Large clock ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter John Fitzsimons
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Il /14 ott 2004/, *Gabriele (Gabriella) Neukam* ha scritto:

One question: Is this only the dial and numbers,
YES, but very customizable!
You can show it Round, squared, smooth, polygonal etc
with shades, and data running under the clock.
If you need more info for italian translation, ask!
or does it rather look like a wrist watch (tied around the arm), as
the picture on the site indicates?
NO! It's not possible to have this look!
Quoted from the page: "Time Saver Screen è uno screen saver
composto di orologio analogico e datario ampiamente
personalizzabile. Elegante e soprattutto pratico, compatibile con
tutte le versioni di Windows.

I think, I can translate this as: "Time Saver Screen is a screen
saver containing an analog clock and calendar, which can be
customized (with lots of options). Elegant, first of all
practical,and compatible with all versions of Windows."

Your tanslation is *P E R F E C T*
BTW: I had no lesson in Italian ever (only Latin), and am female,
as in Germany, all "Gabriella"s are named "Gabriele". So please
don't address me as Signore :)
Gabriele Neukam
Pleased to help You! Gabriella (italian style!)

It's big, it's a clock, I use it without any problems on win98SE.
Direct download-link:

Thanks, but it also shows the date, meaning that the display needs
to be smaller or half the display needs to be off the screen. I also
found that moving it was a bit cumbersome. A handy clock, and it will
probably do what I want with a few configuration changes, but I have
decided to use the other recommendation. Thanks anyway. :-)

Regards, John.
John Fitzsimons said:
Thanks, but it also shows the date, meaning that the display needs
to be smaller or half the display needs to be off the screen.

For point of clarification. As others might be interested in BigClock.

The bigclock.txt file begins by giving these standard examples:

| 1. dddd d mmmm yyyy = Thursday 3 March 2004
| 2. t = 20:18
| 3. tt=20:18:56
| 4. hh:mm:ss am/pm = 8:18:56 pm

That file then proceeds with further information on BigClock's extensive
customization options for date/time fields.