Farcry PS3.0 garbage: Why does Nvidia insist on lying at every opportunity?

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Ahhhh.. Europe...

But only in Paris (aeroport d'Orly) can you smell piss
AND dogshit before you get off the plane.

Man, a whole list of people for my filter files in this
previously non-politicized newsgroup.

<{{ MudFish (Co30){('>
"Careful with that Axe Eugene."
I'm with Stoneskin on this one. There was a grass-roots campaign to petition to
have Moore's Academy Award for best documentary because Bowling for Columbine
fabricates facts and spliced together three speeches by Charleton Heston to get
it to play better to the Columbine tragedy.
As interesting as Moore's documentaries can be he has a tendacy to make
his facts and then film something to make them fit.

-Bill (remove "botizer" to reply via email)
Can't be bothred to read the whole thread. But I to think America is a
pathetic country. I can not think of nothing worse than me having to live

Dan said:
Can't be bothred to read the whole thread. But I to think America is a
pathetic country. I can not think of nothing worse than me having to live

what about "living" i a thai or moroccan prison?
Dan said:
Can't be bothred to read the whole thread. But I to think America is a
pathetic country. I can not think of nothing worse than me having to live


That's funny, I can't think of anything much worse than you having to
live here either..
Steve Sweet said:
HI there "ec"

still richer than the rest of the shit world.

That's coz you're stealing the wealth off of most of the world.

Just because you are a failure doesn't mean the people who are succeeding
are thieves. Really you should take responsibility for your inadequacies.

A ****.

You're right, to busy having a wank to give a ****.

At least we have something to wank! As I said above, take responsibility
for your inadequacies!

Jay said:
I have traveled many places, and lived in Germany for a year twice. I have
found that you can find ignorance anywhere, and anyone who stereotypes any
group of people is showing their own ignorance. But as to your statistical
question I have found some numbers for you
if you would like to correct your own ignorance. Keep in mind that passports
are good for 10 years and not everyone renews them on-time. Also if your to
lazy or just don't know how "Americans" is spelled, here you go.

Here's the link if you don't believe me...
U.S. Passports Issued Per Calendar Year (1974-1995)

1974 - 2,415,003
1975 - 2,334,359
1976 - 2,816,678
1977 - 3,107,122
1978 - 3,234,471
1979 - 3,169,999
1980 - 3,020,468
1981 - 3,222,346
1982 - 3,763,995
1983 - 4,121,534
1984 - 4,718,205
1985 - 4,967,895
1986 - 4,109,132
1987 - 4,872,403
1988 - 4,060,803
1989 - 3,690,830
1990 - 3,688,689
1991 - 3,387,245
1992 - 3,282,488
1993 - 4,207,716
1994 - 4,895,151
1995 - 5,263,989

U.S. Passports Issued per Fiscal Year (1996 - present)

Note: As of 1996, passport statistics are tabulated for the fiscal year.

1996 - 5,547,693
1997 - 6,295,003
1998 - 6,539,864
1999 - 6,722,198
2000 - 7,292,182
2001 - 7,119,506
2002 - 7,001,482
2003 - 7,300,667

Good work! So the cumulative ten year total is about 64 million which is
over 20 percent of the population. I would guess that percentage is quite a
bit higher than most other nations.


In other words, the famous PS2 vs PS3 farcry screenshots, intended to show
how superior the 6800 was to anything from ATI, are a pile of crap. They
turned down every single detail slider to the lowest setting to make one
screenshot, then put it side-by-side with a screenshot in which every slider
was turned up to ultra-high detail.

The only PR I can think of that's more low-down than this is Bushco's
slandering of Kerry's war record. Nvidia should be ashamed of themselves.

Yep... saw the screen shots and compared them to my own or from what I
played in FarCry.

What Nvidia did was stick some LOW-Visual quality mode images and
called them PS 1.1 vs PS 3.0 - this is more of a GF4 vs GF6

The Ti4200 doesn't look as good, but considering its age, it still
looks great - its a matter of horse power to have smooth game play.

The 5600s can't handle the game at all unless you have an AMD64 3400+
or better... otherwise, you need to have the settings on low-med like
my friends.
Moore admitted he spliced the speech in Columbine - however he only used one
line that was from another speech, "From my cold dead hand." He posted
Heston's entire original speech on his website, and it was actually worse
than what Moore portrayed in his movie.

Oh, and by the way. Name another fact that can be disputed from his movie.
And while your at it, tell me how many times he was sued for
misrepresentation or falsification of facts.

