Intermittent PC lock up

  • Thread starter Thread starter Putim
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Personally I prefer top posting, it has many advantages and it
makes posts easier to read.

And it is alo true that bottom posters are usually the ignorant
insulting bossy type.

Pot calling the kettle black?
I think their main problem is an inflexible mind due
probably to low intelligence low intelligence

.... and "some" of them may think you're stupid too, but what good is that,
what useful purpose does it serve to alienate and insult so quickly? There
are plenty of reasons to be vain but it's of no use here. Your post has
no useful purpose even by intention, only an example of how low you're
Its not 'this topic' again. Big difference. Top posting
verse bottom posting is only peripheral. Onideus Mad Hatter
violates multiple principles. First he criticizes because he
perfered an inferior posting method - his intolerance.
Second, his repeated use of useless, irelevant and indecent,
four letter words. Third, he uses those words to insult
others. No wonder he would demand that others do silly bottom
posts. The discussion is not about top verse bottom posting.
The post is about the character and intent of Onideus Mad
Hatter - a discussion that would never happen if he had just
learned to be tolerant and silent. Then his language would
not have become a discussion issue.

Even if you don't care - top verse bottom posting - the
language and insults from Onideus Mad Hatter are the issue.
I wasn't being insulting I was being honest.

Here is an example of the language used by a bottom poster.
"are just retarded but uh, STOP THE ****ING TOP POSTING!"

And I back my opinions up with reason example and evidence.
You are incapable of defending bottom posting which is why you
didn't ever try to.

Indeed you rather low and cowardly and snipping my arguement
from you response is about as much as I come to expect from
bottom posters.

Some of the jumped up little hitlers even have the audacity to tell
people to stop top posting in a public group would you believe?

So manners is another quality they lack.

kony said:
Pot calling the kettle black?

... and "some" of them may think you're stupid too, but what good is that,
what useful purpose does it serve to alienate and insult so quickly? There
are plenty of reasons to be vain but it's of no use here. Your post has
no useful purpose even by intention, only an example of how low you're

I wasn't being insulting I was being honest.

Here is an example of the language used by a bottom poster.
"are just retarded but uh, STOP THE ****ING TOP POSTING!"

And I back my opinions up with reason example and evidence.
You are incapable of defending bottom posting which is why you
didn't ever try to.

Indeed you rather low and cowardly and snipping my arguement
from you response is about as much as I come to expect from
bottom posters.
I wasn't being insulting I was being honest.

.... but of course.
Here is an example of the language used by a bottom poster.
"are just retarded but uh, STOP THE ****ING TOP POSTING!"

Clearly that is supposed to be representative of bottom posters in
general. With all that damning evidence it's perfectly clear, we should
just burn all bottom-posters at the stake!
And I back my opinions up with reason example and evidence.
You are incapable of defending bottom posting which is why you
didn't ever try to.

There are some topics that are a waste of time to discuss with someone who
can't even distinguish between a troll and millions of other usenet

Indeed you rather low and cowardly and snipping my arguement
from you response is about as much as I come to expect from
bottom posters.

Did you think you could effectively insult someone after doing nothing to
prove yourself more than a loon?
Some of the jumped up little hitlers even have the audacity to tell
people to stop top posting in a public group would you believe?

So manners is another quality they lack.

LOL, little hitlers!

I nominate you to be the alt.comp.hardware Jester.
kony said:
Pot calling the kettle black?

... and "some" of them may think you're stupid too, but what good is
that, what useful purpose does it serve to alienate and insult so
quickly? There are plenty of reasons to be vain but it's of no use
here. Your post has no useful purpose even by intention, only an
example of how low you're sinking.

Seconded. This insulting microbe could have a serious problem with his PC
that I could instruct him on how to fix in a few minutes but he won't get
any answers out of me.

Must be my "low intelligence low intelligence" that makes me "the ignorant
insulting bossy type".
w_tom said:
Its not 'this topic' again. Big difference. Top posting
verse bottom posting is only peripheral. Onideus Mad Hatter
violates multiple principles. First he criticizes because he
perfered an inferior posting method - his intolerance.
Second, his repeated use of useless, irelevant and indecent,
four letter words. Third, he uses those words to insult
others. No wonder he would demand that others do silly bottom
posts. The discussion is not about top verse bottom posting.
The post is about the character and intent of Onideus Mad
Hatter - a discussion that would never happen if he had just
learned to be tolerant and silent. Then his language would
not have become a discussion issue.

Even if you don't care - top verse bottom posting - the
language and insults from Onideus Mad Hatter are the issue.

