HOW TO SECURE Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003 & even VISTA, + make it "fun to do"

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APK Hosts File Grinder 4.0++: For those that use a HOSTS file for security & speed!

For those of you interested in using custom HOSTS files (for BOTH added security & added speed online)?

"APK Hosts File Grinder 4.0++"




The application above has been built by myself, for folks just like YOU, & of course, myself!


It allows you the end-user, the ability to:

1.) DO very EASY Integrating the HOSTS files of others, such as MVPS.ORG & others noted @ wikipedia, here -> (even if in other internal line-by-line formats) "scrubbed into" the MOST EFFICIENT format there is (allowing less memory &/or disk space occupancy for loading, of 0<singlespace>URL<cr+lf> ), first, & then..

2.) Speed up access to your fav sites, via 1st pinging them (so their IP Address IS up-to-date/current), & adding them to the normalized non-repeat line items list on the right above

3.) Add/remove sites from a hosts file, but by first checking for their pre-existence inside the HOSTS file on ADDS, & rejecting if there already (& adding if NOT present)

4.) Lastly, it will FULLY NORMALIZE (accurately 110%) a HOSTS file (normalize = removal of duplicates)...leaving you with one in the MOST efficient format line-wise there is (noted above, which consumes less memory & faster loadtime from disk)


It has allowed me to:

A.) Take valid HOSTS file data EVERY known & respected HOSTS file there is (noted from the wikipedia link above, & also from SRI, Shadowserver, Dancho Dancheve's Blog, SpyBot S&D, Spamhaus, Phishtank, + others also, such as my own research into this area), & integrate them FIRST into a HUGE 20mb file, & then via normalization, reducing its size to 12mb on disk (removing repeats which they will have between one another & sometimes inside of themselves even), reduce its size that way (1/2 the intial size almost from all that date), first...

B.) It has also made a 12mb SUPER-COMPREHENSIVE custom HOSTS file out of an intially 20++ mb sized one, from the sources above... allowing the SAME function as they offer (because their HOSTS FILES' many times using, or, formats, instead into a MORE EFFICIENT ONE, of 0<singlespace>URL<cr+lf>)... thus, MASSIVELY reducing its size on disk & in RAM once loaded into your local DNS cache, yet offering the SAME function!

C.) Create a CUSTOM HOSTS FILE loaded with FULLY alphabetized entries into your HOSTS file (so it is easy to search thru, even via notepad.exe).


* It can do the same for you as well, should you be interested in such a tool... if you are? Email me, here:

(e-mail address removed)


P.S.=> General statistics on its, while in operation:

700k-5900k memory occupancy prior to load of HOSTS file data...

( & up to 167mb IF a "huge" hosts file (like 1 million++ line entries) is used)

Its runtimes (noted above) will vary, depending on the size of the HOSTS file being processed (should NOT exceed 3 hrs (&, for most folks, since they do NOT have files of such size in their HOSTS file? Heh, it will be the "blink of an eye" on most all sections (scrub, add/remove entries - validate entries, normalization-removal of repeated items, & save to disk) up to 2 minutes or so)

PLUS - It was built in the MOST efficient & fastest code combination I know of (Borland Delphi 7.x, Win32 API, & Inline Assembler code)

(Especially for this type of string processing (of which Delphi alone in math & strings often MORE THAN DOUBLED (sometimes, tripled) the speed of both MSVB & MSVC++ in, in (of all places) Visual Basic Programmer's Journal Sept./Oct. 1997 issue "INSIDE THE VB COMPILER" issue))


A truly "SUPER-EFFICIENT" algorithm, on each area of processing (especially normalization, taken down from DAYS time over 1 million++ records, to only 3 hours time max, if no repeats exist... if repeats? Far, FAR faster!)

Which speaks worlds alone right there... this app makes FAR shorter work of this, than does using ping.exe (for speedup of sites), MsAccess (via SQL Select Distinct queries work, & the potential import/export hassles it can have (leaving trailing spaces &/or quotes for example, bloating files on export)), & notepad.exe (good luck normalizing one using its Edit-Replace menus is all I can say... especially IF you have a BIG hosts file)... apk
floppybootstomp said:

Do you really think anybody's going to read all those posts?

Well, funny YOU should ask THAT: Considering this post has only been here roughly 45 days (not even that), & it's your MOST VIEWED in that timeframe !

