This is the first time in history we can save the human race by lying in front of the TV and doing nothing. Let’s not screw it up!!!
In one week, we've seen how healthcare workers, truck drivers and grocery store employees are more important than Football players, actors and the supposedly famous.
Hey creative community! Just a reminder that Shakespeare was quarantined for the plague when he wrote King Lear. No pressure!!!
Also highly contagious is kindness, patience, love, enthusiasm, and a positive attitude. Don’t wait to catch it from the carrier!
Still haven' decided where to go for Easter -- the Family Room or the Living Room.
Remember when we thought we were going to have a bad week because of the time change, full moon, and Friday the 13th. We didn’t have a clue!
Definition of irony: gas under one dollar a litre and no place to go...
Home schooling going well – two students suspended for fighting, one teacher fired for drinking on the job!
Maybe now society will realize we can make it without celebrities and professional sports... but we can’t make it without farmers and ranchers!
Your grandparents were called to war. You’re being called to sit on your couch. You can do this!!
Since everyone has started washing their hands like we’re supposed to, we’ll be working on shapes and colors next week.
Due to panic buying, Lidl has just opened register 3.
Pro tip: if you get pulled over, just start coughing.
All these kids who have been learning Common Core maths are about to learn how to “Carry the One” from their new home school teachers.
That moment when you’re worried about the elderly and realize that you are the elderly...
I say we close down the media for 30 days and watch 80% of the world’s problems go away