Get over it already. This is usenet, not gradeschool. While his style may
not be the norm in ACH he does have some interesting and insightful things
to say and is trying to help people, in his own way.

Killfile him if you can't handle the real world. *Don't* attempt to impose
your will on this NG. Bottom posting is the accepted norm and a few
swear-words aren't going to hurt you, nor are they enough to comprise a
breach of usenet rules.

Your 'issue' is only an issue in your own lunch-time.

<gratuitous swearing> **** </gratuitous swearing>
I only responsed to a rather abusive poster, with far milder language
and I didn't respond directly to that poster either IIRC.

Its obviously a crack your eggs at the top or bottom issue, so reason
does not come into it.

If you read a lot of posts it's much easier to see top posters in OE
because the text is at the top and you can read it with one click with
out having to scroll down 5 pages to read a one line comment. So
I fail to see why *some* bottom posters get so annoyed by it.

And if you read my posts carefully, if I insulted any BP's it was those
who were "the ignorant insulting bossy type" not BP's in general.
You yourself appear to have placed yourself in that category,
not me, unless you are the hatters sock puppet. So I guess you have
insulted yourself and will not be giving yourself any of your learned

So.... given your apparent lack of ability to comprehend the logic
of a post I am unsure how much I miss your lack on input, backed
by a wealth logical analaysis, on any of my problems.

Having said that, were the situation reversed I think I would be happy
to help anyone even if they had insulted me, unless it was excessive and
particularly vile. After all it would prove their opinion of me was

And I was reffering to bottom posters who complain excessively
and rudely, with out any arguement to validate there complaint.

Futher more if I wanted your advice I could post under a different id.
That won't be happening.

I accept your comments about the hatter, I found his first (well
a couple of them actually) post to me rather abusive however thats
just some peoples way and it doesn't bother me really.

I think what people have to say is more important than how they
said it and what he said sounded pretty logical to me, although it
remains to be seen whether he was correct or not.

I don't judge books by the cover, well not unless I have read the
first chapter I guess ;O)

Bottom posting may be the accepted 'norm' but it usually how
inexperienced posters post I find. I found top posting rather unusual
at first but I soon realised the great benefits of it.

Burning witches was once the accepted norm, as did the belief that
the earth is flat and that the sun revolved around the earth.

So your 'accepted norm' theory holds little water with a heretic like me.

w_tom said:
Did shop first verify DC voltages? Your failures are
classic of a power supply that is constantly outputting low DC
voltage or excessive ripple voltage. In that other thread
cited by half_pint are further details and a procedure.

In the meantime, intermittent hardware can run diagnostics
fine all day and night. But once that defective hardware runs
same diagnostics in a 100 degree F room or while selected
components are heated by a hairdryer on high, only then are
the defects located.

Meanwhile, I assume this is XP? Then what did system
(event) logs report?

BIOS should have no effect on your problem since BIOS is
supplemented by OS once system boots. If this is an NT based
OS, then list of hardware reasons for failure is sharply
diminished. In the meantime, you have three things to do:
voltage measurements, comprehensive diagnostics at elevated
temperature, and system log information.

OK, the OS is Windows 2000 Pro, with both Hard Drives formatted in
NTFS. I dont want to go into Top and Bottom posting debate, I just
want my machine fixing...

As I mentioned before, the only components I've left to replace are
the CPU, Motherboard and PSU, I'm off to buy another PSU and CPU today
(Funds permitting)...I'll let you know how I get along.!!
half_pint said:
I accept your comments about the hatter, I found his first (well
a couple of them actually) post to me rather abusive however thats
just some peoples way and it doesn't bother me really.

I think what people have to say is more important than how they
said it and what he said sounded pretty logical to me, although it
remains to be seen whether he was correct or not.

I don't judge books by the cover, well not unless I have read the
first chapter I guess ;O)

Bottom posting may be the accepted 'norm' but it usually how
inexperienced posters post I find. I found top posting rather unusual
at first but I soon realised the great benefits of it.

I find totally the opposite, pretty much universally. Inexperienced posters,
usually using OE, click the "Reply Group" button and the cursor is flashing
at the top, so that's where they write. Laziness and lack of education is
why most top-posters top-post.

I see that you used to bottom-post without fail, for at least two years,
right up until early this year. Are you like a reformed smoker? Or a
born-again christian?