(Data that backs my statement here is easily obtainable via the selection boxes fields of SORTED BY, SORT ORDER, & TIMEFRAME fields your forums has)

Soooo... that OUGHT to be "self-explanatory" by that point (645 views in less than 45 days - nothing else in that timeframe in this forums section even comes CLOSE to that level of views)...


* Additionally/once again: I can literally also show you MANY forums online (I posted this all over the web from 6 months ago to present day, your forums here being amongst the last in fact) where this very post (title is ALWAYS the same -> "HOW TO SECURE Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003" <- By searching that quoted phrase on GOOGLE, you can see this statement of mine has factual basis as well) was mode either a:
  • 5/5 Star-Rated Thread
  • Essential Guide
On 15/20 forums it was featured @/posted on...

HECK: 1 website even PAID ME for this content ($100 January 2008 winner @ in fact), when I won its monthly prize for that in fact, on my very first posting there no less...


P.S.=> Also, I can quite literally & QUICKLY show many forums where folks DID employ this material, to GOOD effect no less (no more security hassles that I know of)!

As well as showing that I DID HELP FOLKS THRU VARIOUS SECTIONS THAT "CONFUSED THEM" as well... when asked to do so.

E.G.-> This site, see Thronka, midweskid, &/or AlexStarFire + their questions (& more importantly, their results):

There, thru @ least 4 folks thru its pages, I helped them thru issues they had implementing CIS Tool's suggestions list...

(For AlexStarFire, in particular? This resulted in the ABSOLUTELY HIGHEST SCORE I HAVE EVER SEEN FROM A WINDOWS USER no less (on XP, I use Windows Server 2003 SP #2 fully hotfix patched, which has been noted as "the most secure Windows to date" from various sources))... apk
floppybootstomp said:
Ok, mon ami, I guess you have an agenda ;)

A very GOOD one, to help others NOT get 'suckered' out online... where it might cost them their credit rating (or, other "identity-theft" related crap).

floppybootstomp said:
I haven't seen any blatant advertising

Nothing to "advertise", or sell etc. et al... just good advice, for those that are willing to take it, & are patient enough to examine all of this. I can't make it any shorter, w/out adversely impacting crucial details or examples etc. et al!

(&, For nothing/gratis/nada - "outta the goodness of my heart", lol, well... actually, to satisfy my "New Year's Resolution", of "DO A GOOD DEED"... so far, so good too!)

floppybootstomp said:
just some extremely frantic advice, so I shall leave this thread be :)

No, please... don't "leave it alone"!

E.G.-> It would be nice, for example, IF you & yours here can find ANY "weaknesses" in this content, instead!

(Please - let us ALL know if you or others here can...)

I credit those who do in its content (if you read it that is, you will see) across any forums where I am still able to edit it (not all forums allow this unfortunately, though some gave me MOD/ADMIN powers to do so on them)...

I actually INVITE any of you to "frantically" find any holes in this content (better yet, to ADD something NEW to it maybe, that I missed), so others can gain by it (even myself)...


* Thanks!


P.S.=> Funniest part, I have noted? Is that Ms-MVP's even gave me a 'hard time' about some of the content (such as the VIRUS REMOVAL section)... & even NIST recommends & has that in THEIR guides... so much for "MS-MVP's", eh?

The folks that have helped the most, in finding 'weaknesses' or 'omissions' on my part in this guide? Have been "regular joes" from forums, 3 of them thusfar of nearly 125,000 views across 15 forums this is on... oddly enough!

Maybe a "more fresh pair of eyes" (one less 'programmed' lol), is better here... get someone to 'think outside the box' (cliche, but fits).

Especially, vs. the "so called experts" (most of which I have LITTLE respect for, as most of them such as the "Ms-MVP's" I noted earlier? Can't even code, & w/out that? I truly believe you are NOT "reading music", you're @ best, using "tablature"... music folks will KNOW what I mean there)... apk
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Simply WOW, thats a lot of information, i will admit i skimmed through it, but then went back and had another read, if someone wants to hack onto my PC then fine, but they won't anything very interesting or worthwhile.

Oh, if thats you in the picture, i love your hair! (I am not being sarcastic).

And i don't think anyone here calls themselves an expert, or do they?
Waynos_Face said:
Simply WOW, thats a lot of information, i will admit i skimmed through it, but then went back and had another read, if someone wants to hack onto my PC then fine, but they won't anything very interesting or worthwhile.

Well, nowadays, they're not just after "wrecking your rig" etc. et al, they're after YOU... mainly your cash, or credit, etc. et al (it's now a "money game" man, the serious kind, really).

