do you hate microsoft


On the Bridge!

frank feels insecure and uneasy... The world is being snatched right from
under his feet.

The story started when one person alone (me) was saying that vista sucked
right from the start...
No, actually BEFORE it was even released I was saying that... lol Even from
the Betas and RC ot was evident that MS had a bad lemon in their hands.
Yet frank and the other vista trolls looked bewilderd.. they were so darn
dumb they couldnt even understand what the heck I was talking about... so
they concluded that I was the troll. LOL

Slowly however the world caught up (after a year and a half) with what I
observed after using vista for 5 minutes. Ok I far ahead of my times.. I
always was and I always will be.
So now what? ... more and more people hate Vista.. avoid it... and now
things are getting worse for MS.
After much hype, and distorted sales results, MS is in a state of panic.

Exactly as I predicted. And this scares Frank... How could "captn crunch" be
right? He will never accept it.. even if he is the last person on earth
clinging to his beloved Vista.


AlexB said:
Is there a Ubuntu news group? Indeed? I tried to find one to no avail.
Depends what news server you're hooking up to AlexB. Most carry
alt.os.linux.ubuntu, but some crappy ones do not. There are tens of
thousands of Usenet newsgroups. Use a news server that carries them all.
Take a look at this link:

What does it say?

I've seen a couple of newsgroups for Linux in general but not a dedicated
Ubuntu newsserver or newsgroup. Can anyone assist with a free newsserver


This guy was looking for a "Ubuntu NG!" What a joke!

Somebody provided two links. One of them was defunct, the other one just a
commercial gimmick: nothing to do with any newsgroups.

No, Frank is not right. I don't lie.


Vista will make you speechless!

Proprietary Software: a 20th Century software business model.

Q: What OS is built for lusers?
A: Which one requires running lusermgr.msc to create them?

Frank, hard at work on his Vista computer all day:


Alias said:
Once again our resident troll comes up with his usual lies, insults,
profanity and bluster.

Hey Frank, MS is so desperate they lowered the price for Retail Vista
and even Microsoft employees have problems using Vista.

Too bad you're broke, huh...LOL!


frank feels insecure and uneasy... The world is being snatched right from
under his feet.

Ya'think...LOL! Sorry pal. But any amature psychologist can plainly see
that Vista is much, much more important psychologically speaking, to
you, than to me. For us, it's a tool we use in our company to make
money. Lots of money! For you...well you've bet your ego on it...and
statistically speaking, you've lost...big time!
The story started when one person alone (me) was saying that vista sucked
right from the start...

Oh, so you once again want and need to be the center of attention huh?
No, actually BEFORE it was even released I was saying that... lol Even from
the Betas and RC ot was evident that MS had a bad lemon in their hands.
Yet frank and the other vista trolls looked bewilderd.. they were so darn
dumb they couldnt even understand what the heck I was talking about... so
they concluded that I was the troll. LOL

We were right of course. Something you can't accept.
Slowly however the world caught up (after a year and a half) with what I
observed after using vista for 5 minutes. Ok I far ahead of my times.. I
always was and I always will be.
So now what? ... more and more people hate Vista.. avoid it... and now
things are getting worse for MS.
After much hype, and distorted sales results, MS is in a state of panic.

Hahaha...MS is in a "state of panic"? LOL!
Exactly as I predicted. And this scares Frank... How could "captn crunch" be
right? He will never accept it.. even if he is the last person on earth
clinging to his beloved Vista.

I want you to answer a question for me as factually and as truthfully as
you are capable of doing:
What effect on Vista sales do you think your Vista hate campaign has had?
Give me a number.


Frank said:
Ya'think...LOL! Sorry pal. But any amature psychologist can plainly see
that Vista is much, much more important psychologically speaking, to
you, than to me. For us, it's a tool we use in our company to make
money. Lots of money! For you...well you've bet your ego on it...and
statistically speaking, you've lost...big time!
So do you use Notepad on Vista to read out "will that be fries with your
order?" whenever a new customer drives past your Window(s)?


Vista will make you speechless!

Proprietary Software: a 20th Century software business model.

Q: What OS is built for lusers?
A: Which one requires running lusermgr.msc to create them?

Frank, hard at work on his Vista computer all day:


NoStop said:
Frank wrote:

So do you use Notepad on Vista to read out "will that be fries with your
order?" whenever a new customer drives past your Window(s)?

