DOS and Harddrive Capacity

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jim Richards
  • Start date Start date
Herb Martin said:
You are welcome, Todd -- next time try for TECHNICAL
content in your posts on these groups, e.g., such as helping
the poster to get the info he needs or to correct substantial
errors you see posted.

For the record -- Where is your TECHNICAL content or substantial error
correction to justify your having posted to this thread? You did not provide
either. Go away!
Todd said:
More name calling? Every time you post, you keep describing yourself. You
are directly demanding something of me, yet I demand nothing of anyone. I
simply called attention to netiquette without name calling to get my point
across. Take a good hard look at yourself before complaining about others.

It isn't name calling, it's calling a spade a spade.

Todd Vargo said:
It's not a big deal really. At least we're (you and I) discussing
related to the original question again.

Best regards to you, Al.


It is interesting to note that it was your comment on my errant top-posting
that started the ruckus and I'm the only poster not complaining about your
gentle reminder. You'd think they've never seen such comments before. Best
to just acknowledge differences of opinion and move on...

Hey, as a former MVP, I didn't even rise to your bait when you said:
"Appears some MVPs have an unwritten code-of-honor sense of protecting other
MVPs opinions even if it defies common sense"...
