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I Use Linux

Adywebb said:
I'm up and running on 1 PC now, 2 more to follow soon....:)

Quick questions Mucks - In Config>Advanced,If you select the 'slightly higher' Core Priority does that mean it will work faster? and should the CPU Usage Percent slider be to the right or left for 100%?

ps. I've also registered on the F@H forum and posted on our team thread:thumb:
who me ... I see nuffin :( I don't get a fancy window, just a text file. :D

I'll look around, but you may need to find it yourself and post back here for all to use. :thumb:
muckshifter said:
Also, for those of you running Intel's, F@H is a better bet than FaD. :rolleyes:

Yep, I noticed that on the FAQ, seems you can only do the larger bonus point projects if you run Intel's, shame I run AMD's....:(
muckshifter said:
who me ... I see nuffin :( I don't get a fancy window, just a text file. :D

I'll look around, but you may need to find it yourself and post back here for all to use. :thumb:

Forgot you use linux:o , I will have a look around, and in the meantime if anyone else knows perhaps they can let us all know...:thumb:
Adywebb said:
Yep, I noticed that on the FAQ, seems you can only do the larger bonus point projects if you run Intel's, shame I run AMD's....:(
Don't know yet ... I opted in, but you do not nessary get one ... I'll let you know. I have to run 'commands' not push buttons or sliders.

Untill we find our feet, I suggest people just stick with the defaults ... at least you cant really kill the PC. :thumb:

Don't worry about them Inhells, they need all the help they can get. :p
F@H stat generator

Mucks, just posted a possible stats generator on the F@H thread - statgfx - need someone to try it first, as I'm cr*p at doin that sort of thing...:o
Looks good Ady, but prob will have to wait til you return a WU and show up on the stats like FaD. :thumb:
well i think its working, only seems to be using 50% of CPU even though it is cranked right up :confused:
Me__2001 said:
well i think its working, only seems to be using 50% of CPU even though it is cranked right up :confused:
For now, just leave it, and we'll have a search around the new place ... it should all settle after the first unit is returned.

Another waiting game folks ... :D
Nope, doesn't work for me either - VR must be right.....
I'm back to the stage of wanting to keep checking on it to see how its going.... :)
Vanilla Radio said:
I'm back to the stage of wanting to keep checking on it to see how its going.... :)
Just like waiting for the 25th December. :D

:D :D :D

Is anyone else finding the F@H forum a bit slow to load?
OK ... pay attention.

Stop/Quit is your friend.
It will save you from lost partial work units.

Pause is not to be used before a shutdown ... it is just to give your PC a coffee break