Take your time though, & run the CIS Tool @ least... that is the "main focus" of this... to make DOING this, easier (& actually, a bit of fun... that is, if you like things like benchmarks, because basically, it IS a 'benchmark of security' really).

Taught me a "trick-or-two", & I've been @ this field professionally for nearly 16 yrs. now (maybe 25 years TOTAL time though)

Waynos_Face said:
Oh, if thats you in the picture, i love your hair! (I am not being sarcastic).

It's STILL that way, only a bit longer now... time to cut it, tomorrow... oh well!


Waynos_Face said:
And i don't think anyone here calls themselves an expert, or do they?

Nope, didn't see that... nor do I expect it!

I am only noting that 'regular folks' did a BETTER JOB than even known 'security experts' did in finding 'holes' in this guide... so far, 3 regular guys have (not comp. sci. experts either, just sharp cookies, found 3 things I omitted, & thus, I credited them... that goes, in my book, where it's due is all).

SO - if you read this, I had 1 such fellow ( guru) review this & he did not note or find what others, 'regular forums folks' had...(SO, so much for "experts", eh?)


P.S.=> A 'pretty terrifying concept' is in my next post... take a read, & know why I recommended now, for years, turning off OR limiting the usage of things like javascript/java/activex etc. et al... this one's worse though, by far, imo @ least! apk

Researcher to demonstrate attack code for Intel chips:

"Kaspersky says CPU bugs are a growing threat, with malware being written that targets these vulnerabilities... Security researcher and author Kris Kaspersky plans to demonstrate how an attacker can target flaws in Intel's microprocessors to remotely attack a computer using JavaScript or TCP/IP packets, regardless of what operating system the computer is running."

* Now can anyone see WHY I recommended turning off Java/Javascript (& other browser addons/extension languages) for "every site you use under the sun" + IFrames too?

There are more examples inside this guide, & of this SAME type of idea (crank off the java/javascript etc. et al & ONLY keep it active on sites you ABSOLUTELY need it for, to have the site function properly - lessening your potentially attackable surface online basically).. heck, even adbanners have exploits of this nature in them lately...

The examples I put in this guide ARE far older too, dating back 1-3 yrs. but the point is only here, again, & moreso (far more dangerous this time, imo @ least)...


P.S.=> TRY TO THINK OF IT, THIS WAY (for laughs):

Hey, see my signature?

Think of me saying that to you, except giving you a "phased plasma rifle w/ 40 watt-range" to work with, via this guide, vs. these machinations...

(... & good luck, + score well on CIS Tool, it's a good start (the rest of what I add, ontop of CIS Tool's stuff, the "industry best practices" type stuff (which IS good, + works) helps a lot more - staying safe(r), online, though some may be considered "radical" & overdoing it, there is no such thing... along w/ some "common-sense", of course!).

1-2 hrs. of your time, for years of uptime + stability, into the distance... apk
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Have @ it, guys: FINAL version (of your "IRON MAN ARMOR ONLINE", in essence)... apk

Well, @ this point?

I think this guide's PRETTY SOLID, because nobody has been able to "add points" to it, from across 27 other forums online (many are "serious geek" oriented sites too)!

(... & the fact that some folks from "THE PLANET" (a large website & hosting provider online) offered to hire me on as a remote security specialist @ this point (pretty cool) for Win2k3 servers they use, as well as what appears to be their personally managed or owned sites also (KTInteractive)).

In any event?

@ People Reading:

This IS your "Iron Man Armor Online"!


So, have @ it ('snap it on') - & enjoy a F A S T E R, & FAR MORE S E C U R E online setup on your Windows NT-based OS' of today (Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003 & yes, even VISTA to a good extent) via applying CIS Tools' suggestions & my own that "layer ontop of it"...


* I am FAIRLY certain it's done - As I can't think of any more points & methods to secure your Windows NT-based rigs, & thus, I close this post off... she's all done as far as I am concerned... this same message will go across ALL others like it that I am still able to edit/add to online, @ some point today in fact.


P.S.=> Sorry for the 'closing note' but, if anyone's interested, this is the "final model" of this guide & its points... enjoy! apk
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Waynos_Face said:
And i don't think anyone here calls themselves an expert, or do they?

I am. 99% of the time I goof when posting so I guess that makes me an expert goofer.

Well, to keep on my "IRON MAN" theme?

