5. One of those very, very smart gurus can write me up a business
The issue is the 'next time'. The c guy would find a way to abstract
and reuse his methods -- so he would constantly decrease his programming
turnaround time, and increase program speed and efficiency.
The VB would be static -- it will always take 2 hours and it will never
run any faster...
Your second statement is true. The VB programmer would always take 2
hours to build his application, and it would always be slow and
Unfortunately, your first statement is a common fallacy of the C
programming world (in which I lived for 15 years, by the way). Building
a framework for efficient production of software requires two things: a
smart programmer (let's assume we already have that), and the ability
to anticipate the needs of the business, which means you have to be a
domain expert, too. This is what many C gurus forget: it's not enough
to be a programming whiz. In order to produce a sound architecture for
a system you must also be a business analysis whiz. If you get the
programming right but the business analysis wrong, you produce a
beautiful, elegant application that your users will hate (and
ultimately not use) because it's not what they want. It won't adapt to
future needs, either.
"Architecture is a risk." If you've never heard that phrase before, you
need to read "The Big Ball of Mud" by Foote and Yoder.
Unfortunately, the Big Ball of Mud was "academized" years back to
appeal more to the "powers that be" at the University of Illionois. At
least I assume so because I have a photocopy of the original version,
and it was much kinder to in-the-trenches business developers and much
more jarring to academic sensibilities. Nonetheless, it's still a good
So, point #1 is that it's not enough to be a smart programmer. If
you're a C guru who works 5pm to 4am and doesn't like talking to people
then you're going to end up producing elegant crap that _doesn't_ stand
the test of time because you didn't understand the problem domain well
Point #2 is that the VB hack, for all of his faults, is standing on the
shoulders of giants, as it were. As dumb as it is,
drag-drop-point-click and he's integrated Windows drag-and-drop, export
to Excel, export to PDF, and myriad other bells and whistles into his
app. Yes, it's a bloated monster, but it allows his business users to
work seamlessly between his little (fat, bloated) app and the rest of
the system they know and understand. The C guy says, "Hey, I can do
that, too! Just give me 3 weeks of sleepless nights to write the 10,000
lines of code to add all of those features...."
As I said, I thank God for C gurus. particularly when I go into a
hospital and put myself inside a CAT scanner, or when I get on board a
fly-by-wire AirBus. However, I wouldn't hire one to write business
software; it's just not he same skill set.
As well, my real-time, picky-detail embedded programming background
makes me vaguely uncomfortable with the VB guy who really has no idea
what's going on under the hood. Nonetheless, I must grudgingly admit
that he can crank out business-ready software that _gets the job done_
and that _his users love_ far faster than I can. If I see him monkeying
with hospital equipment, though, I'm making a hasty exit.