Now 01:45, listening to Brandenburg Concertos 1- 6 on Deutsch Gramofon vinyl recordings via Valve headphone amplifier and Sennheiser wireless 'phones and thoroughly enjoying it. All my life I thought that classical music was the preserve of Hoorays & Tabithas, Eton schoolboys, stuck up pillocks and worst of all - the music teachers I encountered at secondary school.
Add to that the plummy UK BBC service forcing that crap down my throat when I was young and it's enough to put you off for life. However, at long last I've managed to shove those preconceptions/formative opinions aside and finally, finally, really come to love some of this stuff. It's great
As George Michael named his best album: 'Listen without prejudice'.
I put pix up from my new camera, they're too big aren't they? Will try and reduce some and post again but don't hold your breath. The G15 is good, no doubt about it but to be perfectly honest I'm still wondering whether I should have gone for the Fuji X10 or not. The Canon G15 cost almost 4 hundred quid. Could have bought an entry level SLR for that or FX10 or, indeed, a Panasonic LX7
Hey, I AM happy with it, but doubts always linger. Good attitude or bad attitude?
I notice peeps asked for pix, I posted pix, only the lovely ladies of the forum gave comments, so the rest of you - go boil your bum

Only kidding
Still listening, this Bach geezer had a gift, he certainly did.
Thought I sold me coffin on Ebay but the buyer has not yet responded on Ebay sale, I don't think he will respond. Trouble is Ebay will charge me 10% for a sale that didn't occur and I know from past experience helluva job to get their automated service to recgnise a non-sale. Sometimes I hate Ebay.
Have now sold Projectors, speakers & CD players so deffo no more DJ-ing.
Reg Presley, lead singer of the Troggs, just died. In Spring 1966 Wild Thing was in the charts, me and about 5 mates were on the train platform at Hither Green, camping rucksacks on our back, ready to go to Sevenoaks for the weekend to camp. A few of us had little transistor radios, the iPod of the day. Whilst waiting for train on platform 3, 15 years old, Wild Thing played. Bliss. And then Monday Monday.
We arrived in Sevenoaks, walked and walked and walked, were offered the back garden of some very rich person's house to camp in (little did they know who they were offering camping space to, 6 council estate yobs from SE London) but declined and eventually camped in the dark on a motorway building site for the night.
That really is the sort of thing you don't mind doing when you're 14 or 15.
Bought Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing Transformed this evening - great fun, I lurrve them Sega things. Quite hard on normal setting (well, I had had a sherbert or 2) but piece of cake on easy setting.
In morning will order parts from Hong Kong to make phono RIAA stage, valves, nice case, regulated power supply boards, the whole bit. At least one third the price of UK commercial equivalent, must trust my soldering iron
In the UK we just found one of our kings buried in a car park. You couldn't make it up, I swear.
I may go from Bach to the original Ultravox's Artificial Light, a one-time regular mainstay of Tommy Vance's Friday night rock shows on our jolly old Radio One. We shall see.
Enough late night waffle from me, fare thee well, fare thee well....