Linux Mint 8 "Helena"

"If you're setting up Thunderbird 2.0 to work with Gmail for the first time, you'll need to" ^ Studio

Pinnacle software alternatives, don't know about the Dazzle.

How is it going?

You mentioned about audio stuff and I thought you may want to have an additional OS in Ubuntu Studio for tinkering with audio and video related activities that distro is specialising in only multimedia. It would not hurt to just experiment with it, many who are seriously into audio and want Linux take that route.

I just thought I would let you know in case you were not aware of it.

Ubuntu Studio
Thanks Quad and yes, I have room for that, still have two spare hard disks within caddy trays.

Haven't been back to it since but my next step is to enable Google Mail and also configure Thunderbird to enable different outgoing for each e-mail service.

It still ain't perfect, no Linux Distro ever has been, but this one is certainly getting closer.
I also have several emails but my main email is gmail. What I do is to have all the other emails forwarded to my gmail and that way I need only to go to gmail and I am done rather than check each one of them. Simple and effective.

I understand these days with the influx of emails an average person gets it is prudent on ones part to have separate emails for each activity, friends, jobs, family, hobbies and like. I manage it pretty well most of the times. My gmail is also configuired on my blackberry so I am routed every email there and that helps keep the clutter to the minimum and manage time efficiently.

With the system in place I can do away with one extra app the like of Thunderbird. Besides, Thunderbird adds to the hard disk space when it comes of hundreds of emails with attachments. The gargantuan size of attachments is not worth storing up on the hard disk and the need to maintain it all the time with security and antivirus software. Especially with the laptop these things can make life a bit slower.

I am still tinkering with the Mint 8 and it is working very smoothly and so far no issues encountered. The speed is awsome too.
I wish I had an alternative to suggest, if I come across something worthwhile will come back to this thread and let you know.
I have just wasted an hour trying to set up Gmail within Thunderbird.

I followed the links, I have made sure POP3 is enabled but here's the snag:

It says: 'Click on the Tools menu and select Account Settings'

When I click on the tools menu and the drop down menu appears there is NO option labelled 'Account Settings'.

Which means I'm snookered.

PC Review and Zen e-mail accounts working ok.

I do have all the settings for G-Mail, I've set it up in Outlook 2003 lots of times.

So there we have it. With Windows I can, 99.5% of the time get things working.

With Linux, whatever Distro, there are always snags.

Let's put it this way - time is money, agreed?

I don't spend much time in Windows configuring things, I mostly get things working very quickly.

With Linux I am messing about for a long long time trying to get the simplest things to work when I really could be having fun or earning money.

Having said that, Linux Distros are getting so much better. I figure by the time I'm ready to be placed six feet under they may have eventually made one that even us dummies can understand ;)

So, there's Evolution eh?

Ok, now I just gotta figure out how to uninstall Thunderbird and set everything up again.

Is this worth it? Eh? Honestly, is it worth it? Since 1998 I've never run a Distro that completely worked.

Well, maybe Suse 10, I shouldda stuck with that, lol
I last posted 10:52. I'm still messin' with Mint 8.

Despite Thunderbird's flaws (or my naivety, who knows?) This is easily the best Distro I've ever used. I actually thought I was in MS's Windows a few times.

I've been looking at old video footage from camcorders mid-90's; playing audio files and generally browsin' the net and doing the usual stuff.

Just got to sort out a few minor niggles and this may be the one.
floppybootstomp said:
I actually thought I was in MS's Windows a few times.
Err... would this be a good thing or a bad thing?

Urmas said:
Err... would this be a good thing or a bad thing?


I did wonder about that myself, lol ;)

Let's put it this way, I finally relaxed, wasn't on edge, within a Linux Distro.

That sounds better :)

This Gmail thing is still driving me bonkers though, I will have another look today at some stage.
floppybootstomp said:
I finally relaxed, wasn't on edge, within a Linux Distro.

Takes a little time to get cozy with a new OS, that's all... Rome wasn't built yada yada...


Urmas said:
Takes a little time to get cozy with a new OS, that's all... Rome wasn't built yada yada...



That cartoon is brilliant, lol 'bacon' I would answer in a similar way :D

btw, if there is one expression that grates on me like nails down a blackboard it's 'Yada Yada'

I don't know why, but I hate that American expression, makes me want to run in a field wearing only a loin cloth and knock out a few cows with a few swift uppercuts.
Blah blah blah


Urmas - Back to basics


Abckiria ("ABC Book") by Mikael Agricola (1543):

Oppe nyt wanha / ia noori /
joilla ombi Sydhen toori.
Jumalan keskyt / ia mielen /
iotca taidhat Somen kielen.
Laki / se Sielun hirmutta /
mutt Cristus sen tas lodhutta.
Lue sijs hyue Lapsi teste /
Alcu oppi ilman este.
Nijte muista Elemes aina /
nin Jesus sinun Armons laina.

("Learn now, old and young, who have a fresh heart, God's commandments and the mind, so that you shall know the Finnish language. Law, it makes the soul angry, but Christ soothes it again. So read from here good child, the beginning of learning without obstacles. Remember them all your life, so Jesus lends you his mercy.") ShowWikipediaFooter("Abckiria")

I'll be polite here but I will say that mention of any religion directed at me provokes feelings of annoyance, sometimes anger.
floppybootstomp said:
I'll be polite here but I will say that mention of any religion directed at me provokes feelings of annoyance, sometimes anger.

Ah... a fellow infidel, I see.

But, hey: a primer from 1543... what do you expect?