Flops' Friday mini blog

Pic from last Saturday night, me doing Disco at Rebecca's 30th (She my niece)

Me and my 3 offspring:



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And one more, me and birthday girl, man, I am so frickin' old, lol

One more booking this Saturday and that's it, hanging up microphone for good.



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You have a great-looking family Flopps, your girls and niece certainly inherited some jolly good genes. :D

What's the betting you get another booking at your forthcoming gig...? :cool:
So, that was it, December 8th, last ever disco booking, started June 1971 at Hampstead, ended December 2012 in The Borough, London Bridge. It’s been a long and interesting ride which I have, for the most part, thoroughly enjoyed.

The last booking, unfortunately, was a bit crap. I had no transport, the customer was not keen to spend money so we used an estate wagon mini cab which left no room to take my powered speakers and I had to use the venue’s PA, normally used for cinema presentations. And it sounded rubbish.

I was booked from 8 to 2am but I may as well have arrived at 10pm cos all these weird folk wanted to do was talk until about 10.30. Still, it did get going and I just about got away with it, mucho dancing so all was good but I wasn’t really happy about it, felt naked without my own equipment.

The booking was the Christmas dance for an outfit named ‘The Humanists’ who are basically anti-religion and help out victims of religious persecution, like that young girl who the Taliban shot in the head recently.

All well and good you may think, but read on.

I don’t want to start anything that upsets people here but to illustrate this thing I will have to say I actually quite detest religion, won’t go into detail but that’s my stance, so I thought I’d be sympathetic to these folk. But then I thought – what is religion if not an organised bunch of folk with a common belief who may or may not (usually may) want to promote their beliefs? And what are the humanists? Yep, the same. An oxymoron at work here? And aetheists having a Christmas dance? Well.

But I thought I’d probably prefer these folk to the other groups I’d done discos for which include Christians (lots of) Jews (a few) and Muslims (just the two). But I was wrong. There was one common factor among these people and if I may be so bold as to say so, the greater majority were ugly, lol. And weird. Lots of gay and lesbian folk as well if my instincts serve me well and they were not like the gay peeps I know and like but just plain weird, hard to put a finger on it, if you’ll pardon the expression ;)

But I was proved wrong when I thought I’d prefer these people to an organised religious group. The organiser made a speech during the raffle presentation where she thanked the people ‘Who attended the anti-Pope march this year’

Anti-Pope? Look, I’m anti-pope pretty much, not the individual but all he (and it’s always a ‘he’) stands for. BUT. I wouldn’t go public with my views. Rightly or wrongly a lot of folk take comfort from the Pope and the Catholic religion and though I think it’s a whole load of hoo-ha I respect their views and commitment and if it makes them happy – why not?

Same goes for all the other fairy stories, oops, sorry, religions, the majority of followers are peace loving folk who feel good taking their chosen path. I say the majority, I know of Islamist extremists and some terribly dodgy Christian breakaway churches, but it’s my belief they are the minority.

Anyhow, Mr Flops was sympathetic until he heard that. To be anti-Pope is, in my opinion, a form of negativity, this is a big world with lots of people who all have different views on just about everything and the key to harmony, in my opinion, is tolerance and understanding, not hostility. Religion may appear like a whole load of mouthwash to me but some people dig it so who am I to point a finger?

So there we go – The Humanists, another group.

Now then, I have all this stuff to sell. Not only the disco gear but the contents of my lockup, I will no longer have use of the lockup come February time or thereabouts so I need space.

My mother has been confirmed with Alzheimers, very distressing, she’s not my Mum anymore, just a shell who looks like her, her brain is elsewhere. Which is very upsetting. So the plan me and my sister have come up with is sell her house and buy a care home apartment near my sister in north London. And my lockup will go with the house. Mum is 82 years old.

But this will take time and we’re both worried about my Mum until we get her settled into a home with a warden on call 24/7. My sister had pre-arranged going to America for 2 weeks over Christmas so she’s lending me her car to visit my Mum every couple of days while she’s away.

Lastly, after my recent cancer episode the consultant said he wanted to see me every two months which would have meant an appointment on 14th November, which he said Guys & St Thomas’ would arrange. They haven’t. Which means to me the hospital are practicing cuts in services because of Mr Cameron’s commands to cut costs. Unless you take the time to force an appointment it seems you won’t get one. Which will probably mean loss of life. Just love them true blues.

I didn’t really want an appointment as long as I had some disco bookings, didn’t want to host a celebration with the knowledge that if my cancer had returned, it would affect my personality whilst attempting to entertain. But now I’m going to email the consultant and ask for an appointment.

