Folding @ Home ... Startup Today

Vanilla Radio said:
I'm back to the stage of wanting to keep checking on it to see how its going.... :)
Now lets all calm down children, there's no point in getting excited:D

For what it's worth, my stats aren't registering either so it must need an initial "kick" to set it running.

First to see to working - post a BIG new thread!

Good luck all:thumb:
Oh boy oh boy oh boy ... just installed a wicked little add-on for Linux ... a F@H display pannel ... some of these people are really clever. Mind you, I had to 'hack' it so as it could get the info from my installed point. :thumb:

Christ, i just installed it and it's stating this job is going to take 10days or have i totally lost the plot of F@H.

It says;

F@H: Working (0/500)

ChrisIMRIE said:
Christ, i just installed it and it's stating this job is going to take 10days or have i totally lost the plot of F@H.

It says;

F@H: Working (0/500)

We haven't a clue :D ... are you trying to do the BIG jobs first. :p

My "due date" is Jan 9th :eek:

I'll see if I can't find out what's what ... there must be an explanation "page" somewhere over there ... ;)
ChrisIMRIE said:
It says;

F@H: Working (0/500)

By that do you mean when you hover the mouse over the F@H icon in the system tray?

Mine says F@H: Working (862/3750)

EDIT: It says it in the display screen too.....
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Sexy Bex said:
I shall indeed join once my big job has finished - it's just plain curiosity that's keeping me from switching now: I want to know how many points it will get!


Glad I waited - I got 11,639 points from one job! Nothing like going out with a bang ;)

I'll try to switch over to F@H today :)
Sexy Bex said:
Glad I waited - I got 11,639 points from one job! Nothing like going out with a bang ;)

I'll try to switch over to F@H today :)
Yep, that was a dam good score ... nice one. :thumb:
Good score Bex. :thumb:

Anyone else seen Postil's on the F@H Board. :thumb:
Vanilla Radio said:
Good score Bex. :thumb:

Anyone else seen Postil's on the F@H Board. :thumb:
Sheesh ... what time do you get up ... give me a chance ... I'm still making the post up. ;)
Sorry mucks i started work at 8am this morning :eek:

P.S You gonna have to change ya sig Chris :)
no need to appologise ... ;-)

Vanilla Radio said:
Sorry mucks i started work at 8am this morning :eek:

P.S You gonna have to change ya sig Chris :)
Is that every morning ... 'cos I can give you the job of posting the score sheets up ... :D

muckshifter said:
Is that every morning ... 'cos I can give you the job of posting the score sheets up ... :D

Not every morning hopfully, just got some stuff to sort out, and i am away tomorrow until monday so my good side made me get up early! :thumb:

But you do the scores so well mucks, tell ya what if you aint done them when i log in then i give it a go. :)

But like i say, i'll be away until monday night as of tomorrow afternoon.

I is taking the other half away for her birthday, so she will be top priority for the weekend!! ;)
Enjoy your weekend away :thumb:

ha, I just remembered, I'm away for Sat/Sun too. :D