Guys ... this is really just noise in the
microsoft.public.dotnet.languages.vb and comp.lang.basic.visual.misc
groups - I really don't see how this or any of your previous postings relate
in any way to visual basic. Could you help improve the S/N ratio and please
drop the ms and basic groups for future discussions/rants?
Randy Birch
MVP Visual Basic
Please respond only to the newsgroups so all can benefit.
: Hi Raghar,
: Re: How to do full-window painting
: for a high-res maximized window,
: when the taskbar turns on the cursor,
: thus dropping junk on that window,
: as it hoards all the mouse messages.
: You wrote,
: " Cite from mickerosoft documentation.
: After someone aquires input device in exclusive mode,
: windoze don't know where they should draw a cursor,
: so they won't draw any cursor. "
: That's quite true, and I've actually tried that...
: Have you ?
: The problem is that the the cursor still must be drawn...
: Would you draw on the taskbar ? Huh ? I want to know.
: Did you know that the mouse messages are
: _ Still _ hoarded by the taskbar,
: even when the input is captured as you described ?
: Maybe you read the documentation, maybe...
: but that just makes you stupid. I tested it, so I know.
: You believe in Java and Santa Claus, not me.
: And that is just one example of why
: there are no shortcuts to cross-platform coding.
: And one more reason why Java is a very bad joke.
: ( " Visual " programming being another... Shudder )
: Re: How the system cursor prevents VRAM-to-VRAM blts.
: You commented,
: " cite from NVIDIA.
: This graphic card supports hardware cursor with full
: alpha up to xxxxxx pixels. "
: Drawing cursors are no big deal.
: So long as at least one fiftieth of a second has passed,
: I draw the entire full screen window ( hi res )
: every time the mouse moves...
: I works like a dream, never a delay to scroll a dump.
: So any delays must be due to something else...
: Like waiting for data from a server.
: It looks kind of like the following ( C++ ),
: This is the event loop:
: #define LOOP while ( 1 )
: LOOP {
: LOOP { Paint_Maybe();
: if( ! ShowTime ||
: PeekMessage( & Msg, 0,0,0, PM_NOREMOVE ) ) break ; }
: GetMessage( & Msg, 0,0,0);
: TranslateMessage( & Msg ); DispatchMessage( & Msg );
: ....
: This is Paint_Maybe(),
: typedef LARGE_INTEGER Quad ;
: double Secnd_Dub, _Secs ;
: __int64 _Tics, Secnd ;
: // QueryPerformanceFrequency( ( Quad * ) & Secnd );
: // Secnd_Dub = Secnd ;
: #define Tics \
: ( QueryPerformanceCounter( ( Quad * ) & _Tics ), _Tics )
: #define Secs ( _Secs = Tics / Secnd_Dub )
: Paint_Maybe () { static double Next ;
: if ( Secs < Next ) { Sleep( 0 ); return; }
: Next = _Secs + 1 / 50. ;
: In_Taskbar(); // This is too complex to describe here.
: if ( ! Paint_Req || ! ShowTime ) return;
: Sur_Draw->Blt(
: & Rec_Me, 0,0, DDBLT_COLORFILL, & ErBlack );
: WriteTxt( 0, 0, Bar );
: ....
: You wrote,
: " Common knowledge would also say to us that
: preferred method of graphic
: manipulation is a page flipping. "
: I am drawing to a back buffer,
: and I would page flip,
: but I don't want to draw on the taskbar
: and I only have 8 megs of VRAM... Not enough.
: My crappy PC emulates having 64 megs by
: using " shared system memory ".
: All the video stuff is on my Intel motherboard,
: not a card.