Hi Herfried,
An MSDN page helps in more than 99% of the questions.
That's being a little over the top, just because you posted a link and no
reply was given saying that the link was helpful, does not mean that the
person was satisfied! Imagine if they said, "Hang on a minute, that was
crap, give me something else!", you would find it rude, as would I! But no
way is 99% of questions answered by MSDN links, no way on this earth!
What you meant to say is, 99% of *your* understanding of the question is
answered by MSDN links. And believe it or not, *our* understanding of
someones question is *not* always correct.
I _never_ posted code/a link to code with German variable names. I
_hate_ German variable names. As mentioned previously, IMO even code
commented in _Chinese_ may be helpful if useful variable names are
used. And I am convinced that even English speaking people who do not
understand German will find a "Download" (we use the same word like in
English) link on a German language page.
That is a very *minor* point that you have picked up on there Herfried and
that is exactly what Tom was referring to in a previous post. Variable
names do not explain code deeply enough, they might do with very simple
code, but not with the complicated stuff. Yes, German code can be
understood, you are misunderstanding what I meant, I said that people do not
always understand the German explanation that goes with it, that is all.
I love hearing things put into "layman terms", have you ever heard of that
phrase Herfried? It means that more complex things are being explained by
being compared to things that are more simple, like explaining the inside of
the Earth by looking at the inside of an apple for example. I think *those*
explanations are great and they help people far more than an MSDN link that
is riddled with Jargon and lines and lines of Americanized text.
LOL, I'd love to see an MSDN page with a scribble drawing of some
programming methodology being likened to striking a badger with a pastrami!!
I got fed up with programming because it's such a
hamster wheel. I'm glad I'm back, but its still a lot
of running just to stay where you are!