Abarbarian said:
I am. 99% of the time I goof when posting so I guess that makes me an expert goofer.

"JARVIS? Sometimes, you gotta RUN... before you can walk!" - TONY STARK (IRON MAN)



P.S.=> Life'a ALL about that, so you take it, "skinned knees & all"... the best things I've found that I've learned, often CAME @ the price of my own mistakes (they're the "lessons" I never forget in fact, personally - it's that way, with a "punch in the head", don't ya think? I do @ least)... apk
Ms missed a patch on 12/09/2008 "Patch Tuesday": Lets patch it ourselves instead!

Microsoft missed patching a KNOWN issue on this literally BIGGEST Ms-Patch Tuesday to date on 12/09/2008 (most bugfixes issued ever by Microsoft, & to close off year), & then?

Read here below to get the details, + past that, to patch yourself easily with an easy fix I figured out:


Oops! Missed One Fix — Windows Attacks Under Way:




Microsoft warns of new Windows bug, says attacks under way
(WordPad Text Converter flaw wasn't patched in big Tuesday update):


What is below, courtesy of "yours truly", fixes it!

(Simply by altering the file association for the Explorer/IE shell from WordPad.exe to winword.exe (it's immune to this, & Ms-Word handles old Windows 3.x & NT 3.5x Ms-Write .wri files, just fine...))

.REG FILE TO USE IF YOU USE WinWord 2003/Ms-Office 2003 (easily altered for 2000/XP/2008 versions):


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"Content Type"="application/msword"





  • 1.) Paste what is between the dashed lines only above, into notepad.exe
  • 2.) Save it as TYPE "All Files", & on disk as APKMsWordPadBugFix.reg
  • 3.) , & then open it using regedit.exe. It will ask if you want to merge this registry file. Do so.

(That's a fix before Ms issues a fix, because it changes the .wri file extensions' file association from opening in WordPad.exe if you click on any bogus files sent your way, hopefully not, but just in case, & the shell will spawn the process as Microsoft Word, which is immune to this in most modern versions of it, if not all versions)

A simple to do, easy fix for anyone, even before MS issues a fix...


IF you have versions of Ms-Office (Ms-WORD specifically), other than 2003?

You MIGHT have to change "Word.Document.8", wherever it appears above, to whatever version number yours is, along with the GUID used to do the OLEServer library marshalling/summoning of Word to open .wri files with, instead of Wordpad.exe & that's found in the .doc file association under -> HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT , easily enough)...


P.S.=> "We can do this... We HAVE the technology!", lol, too bad MS didn't, talk about easy, I don't see HOW they could have missed this IF it was a KNOWN issue that came up before "Patch Tuesday" 2 days ago, I thought of it in literally 2 seconds, & took maybe 2 minutes to make the file & test it, it works... apk
Windows²ººº SP#4 Fully security hardened & hotfixed CIS Tool SECURITY BENCHMARK Score

Here is a PRIME example of where most folks that try this test can take the result to, scoring-wise, on the CIS Tool Security Benchmark test:




* Not TOO shabby, eh?

(I.E.-> A NEAR 100% perfect score for a client of mine whose system I secured this week taking it from a 45/100 default score, to this one, DOUBLING its security rating per this test, & THEN some... & , in fact, it probably is a perfect score (I say that, because 4/5 things it scored me down on, I actually DID have right for this client of mine, but yet the test scores me down on them (it makes SOME errors here & there is all)))


P.S.=> Placing this result here for posterities' sake and as an example of how secured a Windows system can be, per this benchmark of security test's gauge thereof... apk
I make a point of using PSI, I quite like it for a quick diagnostic of crap loaded on a PC ... but I do tend to "secure" them using me own methods.


Post away, people do read this thread.

muckshifter said:
Post away, people do read this thread. :user:

Excellent... &, just what a body wants to see/ hear!


(It works...)


muckshifter said:
I make a point of using PSI, I quite like it for a quick diagnostic of crap loaded on a PC ... but I do tend to "secure" them using me own methods.

That's one I suggested in the content of this thread... it's a GOOD 2nd supplement (or, conversely, CIS Tool is to PSI by SECUNIA)/2nd Dr.'s Opinion, as to the security status of your PC!

Enjoy, & spread it around to OTHERS you know (friends, family, busness colleagues, etc. et al)...


P.S.=> In any event?

@ People Reading:

This IS your "Iron Man Armor Online"!


