Rod Speed
Amazing that you would say that some one who's been
thru the system several times doesn't know how it works.
There's plenty of bone heads that never to manage
to grasp those basics no matter how many times
they show up before a particular system.
Are you that threatened by some one who has a
different reading on what's happening than you do?
Or I choose to rub bone head's noses in the legal basics.
Not that that necessarily achieves much most of the time.
It does ensure that others dont take what the bone head
claims as gospel tho. Which is often quite desirable.
Is that why you go on the attack so readily?
Even you should be able to bullshit your way out of
your predicament better than that pathetic effort, Funk.
Rule of Holes.
Sure, that's why I win.
Bet you done always win, or you're a pathological liar.
Becaus I don't know what I'm doing.
The system is designed to work in spite of pig
ignorance of the basics by those that appear
before it. It does work surprisingly well there.
Doesnt matter a damn if you can ever grasp those basics
on proof yourself, what matters is that the judge etc has.
You cant even manage the simplest stuff like what he
may or may not have a receipt for, let alone the more
complicated stuff like the formal standard of proof required.
"I have the receipt for the original HD (was an
upgrade) and registered its serial no., but the
repair center says that it's not enough proof."
QED, you dont know for example whether
the receipt he has for the hard drive includes
installation into that particular system etc.
The hard drive was bought seperately from the system.
Doesnt say a damned thing about whether it was later
installed in that system and whether the receipt shows that.
From the OP's original post.
Not so.
Fraid so.
ANY hard drive that will boot will work,
Wrong. Even you should be able to
grasp what an intermittent fault is about.
and any repair center wiorth anything (and wanting to
maximize profits) will have at least one sitting around.
Sure, and that may have been the 40GB drive that
didnt get replaced by the original 80GB drive when
it turned out that swapping the original power supply
was with another with the same design problem.
But you don't need to duplicate the drive's
content to see if the drive is the problem.
Wrong with an intermittent fault that only shows
up as a freeze or bsod every couple of days or so.
Only an incompetant fool would attempt to work out
where the fault is by just swapping something like a
hard drive and checking that it will boot with the spare.
Yes, really.
How short a time can this be done?
Depends on a number of variables, but it isnt something
you have to sit around waiting for, you can set the clone
op up and go on with something else while it clones.
It shouldn't be to difficult to figure out, using
a simple max speed of the drives involved.
Anyone with a clue knows roughly how long that
takes because its the sort of thing thats done often
when the original drive is replaced by a bigger one.
Quite a few operations clone for free in that
situation, because its so effortless to setup, even
when the margins on hard drives is so low now.
Oops! It takes more time that would be considered
negligible when you're charging by time.
You dont even know that they were
charging by time if its a warranty claim.
IOW, the shop would charge for it as diagnostics.
You dont even know that either.
You're right. But that's not t5he first thing that
would be checked , is it? Of course not.
And wasnt the first thing that was checked. The first thing
that was checked was the much more likely possibility, the
power supply. Turned out that the replacement had the same
design problem as the original and so when that swap didnt
make the problem go away, something else was tried.
Why waste the time if the drive can be replaced
with a known good drive for much less time?
Only an incompetant fool would attempt to work out where
a fault that intermittent is by just swapping something like
a hard drive and checking that it will boot with the spare.
Easy to say. I note that you give nothing to back up your theory.
Obvious lie. I clearly did just that.
Where did the OP say any of that?
Did you actually *READ* the original post?
"I took my Compaq equipped with 80 gig
HD to ****USA but got back a 40 gig."
He said rather more than just that later.
I don't think CompUSA does warranty work on Compaqs.
In fact, I know they don't.
They may well do if they were paid to upgrade that PC with
an 80GB drive and the system was unstable after that upgrade,
freezing and bsodding every couple of days after the upgrade.
Come back when you've actually read the OP.
Go and shove your head up a dead bear's arse.