Windows 7 It's arrived

Flops, if I say ... control userpasswords2 ... does that ring a bell?

MS have done away with the sidebar, but gadgets still work, via the desktop, so you may not have as an empty desktop as you wished.

Yes, you can use "small" icons in your taskbar and desktop ... they just following Linux I think. hahaha

IAN!! smilies don't work in Google Crome ... please fix. ;-)
Ah odd, TB is good as gold here, first i've heard that it done work, theres been loads on OCUK forums using it too, must be a small number?

Flops, you said it rely on a network pass, is that the one for the 'homegroup' ?

As mucks said, sidebar was sooo 6 months ago, its all about the gadgets now. :D
floppybootstomp said:
I went to get drivers for my Logitech G5 mouse and noted that the G5 isn't listed on Logitech's site, neither by G5 or part number.

Hmm, ok. But then he told me that no Setpoint software was available yet for Windows 7 from Logitech and the Vista Setpoint software was not compatible with Windows 7.

Strange, Im using setpoint in W7 RC and its been working since i installed it! I even upgraded the firmware on the mouse itself on W7.
Ah i didn't see that post you quoted there Alf.

Im using setpoint 4.80 with my G5 v2, but i cant find it either flops. :(
V_R said:
Ah odd, TB is good as gold here, first i've heard that it done work, theres been loads on OCUK forums using it too, must be a small number?

Flops, you said it rely on a network pass, is that the one for the 'homegroup' ?

As mucks said, sidebar was sooo 6 months ago, its all about the gadgets now. :D

The password is for the homegroup network setup, yes.

No sidebar, 'k, 'k, have applauncher installed, small oblong icon top right of desktop, hardly noticeable, can launch Recycle bin from there and I have disabled regular Recycle Bin icon. It also launches My computer; IE8 and Control Panel. I like this gadget.

Have now installed all hardware except the software for my G15 keyboard with the profiles and macro compiler functions.

So all these work:

Samsung CLP315 Colour Laser Printer.
Epson 4490 Scanner (Have scanned some documents within Photoshop 7 using it)
Logitech Cordless Rumblepad 2 (Gamepad)
Logitech Wingman Extreme Force Feedback Joystick
Thrustmaster Ferrari F480 Steering Wheel

So far, touch wood, all is going well.

First impressions are that it boots to desktop quicker, shuts down quicker, is as fast in all areas as at least XP, certainly quicker than Vista (although to be fair I haven't installed any games yet) and best of all, all those really niggly annoying things in Vista seem to have been changed, lots of little things pleasing me.

Alf, I expect the Logitech Help Desk guy was just quoting official policy on the Win 7 drivers and as Win 7 is so closely related to Vista (it IS a revamped Vista, really) I'm not surprised the Setpoint software works ok. Good stuff.

I'm not going to bother installing Setpoint for the mouse though as tbh I don't think I need it.

I'm still undecided what to install as a Mail client, Mucks say Windows mail is crap and Thunderbird doesn't work for him, so I don't know.

Very tempted just to load Outlook and Publisher from MS Office 2003 and just use Open Office for Word, Excel and Powerpoint but I was rather hoping to get away from MS Office.

Food for thought.

I reduced icon size in taskbar and the task bar size reduced with them so that was good :thumb: It all looks very good, I do like this aero thing and yes, I know it's a ripoff of some Linux Distros but hell, I like it ;)

Going to start installing some games now and overnight I will let Steam download and update, that's a big download, about 15Gb, but luckily I have plenty of bandwidth left on my ISP's plan for this month.
Well spotted Mucks. :)

Tony, The g15 software was th only thing that i had an issue with, had to install it via vista compatibility mode. been fine so far though. :)
I suppose now adays, that 64-bit OS shouldnt have the same driver problems as they did a few years ago?
Nah i've been using 64bit win 7 for a few months and not had one issue. :)
great news, i was worried about that. On a different note, Mucks or Flops - I heard that you get both a 32 AND 64 bit versions, but you can only use one or the other. Is this true? I assume that you are both using the Home edition.
I suppose you could install both versions and dual boot but you'd have to pay another full licence fee for the privilege and I personally see little point.

And yes, I'm using the Home Premium Edition.

The only software I haven't installed so far is for my G15 keyboard and lots of games and so far I haven't had any issues. Have installed CoD4 and all patches and that's working fine.