Best you tell us nostop, er, doris, seeing as how you're the one working
at burger-doodle.
How's that OJT coming along?
Oh, I never eat fries...I guess you forgot. Best for you to write these
things down so you don't look the fool, right?


Frank said:
Best you tell us nostop, er, doris, seeing as how you're the one working
at burger-doodle.
How's that OJT coming along?
Oh, I never eat fries...I guess you forgot. Best for you to write these
things down so you don't look the fool, right?
Keep track of your own dietary needs you leghumper.


Vista will make you speechless!

Proprietary Software: a 20th Century software business model.

Q: What OS is built for lusers?
A: Which one requires running lusermgr.msc to create them?

Frank, hard at work on his Vista computer all day:

On the Bridge!

I want you to answer a question for me as factually and as truthfully as
you are capable of doing:
What effect on Vista sales do you think your Vista hate campaign has had?
Give me a number.

Unlike you, I answer your questions. I have no "antivista campaign", stupid.

How many people have I effected? Not so many, perhaps 1000. But had that
been my goal I could easily have informed hundreds of thousands of people
about how bad vista really is. I have ways that I did not want to use, using
technology that would persuade people effectively via media, websites and
blogs. I have the artistic, and technical know how and ability to deliver
this in a way that would take the world by a storm had I chosen to. If
there is one person on this planet who could pull this off, its me. All I
needed to do was show the TRUTH in the most effective manner, that would
leave everyone with their jaw dropped to the ground.... Yes Frank, I would
show SOLID proof
in such a dynamic way that no one would even want to go near vista
afterwards. Except you of course.

But I didn't chose to do so. What would I gain? Battle Microsoft for what
reason? And why should I cause them to lose money? They would not sit
arround and take a beating you know.. they would sick their suites on me....
but why would I even start a campain against microsoft? I think there are
other far more important things to do. I don't hate Microsoft.. I don't WANT
them to lose money, I want them to be better and I want them to improve
their products. I use their products all the time, and I am dependent on
them. Its just that vista is crap. Its not my fault that it is.

I prefer to keep a low profile and use my talent and resources for other
more creative and worthy causes. I suggest you shut up, cut the crap, and do
the same.


Unlike you, I answer your questions.

When? Where? No lying now!

I have no "antivista campaign", stupid.

Hahaha...who do you think you're fooling?
How many people have I effected? Not so many, perhaps 1000.

Hehehe...really? How did you come to that conclusion?

But had that
been my goal I could easily have informed hundreds of thousands of people
about how bad vista really is. we get to the delusional part right? are mentally

I just had to delete the rest of your delusional incoherent ramblings.
It was too much bullsh*t and I don't have my bullsh*t hip-high boots on.

Fact is cc, I doubt anyone has been swayed one bit by your manic Vista
hate rants or your spaced out delusion diatribes.
You are one really fukked up POS mental case.
Thank God most normal humans can spot this immediately!

On the Bridge!

frank please dont skip your medications

Frank said:
When? Where? No lying now!

I have no "antivista campaign", stupid.

Hahaha...who do you think you're fooling?

Hehehe...really? How did you come to that conclusion?

But had that we get to the delusional part right? are mentally

I just had to delete the rest of your delusional incoherent ramblings. It
was too much bullsh*t and I don't have my bullsh*t hip-high boots on.

Fact is cc, I doubt anyone has been swayed one bit by your manic Vista
hate rants or your spaced out delusion diatribes.
You are one really fukked up POS mental case.
Thank God most normal humans can spot this immediately!


frank please dont skip your medications
hahaha...yeah! I've hit the nail right on the head haven't I?
Well, your first step towards recovery is accepting and admitting you've
got a problem...and you do!


Frank said:
hahaha...yeah! I've hit the nail right on the head haven't I?
Well, your first step towards recovery is accepting and admitting you've
got a problem...and you do!

There you are giving out the wise words of advice that I've tried to nail
into your dumb skull for months now. Now that you can string those
sentences together - a major advancement for someone as dimwitted as you
are - it really is time to follow that advice. Admit you have a serious
mental problem and take your ****ing meds you leghumper.


Vista will make you speechless!

Proprietary Software: a 20th Century software business model.

Q: What OS is built for lusers?
A: Which one requires running lusermgr.msc to create them?

