Tony Norman
See... you think you know so much, you can diagnose people with problems.
kurttrail said:LOL! Buy somebody else's idea of hardware! Please! I already have a
PC that is quite capable of doing anything that I want. It just can't
seem to do it with Linux!
F*ck, can you ever be dense, or what!? First off, you have the marvel of anAnd MythTV might be an option if Linux actually could boot on my system!
See above in terms of being able to actually run on your system. I'm prettyNo, but Windows is more user friendly, and has the advantage of actually
being able to run on my system! So I want to use my system as an
expensive doorstop, I'll boot to a Linux Live CD, but if I actually want
to watch Desparate Housewives in HDTV, I'll use Windows.
NoStop said:JS wrote:
I'm not sure Kurt even understands what hardware he's running there.
It's no wonder he can't figure out how to install Linux on it.
Yesterday he got into an argument with me about the HighPoint RAID
card he has in his computer. I told him it was a software RAID card
and he insisted that since it was a PCI card it was hardware RAID.
Really the guy is pretty clueless, but thinks he knows it all. Just
shows you how sheltered Windoze "gurus" are to the workings of a
computer. When confronted with actually understanding their
computers, they throw there hands up in the air and condemn Linux for
being inadequate for their hardware. An operating system designed to
be portable to all kinds of platforms including stand-alone devices,
but somehow is inadequate on Kurt's machine. The mind boggles.
As you and I know, it's not Linux that's inadequate, it's guys like
Kurt, who don't have a clue because they've lived under the spoon-fed
shelter of Windoze where all choice is taken away and things work (or
sort of work for a time) until something goes wrong and they're
forced to wait for the latest patch from their propreitary vendors.
If indeed, Kurt was really interested in running an efficient, stable
and secure computer, he would be open to investigating an alternative
to Windoze that delivers and he'd make the effort to learn how to get
it working.
It's sad to think that he actually believes he's got a great
newsreader there in OE!He has NO IDEA what he's missing and what
it means to control a computer rather than have it control you. But,
what the heck. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him
drink. Blind is blind and in this case is probably not worth
pursuing. Let him play with his Wintendo system and believe that that
is what a computer is all about.
I believe you pegged it.
A very apt description of this fellow. But
there are a few more like him around here. They're the type of
computer user who knows just enough to be "support staff" to moms and
pops because they know about KB articles, third-party condoms, or how
to google for answers, but don't have the guts, smarts or motivation
to get beyond this basic simplicity. Deep inside, they probably get
glimpses of the shortcomings of their o/s, but it would take just a
little too much effort on their part to get beyond it so they shoot
out at people like us that have gone beyond. I guess they feel their
egos are somehow being threatened by their own inadequacies? Or maybe
straying into unfamiliar territory will make the letters behind their
names (MVP, MCSE, or whatever that MickyMouse ego stroking crap is)
less important? I'm not sure, I know what the explanation is for
their behavour. It is indeed very strange.
Tony said:I didn't apologies TO myself.....so..... I'm still
Tony said:See... you think you know so much, you can diagnose people with
Tony said:So... I bent the truth about doing it "every time". Big deal. Whatcha
gonna do... write some more lines of crap that will back up what
everyone else has been saying!?
NoStop said:JS wrote:
I'm not sure Kurt even understands what hardware he's running there.
It's no wonder he can't figure out how to install Linux on it.
Tony said:I didn't make anything up.
Tony said:No, I didn't. "Your apology wasn't addressed to anyone" Exactly!
Twist and turn and wriggle and squirm and distort, distort, distort. Who waskurttrail said:Blah, Blah, Blah. And it's because of people like you that more people
don't try Linux.
Good, keep trying. BTW, this newsgroup isn't the place to seek out LinuxDespite you windbag, all talk Linux advocates, I will keep trying Linux
on my PC.
NoStop said:Twist and turn and wriggle and squirm and distort, distort, distort.
Who was it that kept saying that Linux wasn't ready for the desktop?
Who was that said it wasn't user friendly?
Who was it that said it
was beyond the capabilities of most ordinary Windows users?
things that you've repeated over and over here.
Now, it's people like
me that prevent others from trying Linux.
Man, you sure are some
number. You distort the truth almost as much as a Bush speech writer.
Good, keep trying.
BTW, this newsgroup isn't the place to seek out
Linux support.
There are other, more appropriate newsgroups where you
will find plenty of good help.
Just keep your shitty attitude here
and don't take it elsewhere if you truly require assistance.
Tony said:1. It wasn't made up.
2. No
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. Why are you trying to change the subject, by TRYING to offend me
with your dense comment?
Tony said:You're just mad, because I realized that you admitted that I hadn't
addressed the apology to anyone.
kurttrail said:Tony said:1. It wasn't made up.
So it was a outright attempt to lie!
2. No
3. Yes
I don't believe you! If you had, you would have mentioned it earlier.
4. Yes
LOL! The wheels of Justice spin slowly! Again, there are just as likely
to go after you to, since you are fully engaged in this conversation. If
you were truely upset with what I wrote, you would have stop responding
long ago!
So yet another lie!
5. Why are you trying to change the subject, by TRYING to offend me
with your dense comment?
Actually, it was my attempt to get the MS Censor riled up with out
actually being obscene.
Definitely not as obscene as Mrs. Bush making fun of her husband milking a
male horse!
Usually posts that have vague allusions to the alleged rape victim asking
to get raped get pulled around here. [ Now that I explained to the
censor, it probably will get pulled! ;-) ]
It just goes to show ya' how lame and utterly useless your tattletaling
actually is, Liar! Oh yeah, I haven't forgotten!
In Tony's World, "Two LinTrolls and One Moron" equal "EVERYBODY!" And
he doen't think that is made up!
Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"
1. By YOU
2. When you point a finger, three point back at you.
3. So don't believe me, but you can't prove that it isn't working,
because you aren't here.
4. So, let them.
You are like a girl that grabs both of your ass cheeks, and pulls
you into her, harder and harder each time, while at the same times
is yelling for you to stop!
5. Why are you trying to change the subject, by TRYING to offend me
with your dense comment?
Actually, it was my attempt to get the MS Censor riled up with out
actually being obscene.
Definitely not as obscene as Mrs. Bush making fun of her husband
milking a male horse!
Usually posts that have vague allusions to the alleged rape victim
asking to get raped get pulled around here. [ Now that I explained
to the censor, it probably will get pulled! ;-) ]
It just goes to show ya' how lame and utterly useless your
tattletaling actually is, Liar! Oh yeah, I haven't forgotten!
5. "Actually"... NO.
6. If it's MY world "In Tony's World", and "Two LinTrolls and One
Moron" are the only things on it, that would make everybody.
7. Since no one has their own world, and we all live on the same one,
perhaps Kurt should go back and read other posts. Granted, not every
single person in the world responded to it, but, there are lots of
ways to specify "Everybody"
everybody in the world
everybody in the city
everybody in the community
everybody in the THREAD