So, have @ it ('snap it on') - & enjoy a F A S T E R, & FAR MORE S E C U R E online setup on your Windows NT-based OS' of today (Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003 & yes, even VISTA to a good extent) via applying CIS Tools' suggestions & my own that "layer ontop of it"...


* I am FAIRLY certain it's done - As I can't think of any more points & methods to secure your Windows NT-based rigs, & thus, I close this post off... she's all done as far as I am concerned... this same message will go across ALL others like it that I am still able to edit/add to online, @ some point today in fact... apk


  • APK99of100CISToolSECURITYTESTScoreWindows2000ProLevel2.webp
    70.3 KB · Views: 606
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To Windows VISTA, Server 2008, & Windows 7 users: READ PLEASE!

To anyone using VISTA, Windows Server 2008, or the new "Windows 7" (which rocks, especially in 64-bit form)? Don't use the point I noted as this in its first sentence:

6.) USE Tons of security & speed oriented registry hacks

Not unless you ABSOLUTELY KNOW what you're doing.

(See, the older registry .reg file 'hacks' won't work that worked FINE on Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003, albeit (not all of them @ least) with VISTA, Server 2008, or the new Windows 7. So, "Steer Clear" of those on the newer MS' OS!)



P.S.=> On that "note"? I like Windows 7, very much (again, especially in its 64-bit build), & it amazes me how F A S T it is, even with its large number of services resident + running, by default - &, when you "trim them down" even more? You get THAT MUCH FASTER! The services are now also secured better, by using "lesser privelege" user SID entities "built-in" types vs. LOCAL SYSTEM, such as NETWORK SERVICE or LOCAL SERVICE which I go into HOW TO DO IT on Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003 here (Server 2003 has much of it, as does XP, after MS did service packs + hotfixes, & Windows 2000 lacks a few "built in" entities, but you can "mock up" a lesser priveleged one easily enough to do that there also - this has put Windows on level with the likes of the BSD based MacOS X in that respect, which is GOOD!

Now, IF only MS would fix up HOSTS files being unable to use the FAR MORE EFFICIENT & FASTER "0 ip address" (pings resolve it back to though on Windows 2000 (after service packs though, MS put it in there around SP#1-4 somewhere, so it was seen as a GOOD THING by them, because the original OEM version did not allow that, & only allowed as good as using in a HOSTS file (which IS better than by 2 bytes per line) but, using 0 beats them both, by large margins (making for a faster load up into RAM (be that the local DNS cache (disable that on larger HOSTS files), or, the local diskcache kernel mode subsystem)?

Windows 7 would be THAT MUCH BETTER, for both security and speed!

Well, in this case, ONLY for those that have the good sense to use a HOSTS file for added speed & security!

(FOR SPEED? BLOCK ADBANNERS (they too have been found to have malware in them for years now), & "hardcode" in your fav sites IP Address-to-DomainName/HOSTName? Well, doing that, you avoid calling out to potentially downed or compromised DNS servers (see Dan Kaminsky online for the latter, the Domain Name System has problems, even the "allegedly invulnerable" DJBDNS was found to have holes in it for security this year in fact))!

Thus, saving you between 30-x ms queries to those remote DNS servers (which CAN be logged no less as well), & instead using the speed of MEMORY/RAM (many, Many, MANY orders of magnitude faster) once the HOST file is loaded (which still occurs faster, because it would be using diskspeeds of today, which are 3-10 or more orders of magnitude faster than calling out to remote DNS servers). HOSTS use no CPU cycles, vs. DNS programs + they are EASILY EDITED vs. even other filters like IPTables in Linux (easier in notepad imo & ANYONE can do it, we all have text editors is why on ANY OS), & cost you NOTHING (many good sources for good ones too, like -> for starters, or SpyBot "Search & Destroy" for updates to it that block out KNOWN bad malscripted sites, or bad servers used to control "botnets" too! I could go on & on on MORE of the benefits of HOSTS, but that'll do, for now (I hope MS fixes this removal of 0, as a blocking "ip" in HOSTS in Windows 7 @ least, because it is more efficient & faster).

What worries me some though even more on SECURITY though?

This, on Windows VISTA, Server 2008, & Windows 7's Firewall:


"BTW, the firewalls based on NDIS v6, which was introduced in Windows Vista, are much easier to unhook and bypass."