It's good to know I'm using an OS that takes advanatage of a 64 Bit CPU. In this area, incidentally, Linux were clear leaders, just out of interest.
floppybootstomp said:
I suppose you could install both versions and dual boot but you'd have to pay another full licence fee for the privilege and I personally see little point.

Quite correct on that one, but if you start off using 32bit and decide to change to 64bit you cna use your licence key again, no need for a new one..
Quite true Mr Mad, quite true :)

Installed latest Logitech software, dedicated 64 Bit, for G15 Gamers keyboard and all functions work fine :thumb:

Decided to install MS Office 2003 for now for convenience sake but have downloaded Open Office and plan to eventually migrate to a different Mail program, probably Thunderbird, possibly Windows mail, Open Office and I may very well buy an Upgrade version of Publisher 2007 as I've been using this program for 12 years now and have thousands of Publisher files.

I also happen to think Publisher is a really good piece of software.

Have now installed CoD5 WAW and all patches, is good; Superantispyware, Foxit PDF Reader and I have also disabled UAC.

I attempted to upgrade Superantispyware and Windows 7 wouldn't let me, telling me I did not have administrative rights. I was the only person listed as a user so this peeved me a bit. So I entered 'Administrative Rights' in the search box and up came the UAC Window which is a slider with various levels of blockage/warnings.

I set mine to off and I was able to upgrade Superantispyware. I think UAC is a good thing if you have a youngster on the machine online but I don't need it.

I also noted the search function in 7 is miles better than in Vista, it actually finds stuff, the Vista search function was rubbish.

I listened to Newsbeat on Radio One Xtra and they done a short news item on Win 7 and a couple of students gave their views. General concensus was good but one student commented 'It's like one big upgrade or patch for Vista but a very expensive patch'. Couldn't have put it better myself, I'm still kinda bitter about having to pay for Win 7, having invested in the turkey that was Vista. And I only paid £45.00, it is now £65.00 for the cheapest version going up to £170.00 for Ultimate.

And yes, I did actually like Vista but I also recognised it's shortcomings.

The Radio One news reporter doing the article pointed out that Vista was riddled with faults and highly criticised by the majority of it's users. He also pointed out that the latest Apple Mac OS is only £25.00. He didn't mention Linux though, that reporter should maybe consider getting a new researcher ;)
Vista Second Edition, Windows 6.1 ... has acquired the name Windows 7 ... what the heck, we know MS can con most the people most of the time.

'It's like one big upgrade or patch for Vista but a very expensive patch'

hit the head on the nail first time

Now, all you folks that are still using XP, you have no excuse for getting with the times, heck, you will probably find you won't need to upgrade your hardware. ;-)

Flops, please point me to Logitech 64bit drivers ... 'cos as far as I can see, they are farming us off with 32bit crap.

Mucks, the 64 Bit software is for the G15 keyboard which has Programmable macro keys and recognises gaming profiles for many games.

The software enables the user to write macros and assign them to keys, I'm not actually sure if the software includes drivers, the keyboard works in it's normal manner within Win 7 without drivers, as does my G5 mouse. I haven't installed drivers for my mouse.

Hit my first problem, I tried to update the Punkbuster client within CoD4 and CoDWaW and it failed in both instances. It tells me it can't find the path for the unzipped downloaded files.

Normally Punkbuster updates whilst you're playing online but it doesn't always and this often leads to me being kicked from servers as Punkbuster doesn't like you unless you're up to date. I actually hate Punkbuster with a vengenance, it's a complete piece of crap software imo, but if I want to play online.... :rolleyes:

I just hope it auto-updates during play.
ok, ta

I'll go get me Microsoft mouse ... I quit with them

Madxgraphics said:
Quite correct on that one, but if you start off using 32bit and decide to change to 64bit you cna use your licence key again, no need for a new one..

An if I have the retail version I can migrate it to a new pc ?

Ta Mad.
A couple of random thoughts, really liking Win 7, have to admit, no default links in start menu as in Vista for Internet and E-Mail, only link by default to IE8 is a small icon in the task bar. But by right-clicking you can enable a drop down menu that lets you pin both your e-mail client (in my case for the time being - Outlook) and your browser to the start bar so it looks just like the XP & Vista scheme of things.

I think Microsoft have actually listened to people and given us more choice, more control, with Win 7. And I don't give praise to Windows lightly, believe me.

Now have seven newish games installed and the speed of this OS is still good, by now Vista would have slowed down considerably.