David said:[...]I don't doubt it. HPQ's stock price rose 15% within minutes
of the announcing of Carly's departure.
Carly's reign of terror was obvious for quite some time. At the
2002 shareholder's meeting, Walter Hewlett was given a standing
ovation, and Carly was booed. 'Course, the attendees were mainly
individual investors, not the big institutions that got bought off
with lucrative investment banking deals, and outright bribes.
Two million paid to Deutsche Bank for "market intelligence" comes
to mind:
Think of it. Martha's in the slammer, and Carly's walking around
scott free with a few hundred million in shareholder's money. Now
the CFO that had his hands really dirty in that deal is the acting
CEO. Golly gee, wonder if he's going to fire himself?
Back to the inkjet cartridges, can someone explain why the region coded
cartridges have almost escaped notice? Seems like a heck of a bigger
deal, at least to the Europeans, than a silly little time bomb that goes
off after 30 months:
Fascinating, its like nonsence with the DVD's! My wife
is Dutch-Indonesian and we have DVD's from 3 regions.
Its a horror with this region code crap...