Duncan McC
With all respect and thanks for your help so far ... but ... I disagree.
This is a major bug and if you search Google there are hundreds (if not
thousands) of postings from people talking about the exact same problem. In
most of these postings there is never any resolution. Having email stuck in
such a core email application that is supposed to reliably send email is a
critical bug.
However, as Diane has said, it is not an Outlook bug. It is because of
the antivirus application, and it's integration with (any) email client
(ie it happens on lots of email clients).
It is typical of folk that try and send *large* emails (generally
attachments) with integrated AV running.
If you turn off your AV integration, or remove and re-install the AV
product without AV email integration, it will likely work.
If you are sending a 20Mb file - well... you shouldn't be.