now have G-Mail working in Thunderbird - Yay! :D

All in all things are going very well here, touch wood :)

Abarb: You no take-a the micky you cocky little monkey you. I done it my way and I'm rather chuffed it's installed so yah boo cockles to you my little droogy.

I think this is the first distro since Suse V9.0 I've felt keen about.
Thanks for the links Urmas, won't look at them this evening, but will on the morrow.

What next - re-writing the kernel? :D

I have long said when a distro becomes as (or almost as) user-friendly as Microsoft's behometh then I'll seriously consider using it. I think we're actually quite close to that with this distro.

I am going to try and use this distro for all 'serious' applications and not install games on it. At the same time I will probably uninstall the serious stuff from Win 7 and just use Win 7 for gaming.

I'm toying with the idea anyway, I'll see how I get on with Mint 8.

I will be gradually attempting to perform all the things I do with Windows within Mint. If I succeed, hopefully Win 7 will become my games console.

We shall see.

I will report my findings as I progress.

Maybe I'm being a bit silly and over-enthusiastic, I don't know, but this is what I'd like to do.
Nothing wrong about silly. Silly good.

Just have fun with all this... Fun important.

And if you have questions... do ask 'em. Questions vital. Answers sometimes less so.
Ha-ha-ha - my daughter just wandered into my bedroom whilst I was playing fallout 3 in the living room and fired up my computer to Google something.

She came into me and said 'Dad, your computer's gone silly'

I had left the Mint distro hard disk caddy in there, lol

I swapped it out for Win XP and she Googled.

She did actually try and get online though, without realising, which is interesting.

Urmas, don't wanna gush, but I have really been enjoying this today so fun box is ticked.
"silly and over-enthusiastic"

Nowt wrong with being enthusiastic, just don't get serious. :D So far it has cost you nowt and given you some fun

Once you have it running as you like it don't forget to do a full backup of " / " every now and again. ;)
Flops: I had mentioned about K3B right in the beginning of this thread, which you missed out but how is it coming along? I have been using is all along and nothing beats it. I made some copies of audio disks and tested it out on a friends system (on his Eminent Technology LFT 3b electrostatic speakers) the copy and original were indistinguishable!
Hiya Quad. You may very well have mentioned earlier in this thread but that was several pages and as many months ago and as I suffer from an alcohol-induced exclusive form of senile dementia it had slipped my mind completely.

Sorry bout dat.

I haven't used k3b yet but rest assured when I do I shall report back here.

I'm now going to download the Scribus template files that Urmas linked to and see what they're like, that is, if I can figure out how to open them within the program, I'm assuming if I double click on one it will open in Scribus, that's the way it works with MS Publisher, but we shall see.

As I've mentioned earlier, it seems to be coming along just fine :)

So far, so good, let's hope I don't hit any barriers.
No worries just take your time, I just thought that I should share my enthusiasm here with you, we are audio nuts afterall :D
floppybootstomp said:
... let's hope I don't hit any barriers.

Let's rather call them speed bumps of nearly insignificant size.

Or random learning opportunities.

Urmas Zen
Urmas said:
Careful there, Flopps... with that level of geekiness, you'll end up using Slackware in no time.


Anyway, I found these: (<-- "zipped"... might need unpacking first)


I'm a little confused here, the first two links take me to pages of text.

I have downloaded the third link.

I also obtained a CD label (for the disk itself) from Avery, the label-making people. When I click on it, it opens within Scribus so it would appear templates work the same with this software as they do within MS Publisher/Windows.
I just downloaded and installed wine doors. I am wondering if anyone here experimented with this software, my first impression is that it looks promising. I have yet to get the hang of it though. Anyone wish to chime in on this or know anything about this software?

Here is the link
Quadophile said:
I just downloaded and installed wine doors. I am wondering if anyone here experimented with this software, my first impression is that it looks promising. I have yet to get the hang of it though. Anyone wish to chime in on this or know anything about this software?

Here is the link

Hmm, mixed thoughts. Do we really want to run software designed for Windows on Linux?

I suppose it has it's uses but it must be a quite complex piece of software I would think.

I can understand WINE for games but WINE for, say, Photoshop when the Gimp is available?

As I said, mixed thoughts.

I have a couple of spare hard disk caddies here, both SATA, 80Gb & 160Gb, if I find time I may load another Distro and try this software, then try it with MS Office 2003, Photoshop and some other stuff.

Yeah. But just RIGHT click on the (first two) links, choose "Save to disk" or such (using FF in Finnish here, sorry.)

Anyway, once saved, open with Scribus. Just tested... it worky bien.



Wine Doors does make using Wine much easier. I use Wine & Win software as a LAST resort (read: not at all in my own computers).

According to my limited experience Wine HQ is pretty much the best place to get "beforehand info" of specific software's "Wine compatibility".
My first choice would always be the software available for Linux but when I have no choice I may end up using wine and Wine Dorrs seem a good way to get the best out of it, however still experimenting.

If I could use the software for my GPS and Blackberry in wine I would be ditching windows altogether, so my next move would be to test it out for sure. Dual booting is painful indeed and uses up a lot of disk space.

I remember usb devices do not work very well within wine but that was a while ago not sure if things have improved.
Urmas said:

Yeah. But just RIGHT click on the (first two) links, choose "Save to disk" or such (using FF in Finnish here, sorry.)

Anyway, once saved, open with Scribus. Just tested... it worky bien.


Got them.

Thank you.

The jewel case one has saved me some work :thumb:
Gonna sign off now and play some Fallout 3, almost finished it now, but I'd like to say I feel really really chuffed about the way this distro is going.

Most excellent dude, as Bill or Ted may once have said :)