Good card for Aero Glass

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis King
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Travis King

We're building a new computer for mother as her four-year-old computer is
getting tired. Is the NVIDIA GeForce 6600 with 256MB DDR (PCI Express 16x)
a good choice for Aero Glass at 1280x1024? We really don't want to spend
more than we have to because we're already spending $800 towards this
computer itself. Thanks.
Yeh it seems fine. However, if you're trying to get Glass at that
resolution, it might not work. I've tried on some of the higher settings on
my card and it only really likes 1024x768 for some reason... there's an FAQ
on Connect if you have access to it - explains Glass and the cards in a
better way.

Zack Whittaker
» ZackNET Enterprises:
» MSBlog on ResDev:
» Vista Knowledge Base:
» This mailing is provided "as is" with no warranties, and confers no
rights. All opinions expressed are those of myself unless stated so, and not
of my employer, best friend, Ghandi, my mother or my cat. Glad we cleared
that up!

--- Original message follows ---
My current test system displays Aero Glass correctly at 1152x864 (the
highest my old monitor will support @ 75Hz). It's an AGP nVidia GeForce
FX5200 with 128MB VRAM. Presumably any later card with at least 128MB will
"Travis King" <[email protected]> a écrit dans le message de %[email protected]...
| We're building a new computer for mother as her four-year-old computer is
| getting tired. Is the NVIDIA GeForce 6600 with 256MB DDR (PCI Express
| a good choice for Aero Glass at 1280x1024? We really don't want to spend
| more than we have to because we're already spending $800 towards this
| computer itself. Thanks.
We're building a new computer for mother as her four-year-old computer is
getting tired. Is the NVIDIA GeForce 6600 with 256MB DDR (PCI Express 16x)
a good choice for Aero Glass at 1280x1024? We really don't want to spend
more than we have to because we're already spending $800 towards this
computer itself. Thanks.

I have a NVIDIA GeForce 6600 with 256MB DDR (PCI Express 16x)and it
works fine.even in 1280x1024
Travis, I'm running the Nvidia GeForce 5200 FX, and am getting glass with a
1024 x resolution, so I think you're safe. As long as the monitor will take
the resolution, I don't see a problem.

Yeah, I'd like to step up too, but not until I build my AMD 64 x2 system in
the not too distant future. :-}

And, thanks for taking care of your mom's computing needs. I take care of my
daughter's. <giggle>
Guess what? The processor we're using in this computer is an AMD Athlon 64
x2 3800+ dual-core @ 2GHz. It's an expensive $295 on Now the
tricky part is building her new computer, installing all of her software and
XP, and putting in all of her personal files from her old computer without
her knowing it... (The computer's going to be a surprise.) She probably
has 40 or 50GB of personal data. Her old computer is having motherboard
problems. We just ordered a new one for her old computer to make her think
we're going to fix her current one to make her happy, but little does she
know I am also going to build her a new computer on top of fixing her old
one. (at dad's expense of course.)
I've got a FX 6200 128MB as well, but still can't get the transparency to
work. Glass yeh, transparency no :o(
Any ideas?

Zack Whittaker
» ZackNET Enterprises:
» MSBlog on ResDev:
» Vista Knowledge Base:
» This mailing is provided "as is" with no warranties, and confers no
rights. All opinions expressed are those of myself unless stated so, and not
of my employer, best friend, Ghandi, my mother or my cat. Glad we cleared
that up!

--- Original message follows ---

As an infrequent 'over-the-shoulder-looking' visitor from the neighboring
64bit group with an Aopen Neolus 6600 256MB AGP in the stables, I can state
that the card is fab. I havn't seen the big V yet, but if the rest of the
machine is in order I'd be surprised if it would not be fine.

I just made use of your Link to the preview, Zach - and thank you for that

I would hate to spread any FUD or unsubstantiated rumour, but contrary to
the maffia's habit of handing out offers that are unrefuseable, Vista is
reported to present you a choice many will have trouble saying either yes or
no, to. Go for OpenGL acceleration - and loose Aero Glass. . .or go for AG
and loose OpenGL acceleration? Can someone blow away the fog, please?

