Poor w_ can’t understand how plug-in suppressors work. It is
explained in the IEEE guide (starting pdf page 40) if poor w_ could
only read. Plug-in suppressors work primarily by clamping the
voltage on all wires to the common ground at the suppressor. The
guide says they do not work primarily by earthing.
Bud is correct. The IEEE guide says plug-in protectors do not work
by earthing. They cannot being too far from earth ground. Then the
guide shows what happens when that surge energy is not earthed. Page
42 (of 61) Figure 8. A surge must increase voltage as necessary to
find earth ground. And that is exactly what it does. It clamps
that surge 8000 volts destructively to earth via an adjacent
Bud routinely insults because Bud is a sales promoter without
engineering training and who never built this stuff. Insult work
because weak minds see the insults and not the facts. Every
responsible source including Bud's citation say a protector must earth
the typically destructive surge into earth. If permitted inside the
building, that surge will find earth ground often destructively. What
did the plug-in protector do on Figure 8. It gave the surge even more
paths to find earth - 8000 volts destructively via TV2.
What was more than 8000 volts doing inside the building. An ill
advised homeowner did not properly earth one 'whole house' protector.
Instead he went for the easiest solution that does not even claim to
protect from typically destructive surges. Does not claim to protect
from typically destructive surges? Bud cannot post what does not
exist. So Bud uses insult to avoid the question. Where is that spec
that claims protection from each type of surge. Bud's complete
protection solution does not make that claim. Even the manufacturer
does not claim to provide that protection.
A protector is only as effective as its earth ground. Every
responsible source states that. In fact Bud's other citation says it
A very important point to keep in mind is that your surge
protector will work by diverting the surges to ground. The
best surge protector in the world can be useless if
grounding is not done properly.
Another responsible source repeats the same well understood fact.
QST Magazine in an Oct 2002 article on surge protection:
The purpose of the ground connection is to take the
energy arriving on the antenna feed line cables and
control lines (and to a lesser extent on the power and
telephone lines) and give it a path back to the earth,
our energy sink. The impedance of the ground
connection should be low so the energy prefers this
path and is dispersed harmlessly. To achieve a low
impedance the ground connection needs to be short
(distance), straight, and wide.
Bud is a sales promoter. He will repeatedly post insults to protect
his obscene profits. A protector is only as effective as its earth