axcrypt is this joke?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Paul Johnson
  • Start date Start date

Paul Johnson

Someone recommended downloading AXCRYPT in response to my asking for a
program to lock or hide folders. So I did and installed it and it ran as
intended I suppose - it put the AXX at the end of all the files within the
folder. Fine up to here. But I can still view the contents of the folder
which I had hoped would be locked. So it is NOT doing what I requested.
In future please, whoever you are that suggested it to me, before making
such suggestions - check that it will do what I want. How the hell is my
sensitive files hidden from others using this program?
Maybe I am missing a trick here but if so it is not made plain. I used the
context menu as I should have done and clicked on Encrypt.
Now I have the bother of uninstalling the program - thanks a bunch
Paul said:
Someone recommended downloading AXCRYPT in response to my asking for a
program to lock or hide folders. So I did and installed it and it ran as
intended I suppose - it put the AXX at the end of all the files within the
folder. Fine up to here. But I can still view the contents of the folder
which I had hoped would be locked. So it is NOT doing what I requested.
In future please, whoever you are that suggested it to me, before making
such suggestions - check that it will do what I want. How the hell is my
sensitive files hidden from others using this program?
Maybe I am missing a trick here but if so it is not made plain. I used the
context menu as I should have done and clicked on Encrypt.
Now I have the bother of uninstalling the program - thanks a bunch

Before uninstalling, try this: right click on encrypted file, select
"clear passphrase from memory." Now try viewing the encrypted folder.
Randy Bard said:
Before uninstalling, try this: right click on encrypted file, select
"clear passphrase from memory." Now try viewing the encrypted folder.

YEP still can open the encrypted file. All I have to do is click on the file
like normal ( even tho it is encrypted) and the picture shows in Irfanview.
So what am I missing here????
damn nuisance
I will start at the top here again. Is there a program that will lock a
folder containing files of a sensitive nature from other users? And I do NOT
mean a virtual drive program where you put such files. Such (freeware)
virtual drives do not hold a heck of a lot. I also do NOT want AXCRYPT which
seems not to work the way I want. I would have thought it would have been
the simplest of programs to make whereby you can just apply a password on a
selected folder or file. I cannot make such a program myself but surely
there is one. (probably have to pay for it though)
I will start at the top here again. Is there a program that will lock a
folder containing files of a sensitive nature from other users? And I do NOT
mean a virtual drive program where you put such files. Such (freeware)
virtual drives do not hold a heck of a lot.
NOT true. Truecrypt (WinXP, 2000, NT) will make
containers 2GB and larger. Scramdisk (Win95, 98,ME) will make containers as large as 2 GB.
I also do NOT want AXCRYPT which
seems not to work the way I want. I would have thought it would have been
the simplest of programs to make whereby you can just apply a password on a
selected folder or file. I cannot make such a program myself but surely
there is one. (probably have to pay for it though)

Lock Folder v5.0 should do what you want
The original Lock Folder has changed it's name to Folder Access and can
only lock 4 folders.


Someone recommended downloading AXCRYPT in response to my asking for a
program to lock or hide folders. So I did and installed it and it ran as
intended I suppose - it put the AXX at the end of all the files within the
folder. Fine up to here. But I can still view the contents of the folder
which I had hoped would be locked. So it is NOT doing what I requested.
In future please, whoever you are that suggested it to me, before making
such suggestions - check that it will do what I want. How the hell is my
sensitive files hidden from others using this program?
Maybe I am missing a trick here but if so it is not made plain. I used the
context menu as I should have done and clicked on Encrypt.
Now I have the bother of uninstalling the program - thanks a bunch

given your rather snooty response to someone who was presumably just
trying to help, I am reluctant to help - however, against my better
judgement, try a google search for "Blowfish Advanced CS"

If you do not like it, please feel free to criticise me as you have
done to this other person - but I would ask you one thing - where
would this group be without people who :

a) try to help, and
b) try programmes out, even it means uninstalling them if they do not
work for you.

There are no doubt many other programmes which would do as you wish -
I wonder how many other people are avoiding helping you because of
your stinking attitude....
Subject: Re: axcrypt is this joke?
From: "Paul Johnson" <[email protected]>
Newsgroups: alt.comp.freeware

I will start at the top here again. Is there a program that will lock
a folder containing files of a sensitive nature from other users? And
I do NOT mean a virtual drive program where you put such files. Such
(freeware) virtual drives do not hold a heck of a lot. I also do NOT
want AXCRYPT which seems not to work the way I want. I would have
thought it would have been the simplest of programs to make whereby
you can just apply a password on a selected folder or file. I cannot
make such a program myself but surely there is one. (probably have to
pay for it though) Paul

I've used File2File quite awhile now and it works ok for me. It will do
what your asking. You can still see the files, but with an added ext. If
you try to open it, you'll be prompted for the password. It is a shell
addon, i.e. you just right click a folder or file and select

