What original receipt?
The OP says he has a receipt forthe drive;
That receipt.
he didn't say the receipt was for the system.
Doesnt need to be. Its the receipt for the upgrade he got done.
But that doesn't explain the copy. Copying takes time,
and these places make their money charging for such work.
Not when the system freezes or bsods every other day after
the upgrade. They get to wear whatever it takes to fix the the
problem. Presumably he paid for the copy to the upgraded drive.
I have a hard time believing the tech would replace
the drive, do an image/copy, and not document it.
It wouldnt be the first time with a complicated problem
where the obvious swap, the power supply, didnt fix the
problem, and other possibilitys were tried, and turned
out to not be the problem either. Turned out to be the
power supply after all and it took the third one to fix it.
Presumably the first two had the same design problem.
And the tech forgot to put back the original
80GB drive when it turned out to not be the
cause of the freezing and bsods every other day.