Also, certain groups have certain ways of doing things. I know of several
groups where top-posting is the norm, 95% of the posts are top-posts. When I
post in those groups I top-post. Then there are other groups where
bottom-posting is the accepted way of doing things. Out of courtesy for the
other posters I bottom-post in those groups (this being one of them).
Burning witches was once the accepted norm, as did the belief that
the earth is flat and that the sun revolved around the earth.

So your 'accepted norm' theory holds little water with a heretic like

So we dissagree, no big deal. There's no need to bring religious symbolism
into it or get all emotional. Carry on top-posting and I'll ignore you from
now on as you don't have the common decency to adhere to the "When in
Rome...." school of thought.

Good luck with your power button.
half_pint said:
I only responsed to a rather abusive poster, with far milder language
and I didn't respond directly to that poster either IIRC.

Its obviously a crack your eggs at the top or bottom issue, so reason
does not come into it.

If you read a lot of posts it's much easier to see top posters in OE
because the text is at the top and you can read it with one click with
out having to scroll down 5 pages to read a one line comment. So
I fail to see why *some* bottom posters get so annoyed by it.

And if you read my posts carefully, if I insulted any BP's it was
those who were "the ignorant insulting bossy type" not BP's in

Bullshit half_arsed! You said, and I quote:

"And it is alo true that bottom posters are usually the ignorant
insulting bossy type.

I think their main problem is an inflexible mind due
probably to low intelligence low intelligence"

I think that is insulting to bottom-posters in general don't you?

You also said:

"It a real pain in google groups when I have to go back online
to read a post because the text is at the bottom and requires
an extra link to be clicked."

Well guess what? Usenet wasn't developed for the convenience of people who
use Google groups. In fact, and this may shock you, Google groups was
primarilly designed for people who are too simple-minded to use a newsreader
or too computer-illiterate to install and configure the software. ("Duh!
what's a news server?").
You yourself appear to have placed yourself in that category,
not me, unless you are the hatters sock puppet. So I guess you have
insulted yourself and will not be giving yourself any of your learned

No, you *yourself* pretty much placed me in that category. (See above)
So.... given your apparent lack of ability to comprehend the logic
of a post I am unsure how much I miss your lack on input, backed
by a wealth logical analaysis, on any of my problems.

That's too funny. Go back over this thread, use your precious Google groups,
check that I quoted you correctly. Then follow the thread through and see
who's logic falls down.
Having said that, were the situation reversed I think I would be happy
to help anyone even if they had insulted me, unless it was excessive
and particularly vile. After all it would prove their opinion of me
was unfounded.

Well, I seriously doubt you would, going by the lack of tolerance and
readiness to condemn you've shown here.
And I was reffering to bottom posters who complain excessively
and rudely, with out any arguement to validate there complaint.

It's "their", not "there". And you weren't refering to any particular type
of bottom-poster, your insults were very wide-sweeping. (See above)
Futher more if I wanted your advice I could post under a different id.
That won't be happening.

Fine, whatever. Good luck with your simple little problems that my
girlfriend could solve in her morning tea-break.
OK, the OS is Windows 2000 Pro, with both Hard Drives formatted in
NTFS. I dont want to go into Top and Bottom posting debate, I just
want my machine fixing...

As I mentioned before, the only components I've left to replace are
the CPU, Motherboard and PSU, I'm off to buy another PSU and CPU today
(Funds permitting)...I'll let you know how I get along.!!

Forgot to mention earlier...There's no trace of anything happening in
Event Viewer or any other Managment's such an unexpected
crash...the PC is has now being on all night and all day, it's
currently playing Mp3 and downloading and it's great...But if I
attempt to watch a multimedia file I know it will suddenly lock.!!

I havent got the PSU or CPU today, cos I'm going to borrow a 300watt
and 400watt power supply from work and test them.!!
Putim said:
w_tom <> wrote in message

OK, the OS is Windows 2000 Pro, with both Hard Drives formatted in
NTFS. I dont want to go into Top and Bottom posting debate, I just
want my machine fixing...

As I mentioned before, the only components I've left to replace are
the CPU, Motherboard and PSU, I'm off to buy another PSU and CPU today
(Funds permitting)...I'll let you know how I get along.!!

I would get the PSU first (you must have some money), also its a lot
cheaper to change the cables than the expensive things on the end of them.
You might change £100's of pounds worth of stuff and find its a frayed
~misfit~ said:
I find totally the opposite, pretty much universally. Inexperienced posters,
usually using OE, click the "Reply Group" button and the cursor is flashing
at the top, so that's where they write. Laziness and lack of education is
why most top-posters top-post.

I see that you used to bottom-post without fail, for at least two years,
right up until early this year. Are you like a reformed smoker? Or a
born-again christian?

