do you hate microsoft



Oh, horseshit. OS/2 was far more technologicaly advanced than
the Windows of its day, and is *still* more advanced in many respects
when compared to CURRENT Windows versions.

Pre-emptive multitasking. A system registry. Windows programs
ran in native mode faster than they did on Windows. And in VM'S! TCP,
an object oriented GUI, **drag and drop**, universal video drivers, great
Ghu, why do you think people STILL run OS/2 today?


the wharf rat

That may all well be true, but where are the OS2
developers. The millions of programs that run on OS2?

You're confusing cause and effect. There are no OS/2 programs
because it lost a marketing war. It didn't lose the marketing war because
there aren't "millions" of programs.

Anyway, OS/2 ran Windows programs just fine. Didn't really
need its own.

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