Coronavirus Preparation

IPA all over your keyboard and mouse. Disconnect them both first though ;)


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Oh another handy tip.

I have baby wipes from Aldi.
I also have a gallon of IPA. I open the baby wipes one pack at a time when needed and pour the IPA into the packet.

Squeeze the contents so it soaks into all the wipes. Hey presto

Moisturised sanitising baby wipes.

I use them for door handles and after washing hands etc
Europe Wasn’t Ready for Coronavirus. It May Never Fully Recover.

Think things are bad where you live ----- think your leaders are barking mad ------ well things are just as bad here too,

"In early March, Spain’s Communist government was focused on passing its aberrant “sexual freedom law.” "

"on March 2nd, the big issue in Switzerland was a referendum to pass a law banning any comments or attitudes against gay-friendly policies."

"It was around those days that the Dutch government announced a bill that would allow the euthanasia of any elderly person “tired of living.”"

"The last we heard from Holland is that the official channels are telling people: “Don’t bring weak patients and old people to hospital.” Looks like they’re only interested in saving the lives of young people. I guess they’re more photogenic and look better on postcards of tulip fields."

"Also during the first week of March, almost the entire European press devoted rivers of ink to discussing whether two transgender athletes should compete in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics as men or women. "

"In Germany, at the beginning of March, the controversy that dominated the nation was whether to erect a huge statue of Lenin in a small North Rhineland town."

"As the pandemic began to spread dramatically, the main debate in Scotland was the imperative need for a new government law to provide free tampons and sanitary pads."

"On March 10, with 118,100 diagnosed and 4,262 dead from coronavirus in Europe, the U.N. held a press conference . . . to commit to the political and economic fight against the climate emergency! "

"But probably the most vile reaction has been that of the Social Communist government in Spain, which encouraged Spaniards to participate massively in the March 8 feminist rallies, the next day hiding reports that the coronavirus was already out of control in the country "

"Now Calvo is recovering from coronavirus, as are most of the members of government who took part in the demonstrations. "

"Something similar happened in France, where president Emmanuel Macron closed bars and discos but refused to suspend the March 15 elections. "

"We now know that neither Germany nor France is counting the deaths from coronavirus that occur outside of hospitals, and that the Germans don’t call it “death from coronavirus” if the patient had a previous illness."

These are all actions performed by folk who are supposedly well educated --- makes you think eh.

Coronavirus can stick to surfaces for up to three daysNew England Journal of Medicine study cites decay rate of the virus

On copper, testing shows the virus lasts no longer than 8 hours. On cardboard, no sign of a virus was measured after 24 hours, with another test showing decay after 8 hours.

“The longest viability of both (test) viruses was on stainless steel and plastic,” the Journal study stated, with the virus gone in 5.6 hours on stainless steel and 6.8 hours on plastic.

The study warns: “The virus can remain viable and infectious in aerosols for hours and on surfaces up to days.” That means someone sneezing or coughing can contaminate a room.

A good quality and informative article. :cool:
We had reports here in the North East of the absolute scum of the earth who stole vital life saving equipment from an ambulance while the crew were in someone's house. If found they should be taken outside, put up against the wall and shot.

Really makes the blood boil. What can these toerags possibly do with this equipment? :mad:
Oh another handy tip.

I have baby wipes from Aldi.
I also have a gallon of IPA. I open the baby wipes one pack at a time when needed and pour the IPA into the packet.

Squeeze the contents so it soaks into all the wipes. Hey presto

Moisturised sanitising baby wipes.

I use them for door handles and after washing hands etc

Do you wring them out and drink the IPA afterwards ? :cheers:
Another very sensible piece of advice.

Nurse says long nails are the fastest spreaders of coronavirus and advises you to cut them short
‘If you can’t put your fingernails straight down against your other palm without your nails adding too much distance to do it, you cannot wash under your fingernails properly unless you use a nail brush every time.’

Great-gran, 99, is UK’s oldest to survive coronavirus after ‘miracle’ recovery

‘I don’t know how she got through it. I don’t think she has ever eaten a vegetable or fruit. ‘She lives on marmalade sandwiches and biscuits, but she’s had a terrible diet her entire life. She’s always just eaten chocolates and biscuits.

Time to stock up on marmalade methinks. :lol: