JS wrote:
I'm not sure Kurt even understands what hardware he's running there. It's no
wonder he can't figure out how to install Linux on it.
Yesterday he got into an argument with me about the HighPoint RAID card he
has in his computer. I told him it was a software RAID card and he insisted
that since it was a PCI card it was hardware RAID. Really the guy is pretty
clueless, but thinks he knows it all. Just shows you how sheltered Windoze
"gurus" are to the workings of a computer. When confronted with actually
understanding their computers, they throw there hands up in the air and
condemn Linux for being inadequate for their hardware. An operating system
designed to be portable to all kinds of platforms including stand-alone
devices, but somehow is inadequate on Kurt's machine. The mind boggles.
As you and I know, it's not Linux that's inadequate, it's guys like Kurt,
who don't have a clue because they've lived under the spoon-fed shelter of
Windoze where all choice is taken away and things work (or sort of work for
a time) until something goes wrong and they're forced to wait for the
latest patch from their propreitary vendors.
If indeed, Kurt was really interested in running an efficient, stable and
secure computer, he would be open to investigating an alternative to
Windoze that delivers and he'd make the effort to learn how to get it
It's sad to think that he actually believes he's got a great newsreader
there in OE!

He has NO IDEA what he's missing and what it means to
control a computer rather than have it control you. But, what the heck. You
can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. Blind is blind and
in this case is probably not worth pursuing. Let him play with his Wintendo
system and believe that that is what a computer is all about.
You're not credible to anybody. You're an obnoxious, immature bore with
a credibility problem.
I believe you pegged it. A very apt description of this fellow. But there
are a few more like him around here. They're the type of computer user who
knows just enough to be "support staff" to moms and pops because they know
about KB articles, third-party condoms, or how to google for answers, but
don't have the guts, smarts or motivation to get beyond this basic
simplicity. Deep inside, they probably get glimpses of the shortcomings of
their o/s, but it would take just a little too much effort on their part to
get beyond it so they shoot out at people like us that have gone beyond. I
guess they feel their egos are somehow being threatened by their own
inadequacies? Or maybe straying into unfamiliar territory will make the
letters behind their names (MVP, MCSE, or whatever that MickyMouse ego
stroking crap is) less important? I'm not sure, I know what the explanation
is for their behavour. It is indeed very strange.
Windows is *NOT* a virus. Viruses are small and efficient.
Tired of the insecurity of your Wintendo box? Update to GNU/Linux
STOP the dummying down of America - Move to a REAL o/s.