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Funny you should use "KISS" as a subject. It caught my eyes straight
KISS is an acronym for "Keep It Simple Stupid", a front end protocol
used in Packet for Amateur Radio (Ham).. It's also the name of a well
known rock group.

Yup :) I meant "Keep It Simple Stupid" => "no-brainer" programs - zero
learning curve. . .
Btw Susan, thanks for the program listings. ;) :)

You're very welcome. :)

Wald said:
I don't get this. I've been using Apache2 on a few systems for about two
years now, and I never had to compile it because of the excellent installer
packages available. Disk space usage is not very huge and registry entries
are within reasonable limits... after all it installs itself as a Windows

Okay, "needs" was the wrong word there. I'm a control freak and a
compulsive tinkerer. I *prefer* to compile it myself, because I come
away more satisfied that what I got is exactly what I wanted. And, now
that I take a good look, you're right about the registry. That was a
subjective judgement because I was always seeing it when I was looking
for other things, so I assumed it was everywhere.
What's your favorite easy to use Freeware? Bonus points for small,
no-install, no registry entries.

One I use at every session is Multi-Program-Launcher. It's a 40k no
install program which allows you to launch up to five programs, with
arguments, after which it shuts itself down. I know that there are
other programs of this type which will do more, but not for 40k, I
suspect :-) It's a model of simplicity.

Sadly, it no longer seems to be hosted anywhere and the contact email
given in the program cannot now be resolved. So it's an orphan, but I
can upload it to the binaries group if anyone should want it.

I have about 30 CD-R(W)s, DVD-R(W)s catalogued with Cathy, as well as
folders on my HD. This program is single file, no install, but it does store
your preferences in a few simple registry entries. And it is FAST!

I don't know how I'd find my archived and downloaded stuff without Cathy.
Susan said:
Yup :) I meant "Keep It Simple Stupid" => "no-brainer" programs - zero
learning curve. . .

Be careful, you might just get what you ask for... ;)


NaDa™ is a new concept. A thought, really. It is very light : 1 byte. It
doesn't take long to fetch. It doesn't take long to understand. It
doesn't disturb your habits nor does it makes you feel insecure. It is a
reassuring piece of software that does nothing, and does it very well.

You need a computer.

(But NaDa™ does nothing on a cellphone too.)

To install NaDa™, just follow the instructions below.

1. Download it.
2. Leave it anywhere on your hard drive.
3. Forget it.
(e-mail address removed) says...

Lets see what else is in my tickle trunk.

Process Explorer: 230 zip

"Process Explorer shows you information about which handles and DLLs
processes have opened or loaded. The Process Explorer display consists of
two sub-windows. The top always shows a list of the currently active
processes, including the names of their owning accounts, whereas the
information displayed in the bottom window depends on the mode that
Process Explorer is in: if it is in handle mode you'll see the handles
that the process selected in the top window has opened; if Process
Explorer is in DLL mode you'll see the DLLs and memory-mapped files that
the process has loaded. Process Explorer also has a powerful search
capability that will quickly show you which processes have particular
handles opened or DLLs loaded. "

Password Safe: 407 kb zip. ixstall exe is available.

"What makes Password Safe different? Three things:

1. Simplicity: Password Safe is designed to do one thing, and to do it
well. Start the application, enter your "combination", double-click on
the right entry - presto - the password is now on your clipboard,ready
for pasting.
2. Security: The original version was designed and written by Bruce
Schneier - 'nuff said.
3. Open Source: The source code for the project is available for
inspection. For more information, see

Password Safe currently runs on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT4, 2000 and
XP, as well as Microsoft's PocketPC. Support for additional platforms
is planned for future releases."

Xearth: 162 kb zip

"One of the features of Xearth is the ability to mark locations on
the surface of the earthly image. Xearth comes with 76 built-in
locations. You can place your own favourite locations, if you know
the latitude and longitude co-ordinates. More information can be
obtained from the Xearth for Windows site."

Windows uptime: 142 kb zip. install exe 493kb

Description: Displays how long time in days, hours, minutes and seconds
that your system has been up as well as the exact time of boot. Ability
to log everything to file and display all kinds of statistics. Windows
Uptime can also check uptime for remote computers, batch-query machines
in a network through commandline switches"

StatBar: 341 kb zip

" StatBar is a freeware system status bar which provides a handy, orderly
overview of your system's condition. StatBar comes with 6 different color
schemes and 19 information modules, allowing you to monitor and control
various aspects of your system. This includes memory, CPU and disk
usages, system uptime, Winamp control, network throughput, Internet time
synchronization, and more. It features a built-in update check as well,
which can download and install the latest version for you.

If you'd like to give it a try, you can use the menu on the left to
navigate through this site."

WinDirStat: 546 kb install

" WinDirStat is a disk usage statistics viewer and cleanup tool for
Microsoft Windows (all current variants)."

Still more. Probably continue tomorrow.


