Tom Leylan said:
Hi Robin: I realize your question was directed to Göran but I thought
I'd take a stab at it since you seem like a reasonable person.
It depends on how you define "reasonable". If you define it as someone who
agrees with you, than I'm probably not as reasonable as you would like.
Notwithstanding your attempts in microsoft.public.dotnet.general to get
people to stop posting questions about why their modem won't dial and
I always wonder what people think about me doing that. If people think that
is an inappropriate response, I can certainly stop. It is my compassion for
people who need help that encourages me.
If I knew zippo about computers (as is the case with most of those people),
and posted a question in the only place I could figure out how to post one
(the first "General Discussions" occurrence under the dropdown in the
Microsoft Discussion Group site), and nobody helped me or redirected me to
somewhere I could get help, I would be really frustrated. And unhelped.
But if people think I should stop doing that, I will. I know you stuck a
smiley face on that comment, but you must have some real feeling behind it
to mention it.
I don't agree with your analogy, if you are comparing VB to LA. You can't
really escape the smog in LA. You can escape poor coding in VB.
VB syntax is quirky in a number of ways due to it's roots. They may not
seem quirky to a person who has only developed in VB but they are if you
step back and compare it to other languages in an unbiased manner. That
isn't easy, people have preferences and they tend to be passionate about
Calling a function of a language "quirky" seems terribly judgmental.
Someone else could deem C# quirky in that it does not require curly braces
if there is only one sentence in an If/EndIf statement.
(Please don't waste your breath arguing about whether that's quirky or not.
I didn't say it was quirky. I said someone else could deem it so.) That's a
matter of opinion. Quirky could also be redefined as "language-specific".
You've no doubt read a few of the threads here where the topic is LEN()
or UCASE(). If a person (let's say me) suggests the syntax is dated (and
goes out on a limb and suggests it was only retained to placate the VB6
folk) that doesn't translate into "VB.Net is stupid". It could even be
interpreted as "you'd get more respect (if C# is considered as a language
that gets more respect) if the things that made it seem like a "toy
language" (those aren't my words) were eliminated."
This comes across as really condescending. Microsoft has a real problem
with all of the VB6 work out there that has not been converted to VB.Net,
even 6 years after its introduction. You can think of it as placating, but
it can also be a business decision to not remove the "shortcuts" that are
imbedded all over the place, in order to make it (infinitesimally) easier
to move applications to .Net.
You could argue that they should have changed the functionality of And and
Or to "AndAlso" and "OrElse" by default. But that would also have had a
huge impact on the conversion of VB6 code.
And before you throw the hammer at me, I will admit that I use the .Net
methods rather than the VB shortcuts. I do this because I program in both
VB and C#, and it is easier for me to switch back and forth.
Everything in life doesn't have to come down to a language war. One can
like Java fundamentally yet program in VB.Net for economic reasons and
should be able to point out "that's odd" without being asked to leave a
public newsgroup. The alternative to rational discussion is embodied in
"the cult of VB6 developer" where everybody must chant the same thing or
be branded a heretic. People have attempted to pull that nonsense here
but I believe the days of yelling "he's a witch" and having that work
have (thankfully) passed.
I don't remember ever feeling like I had to agree with everybody else or I
would be tossed out of the group. I think there are different ways to
disagree or to have a problem with a language. I don't think everybody has
to agree. I guess I try to be mindful of other people's choices, and know
that just because I don't agree with it, it doesn't mean I'm 100% right.
If I talk to a SmallTalk developer (and I have) and they proclaim there
is no better language on the face of the planet I tend to doubt them.
Perhaps there isn't for the type of software they write but by definition
this can't be the universal case. If there was no language betterin
every case there would be no other languages.
Well, there may not be any better language on the face of the planet for
that developer. I can respect that and disagree with them without being
condescending about their choice.
Do you still think I'm reasonable?
Robin S.