Windows 7 It's arrived

floppybootstomp said:
Hit my first problem, I tried to update the Punkbuster client within CoD4 and CoDWaW and it failed in both instances. It tells me it can't find the path for the unzipped downloaded files.

Normally Punkbuster updates whilst you're playing online but it doesn't always and this often leads to me being kicked from servers as Punkbuster doesn't like you unless you're up to date. I actually hate Punkbuster with a vengenance, it's a complete piece of crap software imo, but if I want to play online.... :rolleyes:

I just hope it auto-updates during play.
Tried pbsetup?

That should do it. :)

My Win7 is out for delivery tomorrow and i have the day off to build my new rig and so on so am looking forward to that! :)
Ah rubbish. :(

I've just tried it here and its working on the win 7 RC, Where have you got the .exe?
Not rubbish, it didn't work - you doubt what I said?

What .exe? the CoD exe's or the pb .exe?

The 2 CoD's are on C drive and the PB exe is on the one other hard drive.

Pb, being the piece of crap it is, couldn't find the path from the download to where the Activision games are installed.
Ah no when i said rubbish i mean thats bad, a shame, bugger, damn etc. You know, not doubting you. :)

Where is the pbsetup.exe file atm? I put it in the cod4 pb folder. (that way i just can find it easier. :) )

Could try that?
Ah, my apologies for my misunderstanding but if you look at the post... ;)

Right then, the pb exe I had already had the old Vista installations added to it, that's why it couldn't find the path, so my mistake.

Fresh install of pb software within each CoD folder enabled updates to be applied :thumb:

CoD4 was already up to date so must have auto-updated whilst I was online and CoD 5 applied a rather large and lengthy update, bringing me up to speed.

My thanks for your help V_R, much apreciated :)
Ye after re-reading it, i could have worded it better sorry for that Flops. :)

Gladit is all good now though. Have fun gaming. :thumb:
Mine arrived today :D

Haven't time to install at the moment. Will pick up tips here first while you experts iron out any probs.
Experts/Schmexperts :D

Today I am spending some time putting my audio switcher together. Finally got me head round it.
floppybootstomp said:
Experts/Schmexperts :D

Today I am spending some time putting my audio switcher together. Finally got me head round it.

You know how us Linux fan boys stand in awe of you fearless Windows inovators
floppybootstomp said:
Roger and wilco on both of those points, upgrades imo are a waste of time and I think 64 Bit drivers are available now for most everything.

Hmm, if Mucks can't activate his, maybe I best wait :confused:

I figured though that even if it won't activate you get 30 days to use the OS without activating.

Not sure what to do now.

Edit: Will probably go ahead anyway as Vista will be left on the 2 disks I'm taking out and replacing with a pair of Velicoraptors so I can always put them back for a few days.

Hi flopps.

I thought "velicoraptors" were small meat eating dinosaurs.How did you get them into your computer,did they put up much of a fight??
historian said:

Hi flopps.

I thought "velicoraptors" were small meat eating dinosaurs.How did you get them into your computer,did they put up much of a fight??

Aye, too right.

Their DNA was perfectly preserved in a teardrop shaped piece of amber and only required mixing with a skin scraping from Roger, next door's marmalade cat, a pint of industrial hydraulic fluid and a shot of creme de menthe to produce two perfectly formed denizens from the dark age.

As I was only the only guardian they had ever known they did not object to being crammed into a small black box where they work, Flintstones style, with their sharp shiny noses tracking a pair of granite platters.

The wonders of this hybrid of stone and nuclear ages never ceases to fascinate me :)
floppybootstomp said:
Aye, too right.

Their DNA was perfectly preserved in a teardrop shaped piece of amber and only required mixing with a skin scraping from Roger, next door's marmalade cat, a pint of industrial hydraulic fluid and a shot of creme de menthe to produce two perfectly formed denizens from the dark age.

As I was only the only guardian they had ever known they did not object to being crammed into a small black box where they work, Flintstones style, with their sharp shiny noses tracking a pair of granite platters.

The wonders of this hybrid of stone and nuclear ages never ceases to fascinate me :)

Nice retort Mr Flopp's..