And… Blur were a vastly underrated band, as well as The Beatles vinyl box set I also bought the Blur vinyl box set a month or so before, and I’ve rediscovered the band. They are absolutely great, very English, Essex boys, quintessential listening imo.

This vinyl has cost quite a lot of money but hey, put yourself in my shoes, while I’m still here, what the hell, wanna enjoy myself.

This POV may be right or wrong, dunno.

In the Bleak Midwinter, sings Bert Jansch. Just two weeks to go and it will start getting lighter in the evenings again. Can't wait :)
Some real nutters out their Mr Flops and we get to see them daily at work!
Sorry to hear you hanging up the microphone & some nice pictures of you.
And sorry to hear about your mum, hope all goes ok settling her in to her flat.
Finally hope you have a good festive season what ever you do.
It's surprising to read your take on the Humanists. I too, am guilty of thinking that they represent - well - humanity; the 'nicer' side of it. That they would have a kindly, live and let live attitude. My own preconceptions being rooted in what I'd heard about a funeral they'd conducted for someone who didn't follow any of the "set religions." They didn't want a dog-collared individual pontificating mournfully over their mortal remains and were determined to plan a cheerful, slightly irreverent send-off. On that occasion, the Humanists did a very good job. But of course, that was only one part of the picture. You saw a different part, which does not sound nearly so appealing.

Pity too, that they decided to be tight-wads, rather than enjoy the full Rockin' Floppington experience. Their loss. Sounds as if you managed to light their respective blue touch-papers eventually though. ;)

I'm so sorry to hear about your Mum Flopps. That very cruel condition affected my own mother and granddad too. Yes, it is deeply distressing and awfully sad to see this happening to a loved one. I sympathise with all that you and your family are going through right now.

Ah yes, the shortest-day will indeed be dawning very soon. Friday December 21st, to be exact. I don't know about you, but as I get older, the seasons seem to get much shorter! They're on wheels these days, seemingly lasting for just a couple of weeks instead of months.

Now wouldn't it be nice if things could be the other way around... so that when we're very young, birthdays, Christmases and other much looked-forward-to events would come around more quickly... lol :cheers:
I am not quite in your camp Sir Flops, I am, I believe a Christian and brought up in the Established church C of E but and it is a big but I after being in the fire service and attended many deaths of people in horrendous ways including young children and the elderly I have been made to consider if there a God and if there is, is there a life after death and if there is why does he allow this to happen. So now I am in the undecided camp and hoping there is a God and there is a afterlife. As far as your disco days and the Humanists as you say actually like many religious groups no matter what religion or sect are rather up their own a***. and only what they think is right. Sorry to hear about your mother it is a sad time Sarah had the same thing with her mum and dad and yes you are right it is only the shell of the person you love and admired but they are still in there somewhere, just remember it is an illness that it has robed them of their personality and try to remember them as the were and it is not their fault.
Thanks for comments folks.

I don't want to harp on about religion too much, was pushing my luck a bit with last post, really.

I hear a lot of folk say 'How can there be a God to let this happen?' My own catholic Mother-in-law said that when an aneurysim took her husband.

But I'd say that if there is a god representing the good then as ying is to yang there must also be a satan figure representing evil. And they are probably waging a constant war with each other using humankind as pawns in their battle.

Now, assuming a religious person accepts that, then deaths of fellow humans in nasty ways could be viewed as the devil chalking up a winning streak. And then when he sees the followers of the good guy losing their faith then he will laugh even louder - one more scorepoint for 'ol Beezlebub.

The more people doubt the better evil likes it. Good doesn't always triumph, as we all know.

That's how I'd pit the argument anyway but personally I think the whole thing is a pile of hoo-ha, nice idea, but no proof, mankind places too much importance on itself and won't see how insignificant and petty we are in the whole scheme of things.

Anyhow, as I said, don't wanna get too deep into this, I mentioned both politics and religion in one post - risky! ;)
I mentioned both politics and religion in one post - risky!
aye, well, it is your blog, I suppose we can let you off this time. We'll chalk it down to old age.

Hmm, they're ganging up on me - oh noes :eek:

Alright, those two subjects are taboo, nothing causes friendship loss quicker I suppose, but I just had to comment on them Humanists.

No more. Well, not unless somebody prods me in which case I will spout forth :)

Now tell me, why am I pretty good at both C0D 2 & CoD 4 yet complete crap at CoD MW3? (Multiplayer). I frequently come last in MW3 and it's really cheesing me off :mad:

Especially as I bought all the extra maps :(

Practice, as they say, practice dear boy.

