ATX does not specify how many cables there are or how
they are arranged.
If cables are keeping your system from being cooled
properly, you are wholly incapable of setting up a system in
the first place, about the last person who could offer a
valid assessment of ATX.
ATX does not specify the number of
hard drives,
It addresses the placement of the bay, and allows for
different case sizes to accomodate them. If you can't cool
your drives in an ATX case, see prior comment above.
nor the number of add-on cards
I can see you have never stopped spewing nonsense long
enough to actually build a system. You should try it some
time. Plenty of people manage to do so fine, it is MOSTLY
prevents you from using ATX successfully like millions upon
millions of other people.
See above.
Actually, there are in fact standardized sizes, and anything
smaller is even easier to accomodate (in smaller cases).
nor the topology of their temperature distribution
Wanna bet whether or not these card designers, designed them
to be used in ATX? For the most part, yes they certainly
do. There are a few low profile cards, backplanes, etc,
that aren't, but we can clearly see plenty of people using
nor the
amount of calories/sec they output.
Carefull, you're straining yourself. Ever seen hardware
reviews? Ask them if they put the card into a COMPUTER, and
if so, was it ATX. Yes they'll think you're an idiot,
because some things are pretty obvious.
Hardware is designed to have appropriate cooling for the
targeted platform. Unless expressly stated otherwise, that
is overwhelmingly ATX. Some now moved to BTX, but show us
these cards only meant to be used in BTX.
Your One-Spec-Fits-All
religious belief in a vague spec is idiotic.
Hmm, let's see...
On the one hand we have wonder boy that wants to attach fans
to eggs in incubators when they already work fine, but can't
even manage to get an ATX system working, instead finding
problem after problem, can't can't even get clue 1 that
millions of systems are running fine despite this
nonsensical notion.
On the other hand we have myself and practically everyone in
this forum, and the next, and the next, hell Tim - it's the
whole world vs YOU.
Whatever it is you're screwing up, take a deep breath and
start learning the basics because somewhere you have gone
terribly wrong. ATX is not a difficult platform to build
on, and I have to wonder if your insistence of all these
problems means that your current system is either:
A) So dorked up it's not even funny.
B) Some alternate platform other than ATX, and all your
prior systems that were ATX were all dorked up.
Funny how you always think everything is impossibly
unworkable as-is, yet the world keeps spinning, we all do
the impossible, and Tim just trolls when we don't pity how
discouraging it must be for him to fail at all the things we
do fine.