Very unlikely that alightningbolt that went 1000 feet to 5 miles in
the air would be deterred by a 10 pound surge protector (or even a 100
pound surge protector) if yourcomputerwas in the direction that the
discharge was taking.
Assumption is not based in science. An effective protector does not
stop, absorb, or discharge surges - except in myths. Effective
protector *diverts* (shunts, clamps, connects) massive surges AND
remains functional A minimally sufficient protector routinely
shunts direct lightning strikes into earth - remains functional - does
not require replacement.
Those who saw grossly undersized plug-in protectors damage by surges
somehow know that surges routinely damage protectors. False. A
minimally effective protector earths direct lightning strikes ... and
humans do not even know the surge existed.
One 'whole house' protectors from responsible companies such as
Square D, Leviton, Siemens, Cutler-Hammer, Keison, Polyphaser,
Intermatic, and GE - all will earth direct lightning strikes without
damage. Even spec numbers make that obvious.
Why? Because effective protectors don't absorb kilojoule surges.
Protectors absorb trivial energy while dissipating Megajoules
harmlessly in earth. Notice the difference between 'protector' and
Effective protection is where surges get dissipated. Earth ground.
Protectors are not protection. Protectors are connecting devices so
that surges get diverted into and dissipated harmlessly in earth.
Earth ground is the protection. Earth ground - not inside protectors
- is where surge energy must be dissipated.
A protector without earth ground will somehow absorb those
megajoules? Will that silly little inch part stop what three miles of
sky could not? Your post implies that assumption. An effective
protector dissipates surge energy harmlessly in earth ... and remains
functional. When not damaged, the naive will not recommend them. The
naive know of surges when grossly undersized protectors are damaged.
The naïve assume all protectors are damaged during surges. They know
only what they saw – not the science.
APC, Belkin, Tripplite, Monster Cable and others get the naive to
recommend their products by undersizing them. Protectors that are
damaged (even by surges too small to overwhelm protection inside all
appliances) are too often recommended by the naive. Effective
(properly earthed) protectors mean direct lightning strikes result in
no appliance damage. The protector only being as effective as its
earth ground.
BTW, that ten pound protector. Surges can even use the green safety
wire to completely bypass ten pounds of protection. Did the protector
manufacturer forget to mention that part? Effective protectors do not
stop or absorb surges. Effective protectors harmlessly *divert* that
energy into protection.