It is freeware for personal use. From the readme that is inside the .zip
File2File Desktop is free private use or 30-days evaluation for business
purposes. For any other purpose a license must be obtained from
Cryptomathic or a Cryptomathic Partner.
Please refer to the enclosed License agreement.<q>
I will start at the top here again. Is there a program that will lock a
folder containing files of a sensitive nature from other users? And I do
NOT mean a virtual drive program where you put such files. Such
(freeware) virtual drives do not hold a heck of a lot. I also do NOT
want AXCRYPT which seems not to work the way I want. I would have
thought it would have been the simplest of programs to make whereby you
can just apply a password on a selected folder or file. I cannot make
such a program myself but surely there is one. (probably have to pay for
it though) Paul

Paul Johnson said:
Someone recommended downloading AXCRYPT in response to my asking for a
program to lock or hide folders. So I did and installed it and it ran as
intended I suppose - it put the AXX at the end of all the files within the
folder. Fine up to here. But I can still view the contents of the folder
which I had hoped would be locked. So it is NOT doing what I requested.
In future please, whoever you are that suggested it to me, before making
such suggestions - check that it will do what I want. How the hell is my
sensitive files hidden from others using this program?
Maybe I am missing a trick here but if so it is not made plain. I used the
context menu as I should have done and clicked on Encrypt.
Now I have the bother of uninstalling the program - thanks a bunch

Hard to imagine a more intemperate and boorish response to someone who went
to the trouble to try and help you! The working of Axcrypt is fully
documented on the site and explains completely how the encryption procedure
works including:
"...but the file name reveals information too! In many cases, just the file
name is enough to violate privacy. You can then use the AxCrypt -> Rename
option from the right-click menu. The file will be given a completely
anonymous name, but the original name is restored when you decrypt or open
the file."
If you had bothered to read the given background information before
downloading then you would have been able to judge for yourself whether or
not the programme met your needs. If the worst thing in life that happens to
you is that you have to uninstall an unwanted programme then you do indeed
lead a fortunate existence. I also think your attitude stinks and can only
conclude that for some reason known only to yourself you are being
deliberately provocative.
burnr said:
I've used File2File quite awhile now and it works ok for me. It will do
what your asking. You can still see the files, but with an added ext

So. Not much good for hiding porn from the wife, then... :-)
Whoa, easy big fella! Before you excoriate us measly peasants, why not
protect the file or folder from prying eyes by using a Zip program with a
password feature? There are many freeware ones.
Someone recommended downloading AXCRYPT in response to my asking for a
program to lock or hide folders. So I did and installed it and it ran as
intended I suppose - it put the AXX at the end of all the files within the
folder. Fine up to here. But I can still view the contents of the folder
which I had hoped would be locked. So it is NOT doing what I requested.
In future please, whoever you are that suggested it to me, before making
such suggestions - check that it will do what I want. How the hell is my
sensitive files hidden from others using this program?
Maybe I am missing a trick here but if so it is not made plain. I used the
context menu as I should have done and clicked on Encrypt.
Now I have the bother of uninstalling the program - thanks a bunch

Just quit downloading questionable porn.
Box134 said:
Whoa, easy big fella! Before you excoriate us measly peasants, why not
protect the file or folder from prying eyes by using a Zip program with a
password feature? There are many freeware ones.

Select porn folder, zip it with pw protection, securely delete

When you next want to access the folder, you unzip, securely delete
the zip file...

And so it goes on; long winded and tiresome...
Duddits said:

Thx for this. A useful looking app. Personally I prefer to hide
folders rather than simply p/w protect them. A p/w protected folder
can pose questions; a decently hidden one cannot.
You try to open as folder protected with 'Paranoid', you get a msg
saying the folder does not exist, with Lock Folder, you get a p/w

I wonder why was in my hosts file? Ho hum.
OK time to wrap this thread up and I thank you all for your help and
suggestions and I apologize if I seemed boorish over this question. You have
given me food for thought and a few leads which I am exploring.. And you all
might be interested to know the porn you may think I am hiding is details of
my accounts, pensions and other personal matters. All of which I would like
to hide from other users or even intruders - perish the thought. I would
just like to say in response to the idea of zipping the files and unzipping
them that it seems a bit long winded. In fact I may not use any of the
suggestions made to me at all. Lastly, sorry for the top posting but I am
sure most of you did not want to review all the past postings just for me to
say thank you.
And you all
might be interested to know the porn you may think I am hiding is details of
my accounts, pensions and other personal matters. All of which I would like
to hide from other users or even intruders

Darn man, goat porn was so much more interesting, hope you got it all taken
care of :)
Dekart Private Disk Light

Private Disk Light allows you to create
a secure space for all your work,
exchange encrypted data with others,
and feel sure that your information is
safe from external and internal manipulation.

Size : 276 Kb
Platforms : Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP


Conny (CoMa) Magnusson
(e-mail address removed)
ICQ : 1351964
Second star to the right,
and straight on 'til morning.