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BarryTone said:
Be careful, you might just get what you ask for... ;)


NaDa™ is a new concept. A thought, really. It is very light : 1 byte. It
doesn't take long to fetch. It doesn't take long to understand. It
doesn't disturb your habits nor does it makes you feel insecure. It is a
reassuring piece of software that does nothing, and does it very well.

Sounds great! Freeware, zero learning curve, small size, no install, no
registry entries.

I have only one question. Is it open source? ;)

Semolina said:
One I use at every session is Multi-Program-Launcher. It's a 40k no
install program which allows you to launch up to five programs, with
arguments, after which it shuts itself down. I know that there are
other programs of this type which will do more, but not for 40k, I
suspect :-) It's a model of simplicity.

Sadly, it no longer seems to be hosted anywhere and the contact email
given in the program cannot now be resolved. So it's an orphan, but I
can upload it to the binaries group if anyone should want it.

Is this the same app?

Multi-Program Launcher 1.2.0 for Win9x/NT4/ME/Win2k/XP (40 kb)
From NonagsPLUS (Members) (40 kb)
Updated: Sep 18, 2002
Homepage *DEAD
Author: Jester2K
Description: Launch up to 5 programs with one click!

What's your favorite easy to use Freeware? Bonus points for small,
no-install, no registry entries. A couple of mine:

Susan, here are a few which I like.

StrokeIt! by Jeff Doozan

Great program for using mouse gestures. Probably hardest one in my
list to customize. Woeful documentation but functionally good enough
to keep you interested.


KatMouse (by Eduard Hiti)

This simple and effective wheelmouse driver easily beats my original
Logitech mouse driver hands-down.


Startup Control Panel by Mike Lin

Show startup programs and can diable/enable them. Nice interface.
Someone here will no doubt complain that this freeware contains a
"tip jar" ... groan.


Media Player Classic by Gabest

Has video codecs which Irfanview often lacks including the Real
Player codecs.


SequioaView by Eindhoven University

Graphically shows disk space. Very useful tool.
Semolina said:
Yup, Susan, that's the very fellow.

v 1.2.0 seems to be the LFW. Maybe one of ACF's expert searchers can up
a *free* link that works. Anyone?

If not one of the Freeware or LFW sites might host it. Not the best time
to get an answer from some of those guys. REM's heading into finals.
Burnr's ISP conked out just as he was about to upload the new look for
PL2005 (last I heard he hoped to be online again fairly soon).

Midnight blue has gone to that great place at the top of the internet.
Could you upload Dupelocator for download?