Is my hard disk in danger?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mr Anderson
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J. Clarke said:
This is true--I do not spend my life looking for deep dark conspiracies.

Right, not even when it spits you in the face.

Well apparently not in 2.41, the Active SMART helpfile says:
"To open SMART Raw data view press a View button and choose the
corresponding option. Using the SMART Raw data view you can explore
the Raw data of S.M.A.R.T. attributes".
Because I don't particularly want to know?

Thanks for confirming that "you don't want to see it".
Because he didn't know that it was important?

Well, you may be quite right there, he doesn't appear to be the worlds
brightest light.

A huge number that is a thousand times larger than any other of the
numbers 'obviously' is of no importance.
Why doesn't any other test he did give any problems?

Why would any other test give any p[roblem?

Oh, you mean his drive is perfectly OK then?
Maybe he understood you just fine the first time, eh.

Because tests (diagnostics) time operations and a drive that is failing
as massively as his 'supposedly' is, will not deliver the data in time.
You will experience massive stalls. It is not something that you'll miss.
Why would he experience any problems?

Ah, you are now saying that his drive is perfectly fine and he doesn't
need to replace it. Now that will *really* confuse the hell out of him.

The question has been answered several times now.
Obviously you keep shutting that out of your mind.
Hmm--I just killfiled Vallerio--if you don't like him maybe he has some
redeeming qualities after all.

If that is so, then what does that say about you, "J. Clarke"? Oops!
On the other hand, this could just be a very elaborate troll by our old friend
Vallerio Vanni.

By me???

Wasn't I, some time ago, myself a creation by a guy from Australia?