In 2001 Al Gore, John Kerry, Bill Clinton, Tom Dashell and other Democrats supported action against Iraq. The CIA and FBI reported Iraq was supporting and funding Ai Quida training camps.
er... Al Gore had said that starting a fake war in Iraq would be a
mistake. I don't recall what Bill Clinton said, if anything.
Information about Iraq was a lie.... I thought there was WMD in Iraq -
and I thought it was still a lame excuse, but if he had them - sure.
But the whole thing was a lie. Read the books, people have been
saying THIS ADMIN has been wanting to attack Iraq since day one and
this is before we fired the first bullet.... learn!
So instead, we have created more pissed off muslims who will be doing
sissy terrorist attacks against the modern world (Terrorist, terrorism
are proper words. Terror is not. But when you have a dumb **** in
the white house, our education sinks further. You learn to speak in
elementary or middle school...
RIGHT: He is doing a terrorist act.
WRONG: He is doing a terror attack.
RIGHT: We are in Terror.
Oh yeah... lets not forget these other FACTS:
1 - Cheney, one of HIS trials - the judge is a friend of his and they
are regular fishing buddies.... oh how nice. That is NOT legit. Its
improper of the courts, the govt and the people to allow it.
It's like have a Nazi SS dude trying to procecute Adolf Hitler in
2 - Top level in the Bush office purposly BLEW the cover of a secret
agent because her husband said that the Admins' proof of WMD was
bullshit. So they commited treason and put her life in danger. Her
job was to fight terrorism... but her cover is blown and is not longer
a usable agent. Guess whose stonewalling that investigation?
Who? Be honest... I know, its a hard thing for you.
Its rather funny that Bush camp says bad things about Kerry's military
record... uh, he has one. Bush doesn't - he went AWOL, never served
combat duty and purposly trained to fly a jet the forces where already
phasing out. DUH. And in case you're going to talk about the recent
group of vets who says that Kerry sucks... keep in mind who supports
this group... they say everyone sucks who isn't Bush. DUH.
So whose side is Bush on? Not America's.
Remember: In the USA - it is illegal to draw or write about Heir Bush in a negative way. The police or SS are called.
15yr old boy in Washington was disciplined for drawing such images.
God bless the land of the free. Where you can burn the Constitution... Ashcroft does it every day.