Oh, and play sober, that helps ;)
Well Flops, my views on religion are EXACTLY the same as yours. I don't have a religion at all but I know lots of people who do and I know that they do get a lot of comfort from it. And good luck to them.

In some ways it must be nice to have something to fall back on but I just can't believe in it. And, of course, that's what religion is all about - belief. You either believe or you don't. No rights or wrongs, just belief or not.

I know nothing about Humanists, nor do I wish to.
Well here we all are in 2013, happy new year folks :)

Bit of drama on the railway station platform this morning. There I was at noon waiting to be transported to Charlton when I hear a whole lot of agitated shouting. I look around and spy three shaven-headed would-be macho geezers wearing flack waistcoats shouting at a white fella laying horizontal on the platform ground. One of them has what looks to be an assault rifle pointed at the geezer's head. They cuff him, gun stays pointed while they search him. Gun gets put away in super duper huge holster across the guys chest. Another cop arrives, they still searching suspect. I was kinda glad it was cops, thought it might have been gangstas and I may have got caught in the crossfire. The aprehended person was a white male aged mid twenties and from my experience looked as though he may have been of eastern European extraction. Poorly dressed as well. Well that livened up the day :)

So I went to the hospital to get my mouth checked out on January 3rd, really didn’t want to go, crappin’ myself but arrive there 15:00 hours and take seat in waiting area, full of other cancer victims, some perky some missing bits and not so perky. Then a nurse addresses us all and tells us there’a waiting list of two hours cos one consultant is off Tom and Dick. Now, I’ve already got the collywobbles sitting in this environment, almost looking for an excuse not to have consultant look in my mouth (shines torch down throat and says ‘There’s a tumour there’) so I decide to leave.

But I am not totally stupid though and arrange another appointment on the way out, arranged for this Thursday at 15:15 hours. This time I will go prepared, take a book in case there’s another 2 hour wait. I really don’t like this cancer thing.

I mentioned that a disco booking I done for the Humanist society mid-December was my last booking ever and that it was a bit rubbish. Well guess what? I got booked at a pub in Peckham to play New Years Eve. So I did. And it was brilliant! Not that well attended but I got the bells of Big Ben synced for midnight and everybody there was dancing and smiling. Hey! I still got it.

I played a big mixture, old and new, and seemed to get it right – I was on form. You know you’ve done well when people ask for business cards and the pub guvnor kisses you full on the lips at the end of the evening and pays you cash whilst smiling. The cash was nice but I still not sure about the kiss. Still, he was rat-arsed so I suppose he meant well.

But that was it, most of my disco stuff (and my Canon G9 camera) now up for sale on Ebay. Haven’t listed the coffin/mixer yet though, considering keeping the box as a coffee table but probably not. Anybody want to buy this historical artefact, gimme £300 and it’s yours. It’s unique! It’s fun! Ideal for heavy metal and Goth DJ’s! 1980 vintage!

You know it’s groovy :)

My Ebay name is floppybootstomp btw, in case you wanna take a look.

I now have all the parts for my third Lenco GL75 turntable build so I will start that shortly, this one will probably be light blue with a wooden varnished plinth but not sure yet. Also going to make another DAC for bedroom computer and also buy a Valve phono preamp kit. MM/MC cartridge switchable with adjustable cartridge impedance, a kit from Hong Kong, bare bones, no valves, no case or sundries, for around £100. Which is a damn sight cheaper than commercially available valve phono preamps, even when taking into consideration all other parts I'd have to buy. Commercial equivalent is £450-ish.

Still playing and buying vinyl, recently picked up a reissued vinyl copy of Arthur Brown’s first album, one of a 1000 run of reissued album.

One thing I have noticed though is that original vinyl albums in good condition are generaly better sound quality than reissues. The exception here being The Beatles recently reissued box set, they got that right, sound quality is superb.

I have decided, after searching and reading umpteen million reviews for a couple of months, to replace my Canon G9 with a Canon G15. The G15 has been available since November 2012 and all reviews I’ve read have been very positive indeed, much more so than the other three contenders I had looked at.

So now I just gotta wait for some customers to send me some BACS payments, methinks they’re taking the mickey, still owed for work done in November. Bit naughty that, schools are usually good payers. Statements composed printed and sent, here’s hoping.

I could use part of my meagre savings to buy new camera but I’d rather wait and pay in real cash in bank. Plus I’d like to sell my G9 first.

Anyhow, there we go, I sure there’s more, I know there’s more, Borderlands 2 and Dishonored are great games btw, but still not convinced about Far Cry 3.