Frank, hard at work on his Vista computer all day:


On the Bridge! said:
Unlike you, I answer your questions. I have no "antivista campaign",

How many people have I effected? Not so many, perhaps 1000. But had that
been my goal I could easily have informed hundreds of thousands of people
about how bad vista really is. I have ways that I did not want to use,
using technology that would persuade people effectively via media,
websites and blogs. I have the artistic, and technical know how and
ability to deliver this in a way that would take the world by a storm had
I chosen to. If there is one person on this planet who could pull this
off, its me. All I needed to do was show the TRUTH in the most effective
manner, that would leave everyone with their jaw dropped to the ground....
Yes Frank, I would show SOLID proof
in such a dynamic way that no one would even want to go near vista
afterwards. Except you of course.

The usual lies.
You won't do it because you can't.
The rest is lies.
There you are the truth does hurt!

DanS>, (e-mail address removed)

You are so right.
What has MicroSoft done for the general consumer that
IBM and Apple haven't!!! Just think about. They have
made all this computer junk affordable. Personal
Computers, Software, Internet access. DAMN THEM

Sorry, but you've got that wrong. IBM *IS* the one to thank for having
PC's being the one to make the 'computer junk' affordable.

Apple had kept all hardware designs proprietary, and IBM went 'open
architecture' a long time ago, which is what brought all the cheap 'IBM
clones' to market at much lower prices than genuine IBM products.
If we only stayed with IBM or Apple we could still be
dropping 5 or 6 Grand on the lastest computers. Why by
now we would be up to the 386 processor.

This is all pure conjecture, and, honestly, to get the *latest* in PC
hardware, you could STILL spend 5-6 thousand, or more. You haven't seen
the $7/800 video cards ?
They just
forced us to advance beyond where we should be.

You say that in jest, but honestly, that is what MS is working towards.

MS no longer want's to sell you a CD full of s/w to install and run
locally, but instead would like to sell you a monthly/annual/per use
subscription to use Office apps onling in your browser.

(No, I don't hate MS, I'm just offering some counterpoints.)

Mr. Arnold

dennis@home said:
The usual lies.
You won't do it because you can't.
The rest is lies.
There you are the truth does hurt!

Wow, that person is so full of crap that it's unbelievable, and he or she
has too big of head for itself. <VBG>

GeraldF>, (e-mail address removed)
Apple had kept all hardware designs proprietary, and IBM went 'open
architecture' a long time ago, which is what brought all the cheap 'IBM
clones' to market at much lower prices than genuine IBM products.

Yes, but if OS2 was an example of where IBM was going
with personal computers, we were on a slow boat to
This is all pure conjecture, and, honestly, to get the *latest* in PC
hardware, you could STILL spend 5-6 thousand, or more. You haven't seen
the $7/800 video cards ?

True for top of the line equipment, but few of us need
or want an $800 video card.

I never saw an IBM personal computer for less than $2k
even a "cheap" one.
MS no longer want's to sell you a CD full of s/w to install and run
locally, but instead would like to sell you a monthly/annual/per use
subscription to use Office apps onling in your browser.

Of course this is a reaction to the perceived "Google
threat". It may in fact be cheaper for the consumer to
buy hardware and rent software. It will not be for all
of us.

the wharf rat

Yes, but if OS2 was an example of where IBM was going
with personal computers, we were on a slow boat to

Oh, horseshit. OS/2 was far more technologicaly advanced than
the Windows of its day, and is *still* more advanced in many respects
when compared to CURRENT Windows versions.

Pre-emptive multitasking. A system registry. Windows programs
ran in native mode faster than they did on Windows. And in VM'S! TCP,
an object oriented GUI, **drag and drop**, universal video drivers, great
Ghu, why do you think people STILL run OS/2 today?


Oh, horseshit. OS/2 was far more technologicaly advanced than
the Windows of its day, and is *still* more advanced in many respects
when compared to CURRENT Windows versions.

Pre-emptive multitasking. A system registry. Windows programs
ran in native mode faster than they did on Windows. And in VM'S! TCP,
an object oriented GUI, **drag and drop**, universal video drivers, great
Ghu, why do you think people STILL run OS/2 today?

That may all well be true, but where are the OS2
developers. The millions of programs that run on OS2?

To late to market, and even later to marketing!

DanS>, (e-mail address removed)

Yes, but if OS2 was an example of where IBM was going
with personal computers, we were on a slow boat to

OS2 was technically superior to Windows back then.
True for top of the line equipment, but few of us need
or want an $800 video card.

I hear you. That's insane.
Of course this is a reaction to the perceived "Google
threat". It may in fact be cheaper for the consumer to
buy hardware and rent software. It will not be for all
of us.

But thats where they want everybody to be.

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