Wayne D
BarryTone writh:
Be careful, you might just get what you ask for... ;)


NaDa? is a new concept. A thought, really. It is very light : 1 byte. It
doesn't take long to fetch. It doesn't take long to understand. It
doesn't disturb your habits nor does it makes you feel insecure. It is a
reassuring piece of software that does nothing, and does it very well.

What good is this? To act as a NOP?

Maybe I could compile a 1 byte COM file in machine language, containing a
NOP or HLT, then it would be the simplest program?

Chaos Master®, posting from Canoas, Brazil - 29.55° S / 51.11° W (GMT -2
(BRST) / GMT -3 (BRT))

"Two of the most famous products of Berkeley are LSD and Unix. I don't
think that this is a coincidence." -- Anonymous
What's your favorite easy to use Freeware? Bonus points for small,
no-install, no registry entries.

XMPlay at

This tiny audio player may seem boring, but it's not! It can play
absolutely everything without eating cpu or ram. And it can be configured
to store it's setting outside the registery. Top this off with great sound
and you have the perfect freeware app in my humble opinion.


Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:
Xearth: 162 kb zip

"One of the features of Xearth is the ability to mark locations on
the surface of the earthly image. Xearth comes with 76 built-in
locations. You can place your own favourite locations, if you know
the latitude and longitude co-ordinates. More information can be
obtained from the Xearth for Windows site."

And when you hide icons, and click on the globe, it opens the Start menu.

Be careful, you might just get what you ask for... ;)


NaDaâ„¢ is a new concept. A thought, really. It is very light : 1 byte. It
doesn't take long to fetch. It doesn't take long to understand. It
doesn't disturb your habits nor does it makes you feel insecure. It is a
reassuring piece of software that does nothing, and does it very well.

Thanks, Barry. Reminds me of Hubby.
I use:

i.Scribe [512k] + A small and fast email client with an intergrated
contact database and calendar. Scribe doesn't required installing or
uninstalled and can be used from a removable drive without
reconfiguration. It comes with a highly accurate bayesian spam filter
and translations to many different languages. Because Scribe runs on
Windows, Linux and BeOS you can take your mail with you when you change
operating system. And don't worry about viruses, Scribe protects you
from the usual security holes in other email clients with it's own
virus safe HTML control and executable attachment lockout.

WackGet [127k] [open-source] + Download manager based on wget.
Maintains a queue of files and downloads them in the order you specify.
WackGet is a minimalist application. It doesn't tax system resources,
doesn't require a lot of screen real estate, and doesn't include
extraneous features.
Mark said:
Believe it or not, there really is a UNIX program called false, which,
according to the manual, has the purpose to "do nothing, unsuccessfully".

Link here:

And there is 'dud' for Windoze:

Dud is a program that does absolutely nothing. Run it and it will
immediately unload.

The zipped package is 1kb. Dud.exe itself is merely 3kb, using 60kb of
Believe it or not, there really is a UNIX program called false, which,
according to the manual, has the purpose to "do nothing, unsuccessfully".

There was a windows /DOS program called "Y/", and it's purpose was to
capture a Y or N keystroke (yes or no) and write it to a batch file. It was
pretty small!

-- Bob
And there is 'dud' for Windoze:

Dud is a program that does absolutely nothing. Run it and it will
immediately unload.

The zipped package is 1kb. Dud.exe itself is merely 3kb, using 60kb of

1 of the smallest programs I know if is "MicroWAV". It plays WAV files, and
is good for auditioning a bunch of small sound files without a GUI popping
up in your face. Simply click a WAV file and it instantly plays. It's quite
functional, written in Assembler, and is only 3K!

-- Bob
Mark said:
Believe it or not, there really is a UNIX program called 'false', which,
according to the manual, has the purpose to "do nothing, unsuccessfully".

The above is a serious program. Of somewhat less use is the False
Programming Language:

According to the author:
I designed this language with two particular objectives: confusing
everyone with an obfuscated syntax, and designing an as powerful
language as possible with a tiny implementation: in this case a compiler
executable of just 1024 bytes (!), written in pure 68000 assembler.
What's your favorite easy to use Freeware? Bonus points for small,
no-install, no registry entries. A couple of mine:

I would be remiss if I didn't list these:

*EraseTemp. Great for deleting TEMP files and folders, very safe.

*Atlantis Nova. A rich text word processor with many nice features. Once
installed, can be run from the single EXE file.

*WinMX. A nice, simple, spam free nap client. Unzip the EXE and run it

*FastStone Image Viewer. A VERY NICE new picture viewer with many features,
but no fluff. Once installed, it runs from the EXE file and can be
transported and run from any folder. It creates config files and a database
file that can be removed or kept as you choose. Great for sending along with
Christmas photo CD's.

*iCarbon. A scanning-copying program for making a copying machine out of
older scanners without a copy button. Runs from a single EXE file.

-- Bob