Have been discussed up and down in the past... cant remeber
all the pro&con arguments, but try this thread
http://google.com/groups?&[email protected]&rnum=1>
I can't find any good reasons to not make available as iso there, on the
contrary, lots of good arguments why it should be available, and lots
of people who want it to be available.
I quote:
"Only problem is, I'm not sure I understand what the problem is? So at
the risk of misunderstanding here: While the ISO checked out fine for
me now, it might not for the next guy downloading it later - someone
may have changed it meanwhile. In other words, each and every person
who download the CD, not matter from where, should verify it them
self. Same thing for people who receive the CD via snail mail, they
don't know if the CD checks out OK until they verify the copy they
receive against your dvdsig.md5 them self. In other words, I see no
difference in downloading a online copy of the ISO to make my own CD,
or receive a CD via mail from someone.
Personally I would consider it a good thing if the CD is available
online from as many sources as possible, which also probably means
more people will burn copies for friends and family that do not have
download options them selves. Many people have slow connections
(modem) at home, but have access to faster connections at work,
school, public library, familie and friends etc. Nice if they can get
the CD online then, at no cost and with little effort. Of course this
will be outside of your control, but when you think about it - it
already is - and was the moment you sent the first CD copy out the
door. I assumed this is why the dvdsig/md5sum is used, so people can
verify they got a copy of the original CD, the real thing, no?"