That was a DIRECT QUOTE from said URL I just posted from ... & it 'worries me' some. I have confronted MS tech people & mgt. on this, to no avail... I don't know WHY they won't answer either - I am only asking WHY the thing with HOSTS was done, no answers, & pointed out to them what ROOTKIT.COM said above, many times (on MSDN, @ INTEL, @ /. with a user there named "Fordecker" who is a senior MS development mgr. for Windows no less, & also on the "Engineering Windows 7" blog by S. Sinofsky, a "Big Man" @ MS on Windows no less)... apk
Concerned about Conficker infestations (7++ million PC's should be)? No problem!

Worried about being 1 of the 7++ million PC's infected/infested by the "CONFICKER" worm, per this article today @ /. (SLASHDOT)?


After 1 Year, Conficker Infects 7M Computers:


Ok then, so you are apparently concerned, if you have read this far already!

Well, then here is a way to test yourself to see if you are infected/infested. Click on the URL below, & just literally see for yourself, here:



(And, good luck, hope you're not infested/infected (I wasn't thank goodness!)).


P.S.=> ... & it truly is, as EASY as it gets (it's called the "conficker eye chart", & IF you can see all 6 pictures, then you are NOT infected, but if you cannot? It means it is quite possible you have been infected by this machination known as "conficker")... apk
Am I infected? Dunno.

Years ago, all of us young ne-er-do-wells used to sit on plastic chairs in the reception area of The Seamans Hospital in the heart of Greenwich and hope that we didn't need a massive injection of penicillin but usually we did.

The permissive society deffo had drawbacks :(

The Seamans Clinic is now part of Greenwich University which teaches music and the particular part where our lower regions were inspected and swabbed now holds trumpet practice. There has to be a joke there somewhere.

We were never able to test ourselves to see if we were infected. This was left to an elderly doctor in a long white gown who always looked like he'd just swallowed a wasp and seemed to imply we had the morals of an alley-cat.

He was probably right, sad to say, and the injection caused limping for at least 48 hours.

Happy days :)

If you're infected now, it may very well kill you. What a strange state of affairs.
Well, you CAN find out IF you are, via that page... it is, after all, what it is all about (to test yourself, in a VERY easy manner).

NOW, if you cannot reach that site (which has happened to folks today per this exchange I had on another forums -> )

It only means that the testing site has been "/.'d" (too many requests by users to that server, it happens, almost like a DOS/DDOS really, every website server has limits, which yes, can be RAISED by most site admins in fact, in the board engine's config files (usually)).

Still, if you show up "infested" Guys, there are cures, such as this list:"Conficker"+and+"removal+tool"&btnG=Google+Search


* Hope you're not, & hope if you are, you can remove it via said lists of removal tools is all!


P.S.=> Onwards & upwards... apk
Hi Apk!
I really appreciate your work here, this is just what I was looking for. Just encountered a crazy virus, Virut.NBP, in my friends computer, messed up everything, no antivirus can do anything against it, I have to reinstall the whole system as the best advice found on forums about it. So now I dont want to mess around, better build up a secure system to save time and trouble in the future.
I wanted to ask you some questions.
What would you say to be the first main steps to secure a vista or win 7 based home-user system, I mean most important? You already explained everything in your above posts in detail, but what are the main first steps before logging into the internet (I will download the required soft through another system, my friends computer was set up one week ago, without any security measures except windows firewall, and now it will not boot up even)? And then I will go through your posts in detail to figure out the rest.
And is there any latest software updates, since your first posts were almost one and half years ago, any new stars on the market?
And what would be most carefree setup for a person who is not used to deal with all the antivirus/firewall alerts, to make it easier for him?

Thanks for your help and guide.

Btw. CIS tool is not a freeware, is there any other program to benchmark your level of security?
Srivas said:
Btw. CIS tool is not a freeware, is there any other program to benchmark your level of security?

It used to be free, I guess it's not now... try:



"SCW" (security configuration wizard) which is an addon for Windows Server 2003, possibly VISTA, & for sure Windows 7 (you add it in CONTROL PANEL, Add-remove WINDOWS components).

Microsoft ALSO OFFERS "Microsoft Baseline Security" but, iirc, it depends on various services running (not EXACTLY sure which ones anymore, but iirc, they are one that use NTLM (lanman/netbios type sharing being working & Client for MS networks active in your network connection, + File & printer sharing AND server service + workstation service active)

I believe I noted SCW, but only for Windows Server 2003 earlier in this post (I did) but it exists for Windows 7 now, standard, apparently (I installed it on Windows 7 64 bit pro so it does exist for it too).


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