So, for those who are interested, there you go, though I still feel awkward posting this stuff, it does seem terribly self-centred,.

Right, side one of ‘The Walker Brothers Story’ has just finished, time to turn it over or alternatively I may watch a film, that modern version of Snow White with Charlize Theron looks good, may just have me’s some of that.

Goodnight folks and be well and stay lucky :)
I'm glad the New Year gig went well, sounds like it was a great fun! They always say it's best to go out with a bang, so I'm glad your last gig was one to remember - kiss and all! :D

Hope your appointment on Thursday goes well :nod:
Again another super read Mr Flopp's

You always put things so eloquently, good luck for Thursday and hope its the all clear mate!

Charlize Theron...Now your talkin..:nod:
I saved this to read with a sit-down and cuppa, 'cause I knew it would be a good read! Wasn't wrong. ;)

Wow, the platform incident sounded a bit scary. With high-viz jackets being so easily obtainable by just about anybody, it's not easy to identify a genuine "official" from, say, a scrap-metal dealer.

Sorry to hear about the hospital delay, it wasn't helpful to the stress levels. As always, we're wishing you well for your appointment on Thursday. All the very best for that.

Yay! I so agree with Becky, about it being good to have a really good memory of your last ever disco. Sounds like everyone enjoyed a great evening. Ooh-er, a kiss eh? Does this mean you and the pub landlord are ...engaged?

Hope you will soon find a buyer for your disco equipment, camera, etc. Also hope the school will pay up for services already rendered. It's a bit of a liberty to keep folk waiting, particularly in today's "economic climate" .... or at any time really.

Aahhh.... big sigh... Walker Brothers. They were always a favourite of mine. Scott Walker (Engel) has such a great voice, and still sounds great - although I cannot truthfully say that I like some of his later work. I've heard it described as "challenging" and wouldn't argue with that opinion. :)
We should organise a pcreview party somewhere with a disco?:D
After all we do have one of the premier disco people in our midst.
And before FBS hangs up the headphones we should see for ourselves how good he is!!:thumb:
Thanks for replies folks. Lemme see, I think a span of 41 years DJ-ing is quite long enough for most anybody. Add to that it has become more like hard work than an enjoyable pursuit and I think it's time to stop doing that thing. Plus it's a fact a speech impediment and speaking in public don't sit well together ;) So no more disk spinning.

There were a couple of gaps in those 41 years, early '74 to late '78 and Jan '01 to Sep '06.

On Ebay I have 20 people tracking the loudspeaker sale but no bids yet and one shyster offered me cash to buy them and therefore make me drop out of the Ebay auction. I sent him a firm and brisk reply, not my style, that sortta thing.

I've had one bid on the effects projectors and one bid on my Canon G9.

I saw the Canon G12 in PC World on Sunday for £280 but my heart is now set on the Canon G15, I just need some cash to come through to purchase it. I'm temporarily using my daughter's Panasonic DMC-FS7 as the G9 is already packed for posting.

I'm still not sure what to do with the coffin, I figured that if I used it as a coffee table I could put casters on it but then I'd also want 3 more handles as it only has three on one side. Then I spotted These and thought I may just buy a set and keep the box, it would be a great memento of all those years spent DJ-ing.

I will make a decision by morning time.

And I could always sell the Behringer Mixer within it and replace the inner piece of wood with a solid piece, the lift off lid would make a place for storage such as magazines and stuff.

When I recently built my AMD computer the manual said I needed a floppy drive if I wanted to install XP as I had to load the AHCI drivers during installation. It wouldn't see a USB stick but the manual said it would see a USB floppy drive. As the motherboard had no socket to take an old style floppy drive I had no choice really.

So I looked up a USB floppy drive at PC World, it was shown as in stock so I ordered and paid for one online for collection at the local Charlton store. When I arrived there they had no stock and said it would be in stock in one week's time :mad: So I asked for a refund but they told me I couldn't have a refund until the goods were actually in stock. WTF? :confused:

So, pointing out to them that with that kind of service they'd probably go the same way as Comets, I left the store. At home I found what I was looking for on Ebay for £6.79 including postage which was a bit more reasonable than PC World's 20 quid. It arrived Tuesday morning and worked perfectly installing the AHCI drivers whilst installing Win XP.

And yes, I got my refund from PC World when I visited there on Sunday just gone. But that was two wasted journeys I had to make.

Happiness is waking up in the morning and realising one has three pairs of Doc Martens to choose from to wear for the day: Green, Purple or Blue :)

The blue pair are almost worn out, I may go a little mad and replace them with a black pair. Ooh, the outrageousness of it all, a black pair...