Hi there,
I didn't really *want* to seem like I'm stoking a fire in the slightest,
but I can see plenty of tension going on here, even if people say there
I'm going to try to *not* quote from previous threads but just explain
what I am observing at the moment. Several different points of argument are
being rolled into one, and that is not what I meant from my post.
Tom has hit the nail on the head. If you hand someone VB code with *no*
comments they will not *always* understand it unless it has been written in
a well structured and modular fashion. I, as do many others like
*understanding* code before I use it, when I ask a question in here, I do
not want someone to search on Google for me, I want someone to explain the
workings behind something. Once I have understood the workings behind code
I can quickly change and implement it in a way that best suits me, this is
the way that *I* personally like to program. I am not a copy and paste
programmer, if I use someone else's code I *always* rewrite it so that I can
understand it from the ground up.
So when you get a link to code that is written badly but has lots of
comments, the comments have to be in a language that the particular person
understands, and I have *never* once seen *anyone* ask,
"What language do you want that in?"
Why do we not ask? Because this is an English speaking newsgroup. As
Cor has so nicely pointed out, there *are* localised alternatives. There is
no point what so ever in communicating in any other language in a newsgroup
other than it's native language. Herfried is so quick to tell people where
to go if they are asking questions related to another *programming*
language, but he never tells people to go to German newsgroups if they are
speaking German!
That just goes to show a blatant flexing of authority, and believe it or
not Herfried, you *are* the "regular of regulars" because you post more
replies in here than *any* one else, is that clear? because it is as clear
as broad daylight to me, as it is *many* others.
I was not saying that Herfried is not helpful, because he is, but not
all the time. Just because someone offers help that does not make them
"helpful", that is *not* the definition of helpful. Imagine sitting in a
lecture hall in a University and someone goes to ask the lecturer a
question, the lecturer answers with one line,
"Turn to page 23"
That is *not* being helpful all the time. Some times it is, when
someone wants a quick example of how to do something quite menial. But
allot of the time people want to do things that are more complicated and
they want to get a deeper understanding, only then will explanation and
conversation rule the day.
I, as have *many* others, asked questions in here that have not even
been answered, simply because they require more time and forethought, this
is a shame, but tough luck because at the end of the day this newsgroup does
not hold *all* of the answers :-(
Anyway, enough is enough from me, Tom understood what I meant but it was
misunderstood by Cor, but never mind Cor, I have misunderstood you before,
and I have misunderstood many others before. Oh well, cest la vi!
I could imagine the translation system that is used in Ultima Online
being used in a newsgroup, imagine that, a newsgroup where *everything* is
translated into your native language, no matter what it may be! Marvellous
bit of technology and forethought!
I got fed up with programming because it's such a
hamster wheel. I'm glad I'm back, but its still a lot
of running just to stay where you are!
