Your entire post is full of tired myths and worn out cliches that linux
users have been spreading for over a decade.
Sorry, but XP is most certainly not a 100% stable OS.
False. Maybe your computer is infected with spyware or maybe you didn't
do your research and have a driver conflict or maybe you just used a
cheap PSU.
work (in a 24/7 environment) and each work station has to be rebooted
once or twice a week due to various problems that constantly crop up
Maybe you aren't managing the machines very well, more likely your users
are mucking around where they shouldn't. Replace XP with linux then.
boxes in work) and I have had uptimes in the 100+days range, which
would have been longer only I did a kernel upgrade that necessitated
a reboot.
Look, the no reboot thing on linux is a myth (as you just admitted) and
second, rebooting once in a blue moon is not big deal. I shut down XP
about twice a month otherwise it runs 24/7 and I only need to reboot if
I upgrade drivers (maybe once a year) or the occasional MS update may
require a reboot (not as often as you try to make it out to be). 100
days should be no problem even for linux, on XP it would be
But other people do. Whether you buy it or not doesn't negate the fact.
Sourceforge is great, the opensource movement is awesome but the problem
with linux is that the effort is so fractured. A new distro comes out
every other day and each year you read some media article about the
newest hottest distro that will unseat Windows then it just fades away.
The condition is worsened by overzealous users such as yourself that
grossly exaggerate linux' capabilities.
Name me an application, any application, and I should be able to find
a FREE linux alternative that will do the same thing as an expensive
Windoze version.
Usenet binary application. Professional level vector graphics program.
Really? Have you tried some older hardware on XP? Some of it
doesn't work (due to a lack of XP drivers), but does in the latest
linux distro as it is supported at kernel level!
So linux supports obsolete hardware. Have you considered that the
hardware is obsolete because no one wants to use it.
And yet linux was years behind MS supporting such commonplace items as
usb mice, wireless mice, some popular graphics cards and firewire
external drives, just to name a few off the top of my head. linux will
no doubt continue to be behind the curve going forward.
Now I know you are kidding (or a troll). XP needs a HUGE amount more
work to keep running when compared to linux.
Anyone who installs linux will know you for a liar within the hour. Go
ahead and cry troll, because that and your myths are all you have.
Again, don't make me laugh.
You should laugh at the pathetic support linux has. If you have a
problem it will involve visiting half a dozen forums or newsgroups while
a few people give you half clues and the rest reply RTFM. Not to mention
the next to worthless documentation.
Linux? It's usually patched the same day the flaw is discovered.
Sure and the check is in the mail.
Tell me, do you run anti-virus software? Yes? Why is that? I don't
because I don't need to.
Why would you need to, almost all the spyware, viruses and whatnot are
written by linux nerds when they're not busy fixing linux.
riddled with viruses due to a major flaw in the security structure of
the OS at the most basic level.
And yet, the only people I know who get infections are clueless users
who do stupid things. It's true, most windows users are clueless about
computers and especially security, this is not MS fault.
Because my linux box is more stable
Perhaps you should write a post and we can help diagnose your problem,
most likely spyware, a driver conflict or cheap psu.
and thus requires less work
We can probably help fix that.
Probably can fix that too.
due to a more efficient OS
I have MORE time to get out in the sun and to meet my neighbors.
As if.