
Me__2001 said:
is this an a-level course ? if it is the only board that i know of that does it is AQA

iirc we did a bit of java and visual basic and covered prolog, assembly, machine code but that was pretty brief and didn't really come up in either exam

it is, first year will be the a/s version..
oh and the basics of html comes up, basically asks you to work out what a web page would look like from the code

really quite easy, i did it and can't program for s**t
well just had my first day :)

in computing we'll be doing pascal, access and visual basic. thats what'll be in the exams. however we can use any language we want for our coursework :D

very enjoyable!

we did some pascal today and it was very easy to get into :D
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They still use pascal ... :rolleyes:

I have yet to see that used in the real world. :D


* I wonder where my old folder is ? *
muckshifter said:
They still use pascal ... :rolleyes:

I have yet to see that used in the real world. :D


* I wonder where my old folder is ? *


They're only going to be using it for 2 weeks since its less... helpful than VB. As you know, pascal doesn't predict the command lines -amongst other things- (eg writeln,readln etc) and our teacher wants us to learn these commands and instructions quite thourghly. which is fair enough i spose :D

any bits and bobs you might have would be most helpful:p ;)