Also, certain groups have certain ways of doing things. I know of several
groups where top-posting is the norm, 95% of the posts are top-posts. When I
post in those groups I top-post. Then there are other groups where
bottom-posting is the accepted way of doing things. Out of courtesy for the
other posters I bottom-post in those groups (this being one of them).

So we dissagree, no big deal. There's no need to bring religious symbolism
into it or get all emotional. Carry on top-posting and I'll ignore you from
now on as you don't have the common decency to adhere to the "When in
Rome...." school of thought.

I will do what a like and I won't be told what do by the likes of you.
Good luck with your power button.

Shove it up your arse.
~misfit~ said:
Bullshit half_arsed! You said, and I quote:

"And it is alo true that bottom posters are usually the ignorant
insulting bossy type.

I think their main problem is an inflexible mind due
probably to low intelligence low intelligence"

I think that is insulting to bottom-posters in general don't you?

You also said:

"It a real pain in google groups when I have to go back online
to read a post because the text is at the bottom and requires
an extra link to be clicked."

Well guess what? Usenet wasn't developed for the convenience of people who
use Google groups. In fact, and this may shock you, Google groups was
primarilly designed for people who are too simple-minded to use a newsreader
or too computer-illiterate to install and configure the software. ("Duh!
what's a news server?").

Google is the most popular search engine around, I know of no
better method of searching ng's.
No, you *yourself* pretty much placed me in that category. (See above)

That's too funny. Go back over this thread, use your precious Google groups,
check that I quoted you correctly. Then follow the thread through and see
who's logic falls down.

Well, I seriously doubt you would, going by the lack of tolerance and
readiness to condemn you've shown here.

It's "their", not "there". And you weren't refering to any particular type
of bottom-poster, your insults were very wide-sweeping. (See above)

Fine, whatever. Good luck with your simple little problems that my
girlfriend could solve in her morning tea-break.

Is she a man?
Wildly replacing things is a formula for expensive and not
always successful repair. Its called shotgunning - what scam
car mechanics do. Cited was a DC voltage problem as a typical
reason for this failure. Verify existing components with
woefully inexpensive test equipment - 3.5 digit multimeter.
If that meter says OK, then move on - don't waste time buying
more power supplies.

Procedure discussed previously in "Computer doesnt start at
all" in alt.comp.hardware on 10 Jan 2004 at
"I think my power supply is dead" in alt.comp.hardware on 5
Feb 2004 at .

Power supply that only caused problems once a week will
display reason for problem in a multimeter every minute of
that week. Get the meter. Either confirm or negate power
supply (and other power supply system components) as a reason
for failure.

If using the shotgun method, then better to buy a complete
system anyway since that is what you will be almost doing -
and maybe still not solve the problem. However, if the intent
is to learn by fixing, then get the meter.
half_pint said:
I would get the PSU first (you must have some money), also its a lot
cheaper to change the cables than the expensive things on the end of them.
You might change £100's of pounds worth of stuff and find its a frayed

That would be my worst Nightmare, if it turned out to be just bad

When I used the machine yesterday it had being running all day and
I played some Mp3 and messed around on the desktop, then watch an Avi
file (an hour long) and it locked 3 times, then I played CounterStrike
and it locked after about 5 minutes each time, then later that evening
I watched 3 more Avi's, each about 20 minutes and it was fine!!! It's
still running now....crazy machine....

Still, I'll try replacing the Power Supply (I'll get one from work),
and if that doesnt work I'll replace the CPU...and failing
That would be my worst Nightmare, if it turned out to be just bad

When I used the machine yesterday it had being running all day and
I played some Mp3 and messed around on the desktop, then watch an Avi
file (an hour long) and it locked 3 times, then I played CounterStrike
and it locked after about 5 minutes each time, then later that evening
I watched 3 more Avi's, each about 20 minutes and it was fine!!! It's
still running now....crazy machine....

Still, I'll try replacing the Power Supply (I'll get one from work),
and if that doesnt work I'll replace the CPU...and failing

Here's a strange thing....Just in the name of science (and to rule out
heat as the problem)...I borrowed an Office fan and took the side of
my pc off and sat the fan facing it on a moderate speed....

I was then working on the Desktop when the Pc rebooted, it loaded
windows again and after 2 mins it rebooted again...then it got half
way thru loading Win2k it rebooted and never got to desktop until I
took the fan away and let the pc warm up took another 8
reboots (automatic) before fully loading again....

As usual.....and ideas welcome.!