Hi Olaf, Re: * ++ P << 16 | * ++ P << 8 and how | doesn't, but should,
provide a so_called Sequence_Point in C_99, gcc or MS_CPP_7_1,
You told me: << Yes it shoud have worked in my opinion too.
But this is life, nothing is perfect. >>
I think MicroSoft won't implement extra Sequence_Points
for fear of becomming too incompatible with the other compilers.
Which is a real shame, as, no doubt, it's the cause of many a mysterious bug.
I think MS should just add a bunch of additional Sequence_Points
and tell the others to either catch up or go fish.
Speaking of compiler faults,
I say C# is wrong to not support printf(), #define, #include, etc.
Not because I care about old code, but becuase I prefer those operatives.
C++/C#'s String/cout/STL can be handy, no doubt,
but I still prefer doing my own memory management, dynamic lists, etc.
As my HTM_TXT.CPP demonstrates, LoopTo() is just pure flexibility:
#define LoopTo( StopCond ) \
while ( Ch && ( Ch = ( uchar ) * ++ P ) \
&& ! ( Ch2 = ( uchar ) P [ 1 ], StopCond ) )
You recounted: <<
I also discovered one time that, if you use events in a C++ class,
VC++ 2002 [ throws ] an access violation if the class happens
not to have a constructor defined and implemented in the header file.
So, for a week, I struggled with that event thing,
and, funny enough, the examples worked but mine failed.
[ Looking at the assmbly code, I saw that ]
the variables of those events [ weren't getting ] initialized.
Clearly a bug in the C++ compiler. Now my code works fine,
since I now put a complete constructor in the header file. >>
Interesting, I wouldn't have thought to check the disassembly like that,
I'll try that the next time I have a hard_to_find bug ( i.e. soon ).
Re: How you use assembly these days, You wrote: <<
In my case it is 15 years old knowledge.
I only use it to look at the generated code to find bugs in my code
and to optimize my functions to speed up without resorting to assembler.
Or to learn a new language,
because I can compare it to something I already know.
And now I do this with IL assembler generated by .NET. >>
The IL assembler sounds cool to me.
You added: << One thing I discover is that properties are not optimized,
not inlined so that could explain why some C# code could be slower.
But then again if I look at my C++ code of the VC++ 2003 Standard,
none of my properties gets inlined too. And this explains
why my C++ code and C# code are almost the same speed on the same computer
and the same OS and compiled with the same compiler environment.
I hope that The VS 2005 gets a better optimizer for that. >>
I have my MS_CPP_Pro inline stuff, even when debugging,
it hasn't been a problem for me.
Re: x86 assembly, you told me: << In the case of Intel like processors,
the ax, eax register gets specialized for processing things.
It is another name for accumulator. >> ... <<
any operation is done with that register, so a lot of code
is copying registers to the eax register and then moving it back.
Another thing to know is that you cannot access the upper word part of eax.
( or the ebx, ecx, edx )
Only the lower word part [ can ] be split into a high byte and a low byte.
eax is the 32 bit register
ax is the same as LOWORD(eax)
and al would be like LOBYTE(ax)
and ah would be like HIBYTE(ax)
So to get the HIWORD(eax), you must >> 16 to [ access ] the ax part.
Then you can access it.
Typically eax is used for calculating things.
ebx is used as index pointer
ecx is typically used as counter
edx is typically used as destination index pointer.
But in the case of an optimizer compiler
you might lose that relationship. >>
What other registers are there, and how are they restricted ?
You added: << Another thing something like this xor ecx,ecx
is actually saying set ecx to null.
This notation is only one byte and superfast
compared to loading it with a actual value. >>
That much I knew already.
Re: mov ecx, dword ptr [ esp + 18h ]
You concluded: <<
Yes a local variable located at 18h positions from your return address.

And if you get something like this mov ecx, dword ptr [ esp - 18h ]
then it is some parameter passed on from outside your function. >>
That's interesting, - is a parameter, thanks.