Mike said:Whereas you *never* throw insults, right?
Only when deserved. You, sir, seem to be able to do nothing else.
Mike said:Whereas you *never* throw insults, right?
Colin Barnhorst said:Sometimes I feel like telling some of the insulters that they could safely
drive at their IQ's without risking a ticket (even in a School Zone).
Only when deserved. You, sir, seem to be able to do nothing else.
Mike said:Only to trolls like you who invade MS newsgroups and preach Linux. No
one here cares about Linux. If we did, we'd be in a Linux newsgroup
asking how to get the wireless networking going, like every other Linux
Mike said:You are too funny, and certainly no model for why anybody should switch
to LInux, regardless of variant..
you have as much intention of
migrating to Ubuntu as I do, and the resultant number does not look
promising.. a big fat '0'..
Mike said:Even funnier.. Ubuntu Week.. thanks for that one..![]()
Alias said:Mike wrote:
So, what other minority do you despise, insult and consider to be second
class citizens?
Mike Hall - MS MVP Windows Shell/User said:Even funnier.. Ubuntu Week.. thanks for that one..![]()
Mike said:None, just LinTrolls like you.
Alias said:Glad you like it. It does have a nice ring to it, doesn't it?
Alias said:Did your mommy teach you to insult people with whom you disagree?
Mike said:No, Linux Lusers like you did.
Alias said:Mike wrote:
Yet another insult. Don't respond, Mike, because I'm through with you.
Mike said:Only just.
Alias said:There's lots of things that MS does that I like. Oops.
How about getting rid of WGA/WPA/WGAN/SPP and any other "anti piracy"
Said what?
Nina DiBoy said:Mike wrote:
You are contradicting yourself Mike. Here you are saying that "Linux
Loonies" are "only just" people, yet below a quote from you earlier in
this thread implies that you don't really think "Linux Loonies" are
"But I'm not insulting people. I'm insulting Linux Loonies..."
So what is it?
Mike said:Embarrassed by your ignorance of Ubuntu 6.10, aren't you!
<snip>Mike said:Alias comes here to promote Ubuntu, the future of computing as he sees
it.. he hasn't fully migrated to it yet though.. moving to Ubuntu
requires careful planning (about as much planning as getting out an
abacus and moving all of the beads to one side)..
Part of the plan is to get others to use Ubuntu such that he has
somebody to lean on when he has problems with it..