Tony. . .
I've tested just now 1600x1024x75 Hz on my GeForce 6600/128 Mb AGP8 -- all
views (glass, sidebar, etc.)
are the same as for my working 1024x768x100 Hz resolution.
Aleksey Tchekmarev said:
I've tested just now 1600x1024x75 Hz on my GeForce 6600/128 Mb AGP8 -- all
views (glass, sidebar, etc.)
are the same as for my working 1024x768x100 Hz resolution.
Here are the final specs of the computer I'm going to build - we've ordered
the parts.
Aspire X-Discover black case
Asus A8N5X motherboard
1GB Corsair PC-3200 RAM (2x512MB dual channel)
AMD Athlon 64 x2 3800+ @ 2GHz (Dual-core)
Western Digital 200GB 7200RPM SATA hard drive
Asus NVIDIA GeForce 6600 256MB DDR PCI-E video card
Lite-On 16x DVD burner (I really wanted an NEC, but they wouldn't support
the aging version of Easy CD Creator that mother uses and we didn't want to
spend more money than we have to.)
Asus 52x CD-ROM drive
3 1/2" floppy drive (the only reason we got one is to fill the built in hole
for one on the case
Asus 52x CD-ROM drive

Why not a DVD-ROM? Would the price difference have been so great?
3 1/2" floppy drive (the only reason we got one is to fill the built in
hole for one on the case

I didn't think I'd ever use the one I got for this box but I've used it
more often than I expected. You might be surprised.
Dad already was trying to shave off every dollar he could. On my computer,
I've used my DVD drive for a DVD twice in the 2 1/2 years I've owned it.
(Make it three when I get ahold of Vista.) For my mother, she doesn't care
so much about watching DVDs on the computer, but she uses it more for
burning. I know because she has a DVD burner now. She rolled her eyes a
few weeks ago when I told her if she ever got a new computer there should be
a DVD drive and a DVD burner and she said that would be pointless. I told
her that it would be a good idea for making copies, but she still didn't
like the idea, so it was probably worth saving $10 then. We originally were
going to also have a DVD drive along with the DVD burner, have a 250GB hard
drive (and SATA II) instead of 200GB, and a more expensive motherboard, but
he insisted on shaving off some money as the computer was already $300 more
than he really wanted to spend.
We're building a new computer for mother as her four-year-old
computer is getting tired. Is the NVIDIA GeForce 6600 with 256MB
DDR (PCI Express 16x) a good choice for Aero Glass at 1280x1024? We
really don't want to spend more than we have to because we're
already spending $800 towards this computer itself. Thanks.

I know someone who uses Aero Glass running on a 6150 (integrated video)
at 1680x1050. It's fine. Tiny lag when full window dragging.

We're not talking about Doom3 here :)
Got the computer built tonight. Runs pretty good so far.

I'd also add that we're talking about alpha video driver on an alpha OS,
so unless MS decides to load up even more eye candy, it shouldn't be a
concern except for older, non-gaming rigs.
If you don't know how to compare the Athlon 64 x2 (dual-core) 3800+ to an
AMD Athlon XP 2400+, I will. In WMP10, running the blazing colors - firey
colors visualization, it eats about 50-60% of my CPU (XP 2400+). On the A64
x2, it eats 3% - yes, 3. The same visualization and the visualization is
just as fast. The A64 also has no problem running that visualization full
screen, where it slows down with the XP 2400+. I thought the A64 might have
been 5 times the power, but it seems to be more than that, at least in this
This card should be fine for running Aero Glass in Vista at that resolution.
One note which should be mentioned: It has been seen in a number of the Vista
builds that some cards will work fine in one build, then not in another. A
lot has to do with the drivers. Even if a specific card which meets the
general hardware requirements does not work in the current release, this is
not really an indication as to whether it will or will not work in the final
release of Vista. Microsoft usually updates the following site with the most
up-to-date hardware information for vista: