Ron Reaugh said:
I consider those running around saying oh no don't flash as you'll likely
destroy your mobo as purveyors of malicious damaging nonsense...."oh no
don't fix it if it ain't busted". Vary bad advice bordering on malicious
and worthy of attack. To cover their ridiculous position they make up
horror stories about bad effects.
Just say NO! Just stay CURRENT!
Ron, we consider the option to flash on a case by case basis.
The regulars in this group have to put up with the whining if
a users borks a board, and have to write a long post about
all the things they could try. And that sucks...
If someone has a perfectly good computer, and that user reports
no problems, but on a whim they want to flash the BIOS, we say
"No!". Why ? Profit and loss. There is no profit for that user,
and only potential loss. There should be either a release
note with details indicating the solution to a problem, or
a field report of a problem fixed by a beta BIOS, before
we know for certain there is a potential for profit.
If a user is missing microcode, that is a reason to flash the
BIOS. Since there are utilities to detect the condition, it is
possible to determine whether the flash is necessary, without
just doing it for everyone.
If a user has unknown, debilitating symptoms, that make the
computer useless, then obviously we will answer "Yes!". In
some cases, we can even find in Google, that a certain BIOS
fixes such a problem. But, if a board is functioning badly
in the first place, that increases the risk that the flash
won't work, so again there are limits. For example, if a computer
crashes every 30 seconds, advising to flash the BIOS would be
foolish. It is a lot like surgery - the patient has to be
stable before you can operate.
Ron, we also consider the mentality and attitude of the
poster. There are some people who have visited these
forums before, and based on their history, it is obvious
they are "computer phobic". They have an allergic reaction
when they get near a computer, have low tolerance to frustration,
and will always reach for the wrong control at the wrong time.
They will do something stupid, rather than post a question and
wait for an answer. "I pulled out the plug, because it didn't
look like it was flashing." For those people, the bar gets raised
a lot higher, and it would take extraordinary circumstances before
we would recommend that a person like that flashes the BIOS. So,
sometimes, it will appear like our response is irrational, when
in fact there is a history to consider.
So, you can be a "flash advocate" if you like, but we'll still
weigh the pros and cons based on the evidence given by the