FYI, another common misconception is that Moore edited the bank scene at the
beginning in order to make a week's worth of time look like he got his free
gun on the same day. Guess what - he really did get a gun the same day he
opened one of those special accounts! The background check only took 30
minutes, and he got a quicky lesson on how to fire it before he left.

Before you knock my favourite movie, you better be prepared to BRING IT!
Treefingers left a note on my windscreen which said:
Moore admitted he spliced the speech in Columbine - however he only used one
line that was from another speech, "From my cold dead hand." He posted
Heston's entire original speech on his website, and it was actually worse
than what Moore portrayed in his movie.

Oh, and by the way. Name another fact that can be disputed from his movie.
And while your at it, tell me how many times he was sued for
misrepresentation or falsification of facts.

Well, how many of the death figures involving guns included suicides?
IMO inclusion of these figures only serve to bloat the numbers and don't
really represent what Moore was trying to get at in his film.
FYI, another common misconception is that Moore edited the bank scene at the
beginning in order to make a week's worth of time look like he got his free
gun on the same day. Guess what - he really did get a gun the same day he
opened one of those special accounts! The background check only took 30
minutes, and he got a quicky lesson on how to fire it before he left.

Didn't he have to get the gun from another place - not the bank?

Bear in mind that I'm generalising Micheal Moore here, not the BFC movie
Darthy said:
Yep... saw the screen shots and compared them to my own or from what I
played in FarCry.

What Nvidia did was stick some LOW-Visual quality mode images and
called them PS 1.1 vs PS 3.0 - this is more of a GF4 vs GF6

The Ti4200 doesn't look as good, but considering its age, it still
looks great - its a matter of horse power to have smooth game play.

The 5600s can't handle the game at all unless you have an AMD64 3400+
or better... otherwise, you need to have the settings on low-med like
my friends.

Remember when real men used Real computers!?
When 512K of video RAM was a lot!

Death to Palladium & WPA!!

Wot you're actually writing on topic rather than this irrelevant
nationalistic flame war? Shame on you! ;o)

Wot you're actually writing on topic rather than this irrelevant
nationalistic flame war? Shame on you! ;o)

What flame war are you talking about?

Your response doesnt make sense.

Remember: In the USA - it is illegal to draw or write about Heir Bush in a negative way. The police or SS are called.

15yr old boy in Washington was disciplined for drawing such images.

God bless the land of the free. Where you can burn the Constitution... Ashcroft does it every day.
What flame war are you talking about?
Your response doesnt make sense.

Remember: In the USA - it is illegal to draw or write about Heir Bush in a
negative way. The police or SS are called.
15yr old boy in Washington was disciplined for drawing such images.

God bless the land of the free. Where you can burn the Constitution...
Ashcroft does it every day.

Well, how many of the death figures involving guns included suicides?
IMO inclusion of these figures only serve to bloat the numbers and don't
really represent what Moore was trying to get at in his film.

It doesn't really matter. He used the same parameters for every country
that he listed.

Didn't he have to get the gun from another place - not the bank?

Bear in mind that I'm generalising Micheal Moore here, not the BFC movie


[Insert sig text here]

No, he didn't have to leave the bank. It was all at the same site. The
bank itself was a certified distributor of guns.
"Darthy" > Remember: In the USA - it is illegal to draw or write about Heir
Bush in a negative way. The police or SS are called...bla,bla,bla...

Hello Pinhead, you don't read much do you? The liberal hate-mongering media
spouts anti-Bush vomit every day.

Hello Pinhead, you don't read much do you? The liberal hate-mongering
spouts anti-Bush vomit every day.

It's hard not to. Blatant inadequecy is hard to ignore.
Inadequate? Do you believe Clinton was decisive in responding to terrorism
during his 8 years of blow jobs? "42" is the man who fought back after
9/11/01 happened. How many terrorist attacks in the US have we had since

Inadequate? Do you believe Clinton was decisive in responding to terrorism
during his 8 years of blow jobs?

8 years of blow jobs. Nice spin.
"42" is the man who fought back after
9/11/01 happened. How many terrorist attacks in the US have we had since

Shoot, why bother killing Americans on their own soil? They can just kill
them on their soil now.
Yes He fought back but being true to his style he started a war with the wrong
people! What did Iraq have to do with 9/11? Lets see? which President gave us 8
years of jobs, a multi billion surplus. And who is the cowboy that spent it?
Nothing wrong with a blow job, I bet Lara doesn't swallow.