Just a quicky...





I think that these shots are better than mine as they show what it really looks like!
So ian - what does your course involve? Are you training to be an engineer or something?

Which university are you at?

I might buy myself an introductory flying lesson somewhen soon and then save for my PPL and then save a further £45000 for my Frozen ATPL commercial rating with IFR and then look for a job!
I'm at the University of Manchester, and I'm not quite sure what I will be once I have graduated - although I think I am going to specialise in Aerospace and Avionics as my 3rd/4th year options. I'll be an engineering and hopefully designing new Airbus's or Space Shuttles ;)

You can get intoductory flying lessons quite cheap, although the best bet may be to find a pilot at an Aero club that wants to get a few more hours logged. You will basically pay for fuel and he/she will take you up and let you have a play and talk you through things, this is often much cheaper. Of course, if you have the money or want to log some hours youself - flying lessons are the way to go.
Now that is an awesome idea Ian - well done!

I have an airfield called Lasham right near me so i may investigate. Would like to fly a cessna 172 skyhawk or something of that nature - nice and easy to learn on.

I believe airfuel is called AVGAS and its quite expensive over here - even so, it would be nothing compared to a lesson where profit is made!

Thanks Ian - would never have thought about that with my brain cell...
oh if you do design airbusses TELL THEM TO GET RID OF THE FREAKIN JOYSTICK ;)

also make the cockpits more aesthetically pleasing as sone by boeing...