the softpedia one seems fairly dodgy... it stopped, opened up the zip file (waiting for me to click on it) and claimed it was finished downloading. Softpedia now says Bioshock cannot be found.
Mine is still slow as f***, managed 80kb/s for a bit then back to 50....The torrents are even slower. This from a 5.5 meg connection....
I may as well wait until the official release, at least there will be more places to get it from as this aint gonna be done by midnight when the official release is out. Can just set that going overnight and while i is at work. - Best speeds yet. Getting 350+kb/s. Not maxed my connection but better than the 50-80kb/s before! EDIT: Now maxing out and almost done! YAY!
I've not tried it in yet, mainly as I think I'm going to take the plunge and upgrade sometime in the next few weeks. I've got a P4 3.4Ghz at the moment, which is really lagging behind some of the new C2D's, so I could do with a re-fit