Hi Mark Thornton,
You asserted,
" I have been using Java for over seven years
and know its strengths and weaknesses very well. "
The following C++ routines are used to print to any printer
( including Europe's A4 paper )
as well as to any sized screen.
( Only the HDC and a few variables change )
Can you show Java examples ?
#define Str sprintf
#define SetPtr SelectObject
typedef unsigned long ulong ;
typedef char * Line ;
#define LOOP while ( 1 )
#define Loop( _LLL ) int J = -1, LLL = _LLL ; \
while ( ++ J < LLL )
int rv ; // rv is a very temporary holding place.
int Rnd ( float F ) { return ( int ) floor ( F + .5 ); }
// The following two lines are in some routines somewhere ...
// CharH, a float, is scaled to fit a screen.
// Land is for landscape.
// CharH = ( Way == Land ? 9 : 6.5 ) * Scale ;
// or a sheet of paper.
// CharH = Way == Land ? CharH_L : CharH_P ;
// CF() creates a font for a printer or a screen.
// The aspect Ratio _Must_Be_ determined first.
// Tries for Bold.
// F, for font, is a bound reference,
// one of the few C++ features that I use.
CF ( HDC DC, HFONT & F, float Width ) {
F = CreateFont( - Rnd ( 81 * Width / 49 ),
0,0,0, 700,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, FIXED_PITCH, 0 );
int Tmp =! DC ; if ( Tmp ) DC = GetDC ( 0 );
HFONT OF = ( HFONT ) SetPtr ( DC, F ); SIZE Sz;
GetTextExtentPoint ( DC,"XXXXX", 5, & Sz );
Sz.cx /= 5 ; SetPtr ( DC, OF );
if( Sz.cx > Width ) { DeleteObject( F );
F = CreateFont( rv= -Sz.cy * Width / Sz.cx,
0,0,0, 700,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, FIXED_PITCH, 0);
SetPtr( DC, F);
GetTextExtentPoint( DC,"XXXXX", 5, & Sz); Sz.cx /= 5;
SetPtr( DC, OF );
if ( Sz.cx > Width) { DeleteObject( F );
F = CreateFont( rv * ( int ) Width / Sz.cx,
0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
if ( Tmp ) ReleaseDC ( 0, DC ); }
// Gets details about the selected printer.
GetPrinter ( ulong F, int Passive ) {
HDC Old_DC = PnDC; PrnRec.Flags = F | PD_RETURNDC ;
if( ! PrintDlg ( & PrnRec ) ) {
if ( Passive ) return; int Err = CommDlgExtendedError();
if ( Err ) {
Str( Mess,"Printer Setup Dialog Error %d",
Err ); Bow( Mess ); } if ( ! Err ) return ; }
if ( ! ( PnDC = PrnRec.hDC ) )
if ( Passive ) return ; else Bow("No Printer Selected");
{ DEVNAMES * Printers =
( DEVNAMES * ) GlobalLock ( PrnRec.hDevNames );
Str ( PrnName,"%s",
( Line ) Printers + Printers->wDeviceOffset );
Str ( PrnPort,
( Line ) Printers + Printers->wOutputOffset );
SetDlgItemText ( Win, 1006, PrnName );
SetDlgItemText ( Win, 1020, PrnPort );
GlobalUnlock ( PrnRec.hDevNames ); }
if ( PrnFon ) DeleteObject ( PrnFon );
Line_Able = GetDeviceCaps ( PnDC, LINECAPS );
if ( Old_DC && Old_DC != PnDC ) DeleteDC( Old_DC );
{ DEVMODE * Printer =
( DEVMODE * ) GlobalLock( PrnRec.hDevMode);
_CharH = GetDeviceCaps(PnDC,LOGPIXELSY) * 9.4 / 72 *
( Printer->dmPaperSize == DMPAPER_A4 ?
21 / 2.54 / 8.5 : 1 );
GlobalUnlock ( PrnRec.hDevMode ); }
// CF Creates a font.
CF ( PnDC, PrnFon, PrnCharW = _CharH * WHR );
CF ( PnDC, BigPrnFon, BigPrnCharW =
_CharH * WHR * BigSc );
LM = 7 * PrnCharW ; // Sets various margins.
MarginP = CharH_P = _CharH * 1.032 ;
MarginL = ( CharH_L = _CharH * 1.06 ) * 2 ; }
// _Say() and Say() work the same,
// no matter if the HDC is a printer or a screen.
_Say ( float X, float Y, char * Bu, int L ) {
if( L <= 0) return;
int _Y = Y- CharH * .3, YY = Rnd( Y ), LL;
char * P = Bu ;
Bu = P ;
while ( L && ( uchar ) * P < 128 ) { L--; P++; }
LL = P- Bu ;
if ( LL > 0) {
X -= ChW;
Loop ( LL ) TextOut ( PnDC,
Rnd ( X += ChW ), YY, Bu + J, 1 ); }
if ( L ) { TextOut ( PnDC, Rnd ( X += ChW ), _Y, P, 1 );
X += ChW ; L -- ; P ++ ; } if( ! L ) break; } }
#define FuSay \
if( P > Bu) _Say ( LM + ( Bu- Old ) * ChW, Y, Bu,P- Bu); \
Bu = P + 1 ;
#define FuFuSay \
if ( P > Bu) { SetBkMode( PnDC, OPAQUE ); \
float W = ChW ; ChW = BigChW ; \
_Say( LM + ( Bu - Old ) * W, \
Y - CharH * BigSc, Bu, P - Bu ); ChW = W ; \
SetBkMode( PnDC, TRANSPARENT ); } Bu = P + 1 ;
Say ( ) { Resp ( ); // Resp() handles mouse events
char C, * P = Old, * Bu = Old ;
float Y = Row * CharH + Margin ;
if ( Line_Able ) {
while( P < Cur) {
if ( * P == '_' && P [ 1 ] !='_') {
FuSay while ( ++ P <= Cur && ( uchar ) * P > 32 );
rv = FnC ( _Re ); SetPtr ( PnDC, OF );
OF = ( HFONT ) SetPtr ( PnDC, BigPrnFon );
FuFuSay SetPtr ( PnDC, OF );
OF = ( HFONT ) SetPtr ( PnDC, PrnFon );
FnC ( rv ); }
else if ( * P == '|' ) { FuSay
MoveToEx ( PnDC,
rv = Rnd ( LM + ( P - Old ) * ChW + ChW / 2),
Rnd ( Y ), 0 );
LineTo ( PnDC, rv, Rnd ( Y + CharH ) ); }
else if ( ( * P == '-' || * P == '=' )
&& P [ 1 ] == ( C = * P ) ) { FuSay
OP = C == '-' ?
0 : ( HPEN ) SetPtr( PnDC, WidePen );
MoveToEx ( PnDC,
Rnd ( LM + ( P- Old ) * ChW ),
rv = Rnd ( Y + CharH / 2 ), 0 );
while ( ++ P <= Cur && * P == C ); Bu = P ;
LineTo ( PnDC,
Rnd ( LM + ( P- Old ) * ChW ), rv );
if ( OP ) SetPtr ( PnDC, OP ); continue; }
P++; } } FuSay Old = Cur + 1; }